{ "pluginAlias": "KoboldVacuumRobot", "pluginType": "platform", "singular": true, "headerDisplay": "homebridge-kobold plugin details [on github](https://github.com/himbeles/homebridge-kobold#readme)", "schema": { "type": "object", "properties": { "token": { "title": "Vorwerk Kobold Token", "type": "string", "required": true, "description": "How to get your Vorwerk Kobold Token (https://git.io/J3g1b)" }, "language": { "title": "Services Language", "description": "The displayed language of the registered services (and associated Siri commands)", "type": "string", "default": "en", "oneOf": [ { "title": "English", "enum": ["en"] }, { "title": "German", "enum": ["de"] }, { "title": "French", "enum": ["fr"] } ], "required": true }, "prefix": { "title": "Prefix robot name", "description": "Display the name of the robot in front of every service.", "type": "boolean", "default": false }, "backgroundUpdate": { "title": "Background update", "description": "Interval for background updates while the robot is not cleaning (in minutes). During cleaning, the robot will automatically update at a faster rate.", "type": "integer", "minimum": 1, "default": 30 }, "services": { "type": "array", "title": "Services", "description": "The services to be made available for Homekit", "items": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "Clean house", "Clean spot", "Go to dock", "Find me", "Schedule", "Eco", "Nogo lines", "Extra care", "Docked sensor", "Bin full sensor" ] }, "default": [ "Clean house", "Clean spot", "Go to dock", "Find me", "Schedule", "Eco", "Nogo lines", "Extra care", "Docked sensor", "Bin full sensor" ] } } } }