A LightDM Mock that is tightly based on the source [C code](https://github.com/Antergos/web-greeter/blob/before-python/src/webkit2-extension.c) of [Antergos](https://github.com/Antergos)' [lightdm-webkit2-greeter](https://github.com/Antergos/lightdm-webkit2-greeter). <fontstyle="color:red">Please note that the deprecation errors are intrusive for a reason.</font>
If you plan on using the `.face` files in the mock you have to include the path to `LightDMMock/src`. The `.face` files linked in `users.json` are absolute links to `/home/[username]/.face`.
> Whether or not the arrays for users, languages, layouts, and sessions need to be filled with mock data. I advise to test both to make your theme less prone to crashing.
The following functions **must** be provided by the custom greeter, which LightDM will call in the process of authenticating the user. This can be found in the original documentation (man pages) of the webkit-greeter, but I have posted them here for your convenience.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. You can find a copy of the license [here](https://git.sfs.ddnss.org/EliasSchriefer/LightDMMock/license.md).
You are more than welcome to submit issues as well as feature requests or just a 'how-ya-doin' in the [issue tracker](https://git.sfs.ddnss.org/EliasSchriefer/LightDMMock/issues/new). Contributing to the project can be done by forking it and submitting a pull request once it's all tested and tidy.