const debug = require('debug')('homebridge-neato'); const colors = require('colors'); const CustomUUID = { SpotCleanWidth: 'A7889A9A-2F27-4293-BEF8-3FE805B36F4E', SpotCleanHeight: 'CA282DB2-62BF-4325-A1BE-F8BB5478781A', SpotCleanRepeat: '1E79C603-63B8-4E6A-9CE1-D31D67981831' }; let Service, Characteristic, SpotWidthCharacteristic, SpotHeightCharacteristic, SpotRepeatCharacteristic; module.exports = function (_Service, _Characteristic) { Service = _Service; Characteristic = _Characteristic; SpotWidthCharacteristic = require('../characteristics/spotWidth')(Characteristic, CustomUUID); SpotHeightCharacteristic = require('../characteristics/spotHeight')(Characteristic, CustomUUID); SpotRepeatCharacteristic = require('../characteristics/spotRepeat')(Characteristic, CustomUUID); return NeatoVacuumRobotAccessory; }; function NeatoVacuumRobotAccessory(platform, robotObject) { this.platform = platform; this.log = platform.log; this.refresh = platform.refresh; this.hiddenServices = platform.hiddenServices; this.nextRoom = platform.nextRoom; this.robotObject = robotObject; this.robot = robotObject.device; this.meta = robotObject.meta; this.spotPlusFeatures = ((typeof robotObject.availableServices.spotCleaning !== 'undefined') && robotObject.availableServices.spotCleaning.includes("basic")); this.boundary = (typeof robotObject.boundary === 'undefined') ? null : robotObject.boundary; if (this.boundary == null) { =; } else { // if boundary name already exists if (platform.boundaryNames.includes( { let lastChar =; // boundary name already contains a count number if (!isNaN(lastChar)) { // Increment existing count number =, -1) + (parseInt(lastChar) + 1); } else { // Add a new count number = + " 2"; } } platform.boundaryNames.push(; = + ' - ' +; } this.batteryService = new Service.BatteryService("Battery", "battery"); if (this.boundary == null) { this.cleanService = new Service.Switch( + " Clean", "clean"); this.goToDockService = new Service.Switch( + " Go to Dock", "goToDock"); this.dockStateService = new Service.OccupancySensor( + " Dock", "dockState"); this.ecoService = new Service.Switch( + " Eco Mode", "eco"); this.noGoLinesService = new Service.Switch( + " NoGo Lines", "noGoLines"); this.extraCareService = new Service.Switch( + " Extra Care", "extraCare"); this.scheduleService = new Service.Switch( + " Schedule", "schedule"); this.findMeService = new Service.Switch( + " Find Me", "findMe"); this.spotCleanService = new Service.Switch( + " Clean Spot", "cleanSpot"); this.spotCleanService.addCharacteristic(SpotRepeatCharacteristic); if (this.spotPlusFeatures) { this.spotCleanService.addCharacteristic(SpotWidthCharacteristic); this.spotCleanService.addCharacteristic(SpotHeightCharacteristic); } } else { const splitName =' '); let serviceName = "Clean the " +; if (splitName.length >= 2 && splitName[splitName.length - 2].match(/[']s$/g)) { serviceName = "Clean " +; } this.cleanService = new Service.Switch(serviceName, "cleanBoundary:" +; } this.log("Added cleaning device named: " +; } NeatoVacuumRobotAccessory.prototype = { identify: function (callback) { this.robot.getState((error, result) => { if (error) { this.log.error("Error getting robot information: " + error + ": " + result); } else { this.log("### Robot information ###"); this.log(result); } callback(); }); }, getServices: function () { this.informationService = new Service.AccessoryInformation(); this.informationService .setCharacteristic(Characteristic.Manufacturer, "Neato Robotics") .setCharacteristic(Characteristic.Model, this.meta.modelName) .setCharacteristic(Characteristic.SerialNumber, this.robot._serial) .setCharacteristic(Characteristic.FirmwareRevision, this.meta.firmware) .setCharacteristic(Characteristic.Name, + (this.boundary == null ? '' : ' - ' +; this.cleanService.getCharacteristic(Characteristic.On).on('set', this.setClean.bind(this)); this.cleanService.getCharacteristic(Characteristic.On).on('get', this.getClean.bind(this)); = [this.informationService, this.cleanService]; if (this.boundary == null) { this.batteryService.getCharacteristic(Characteristic.BatteryLevel).on('get', this.getBatteryLevel.bind(this)); this.batteryService.getCharacteristic(Characteristic.ChargingState).on('get', this.getBatteryChargingState.bind(this));; this.goToDockService.getCharacteristic(Characteristic.On).on('set', this.setGoToDock.bind(this)); this.goToDockService.getCharacteristic(Characteristic.On).on('get', this.getGoToDock.bind(this)); this.dockStateService.getCharacteristic(Characteristic.OccupancyDetected).on('get', this.getDock.bind(this)); this.ecoService.getCharacteristic(Characteristic.On).on('set', this.setEco.bind(this)); this.ecoService.getCharacteristic(Characteristic.On).on('get', this.getEco.bind(this)); this.noGoLinesService.getCharacteristic(Characteristic.On).on('set', this.setNoGoLines.bind(this)); this.noGoLinesService.getCharacteristic(Characteristic.On).on('get', this.getNoGoLines.bind(this)); this.extraCareService.getCharacteristic(Characteristic.On).on('set', this.setExtraCare.bind(this)); this.extraCareService.getCharacteristic(Characteristic.On).on('get', this.getExtraCare.bind(this)); this.scheduleService.getCharacteristic(Characteristic.On).on('set', this.setSchedule.bind(this)); this.scheduleService.getCharacteristic(Characteristic.On).on('get', this.getSchedule.bind(this)); this.findMeService.getCharacteristic(Characteristic.On).on('set', this.setFindMe.bind(this)); this.findMeService.getCharacteristic(Characteristic.On).on('get', this.getFindMe.bind(this)); this.spotCleanService.getCharacteristic(Characteristic.On).on('set', this.setSpotClean.bind(this)); this.spotCleanService.getCharacteristic(Characteristic.On).on('get', this.getSpotClean.bind(this)); this.spotCleanService.getCharacteristic(SpotRepeatCharacteristic).on('set', this.setSpotRepeat.bind(this)); this.spotCleanService.getCharacteristic(SpotRepeatCharacteristic).on('get', this.getSpotRepeat.bind(this)); if (this.spotPlusFeatures) { this.spotCleanService.getCharacteristic(SpotWidthCharacteristic).on('set', this.setSpotWidth.bind(this)); this.spotCleanService.getCharacteristic(SpotWidthCharacteristic).on('get', this.getSpotWidth.bind(this)); this.spotCleanService.getCharacteristic(SpotHeightCharacteristic).on('set', this.setSpotHeight.bind(this)); this.spotCleanService.getCharacteristic(SpotHeightCharacteristic).on('get', this.getSpotHeight.bind(this)); } if (this.hiddenServices.indexOf('spot') === -1) {; } // Add optional services if (this.hiddenServices.indexOf('dock') === -1); if (this.hiddenServices.indexOf('dockstate') === -1); if (this.hiddenServices.indexOf('eco') === -1); if (this.hiddenServices.indexOf('nogolines') === -1); if (this.hiddenServices.indexOf('extracare') === -1); if (this.hiddenServices.indexOf('schedule') === -1); if (this.hiddenServices.indexOf('find') === -1); } return; }, getClean: function (callback) { this.platform.updateRobot(this.robot._serial, (error, result) => { let cleaning; if (this.boundary == null) { cleaning = this.robot.canPause; } else { cleaning = this.robot.canPause && (this.robot.cleaningBoundaryId === } debug( + ": Cleaning is " + (cleaning ? 'ON'.brightGreen : 'OFF'.red)); callback(false, cleaning); }); }, setClean: function (on, callback) { debug( + ": " + (on ? "Enabled ".brightGreen : "Disabled".red) + " Clean " + (this.boundary ? JSON.stringify(this.boundary) : '')); this.platform.updateRobot(this.robot._serial, (error, result) => { // Start if (on) { // No room given or same room if (this.boundary == null || this.robot.cleaningBoundaryId === { // Resume cleaning if (this.robot.canResume) { debug( + ": ## Resume cleaning"); this.robot.resumeCleaning((error) => { callback(error); }); } // Start cleaning else if (this.robot.canStart) { debug( + ": ## Start cleaning"); this.clean(callback); } // Cannot start else { debug( + ": Cannot start, maybe already cleaning (expected)"); callback(); } } // Different room given else { // Return to dock if (this.robot.canPause || this.robot.canResume) { debug( + ": ## Returning to dock to start cleaning of new room"); this.setGoToDock(true, (error, result) => { this.nextRoom =; callback(); }); } // Start new cleaning of new room else { debug( + ": ## Start cleaning of new room"); this.clean(callback); } } } // Stop else { if (this.robot.canPause) { debug( + ": ## Pause cleaning"); this.robot.pauseCleaning((error) => { callback(error); }); } else { debug( + ": Already paused"); callback(); } } }); }, clean: function (callback, spot) { // Start automatic update while cleaning if (this.refresh === 'auto') { setTimeout(() => { this.platform.updateRobotTimer(this.robot._serial); }, 60 * 1000); } let eco = this.robotObject.mainAccessory.ecoService.getCharacteristic(Characteristic.On).value; let extraCare = this.robotObject.mainAccessory.extraCareService.getCharacteristic(Characteristic.On).value; let nogoLines = this.robotObject.mainAccessory.noGoLinesService.getCharacteristic(Characteristic.On).value; let room = (this.boundary == null) ? '' :; debug( + ": ## Start cleaning (" + (room !== '' ? room + " " : '') + "eco: " + eco + ", extraCare: " + extraCare + ", nogoLines: " + nogoLines + ", spot: " + JSON.stringify(spot) + ")"); // Normal cleaning if (this.boundary == null && (typeof spot === 'undefined')) { this.robot.startCleaning(eco, extraCare ? 2 : 1, nogoLines, (error, result) => { if (error) { this.log.error("Cannot start cleaning. " + error + ": " + JSON.stringify(result)); } callback(error); }); } // Room cleaning else if (room !== '') { this.robot.startCleaningBoundary(eco, extraCare,, (error, result) => { if (error) { this.log.error("Cannot start room cleaning. " + error + ": " + JSON.stringify(result)); } callback(error); }); } // Spot cleaning else { this.robot.startSpotCleaning(eco, spot.width, spot.height, spot.repeat, extraCare ? 2 : 1, (error, result) => { if (error) { this.log.error("Cannot start spot cleaning. " + error + ": " + JSON.stringify(result)); } callback(error); }); } }, getGoToDock: function (callback) { callback(false, false); }, setGoToDock: function (on, callback) { this.platform.updateRobot(this.robot._serial, (error, result) => { if (on) { if (this.robot.canPause) { debug( + ": ## Pause cleaning to go to dock"); this.robot.pauseCleaning((error, result) => { setTimeout(() => { debug( + ": ## Go to dock"); this.robot.sendToBase(() => { callback(); }); }, 1000); }); } else if (this.robot.canGoToBase) { debug( + ": ## Go to dock"); this.robot.sendToBase(() => { callback(); }); } else { this.log.warn( + ": Can't go to dock at the moment"); callback(); } } else { callback(); } }); }, getEco: function (callback) { this.platform.updateRobot(this.robot._serial, () => { debug( + ": Eco Mode is " + ( ? 'ON'.brightGreen : 'OFF'.red)); callback(false,; }); }, setEco: function (on, callback) { = on; debug( + ": " + (on ? "Enabled ".red : "Disabled".red) + " Eco Mode "); callback(); }, getNoGoLines: function (callback) { this.platform.updateRobot(this.robot._serial, () => { debug( + ": NoGoLine is " + ( ? 'ON'.brightGreen : 'OFF'.red)); callback(false, this.robot.noGoLines ? 1 : 0); }); }, setNoGoLines: function (on, callback) { this.robot.noGoLines = on; debug( + ": " + (on ? "Enabled ".brightGreen : "Disabled".red) + " NoGoLine "); callback(); }, getExtraCare: function (callback) { this.platform.updateRobot(this.robot._serial, () => { debug( + ": Care Nav is " + (this.robot.navigationMode === 2 ? 'ON'.brightGreen : 'OFF'.red)); callback(false, this.robot.navigationMode === 2 ? 1 : 0); }); }, setExtraCare: function (on, callback) { this.robot.navigationMode = on ? 2 : 1; debug( + ": " + (on ? "Enabled ".brightGreen : "Disabled".red) + " Care Nav "); callback(); }, getSchedule: function (callback) { this.platform.updateRobot(this.robot._serial, () => { debug( + ": Schedule is " + ( ? 'ON'.brightGreen : 'OFF'.red)); callback(false, this.robot.isScheduleEnabled); }); }, setSchedule: function (on, callback) { this.platform.updateRobot(this.robot._serial, (error, result) => { if (on) { debug( + ": " + "Enabled".brightGreen + " Schedule"); this.robot.enableSchedule((error) => { callback(error); }); } else { debug( + ": " + "Disabled".red + " Schedule"); this.robot.disableSchedule((error) => { callback(error); }); } }); }, getFindMe: function (callback) { callback(false, false); }, setFindMe: function (on, callback) { if (on) { debug( + ": ## Find me"); setTimeout(() => { this.findMeService.setCharacteristic(Characteristic.On, false); }, 1000); this.robot.findMe((error) => { callback(error); }); } }, getSpotClean: function (callback) { callback(false, this.spotCleanService.getCharacteristic(Characteristic.On).value); }, setSpotClean: function (on, callback) { let spot = { width: this.spotPlusFeatures ? this.spotCleanService.getCharacteristic(SpotWidthCharacteristic).value : null, height: this.spotPlusFeatures ? this.spotCleanService.getCharacteristic(SpotHeightCharacteristic).value : null, repeat: this.spotCleanService.getCharacteristic(SpotRepeatCharacteristic).value }; this.platform.updateRobot(this.robot._serial, (error, result) => { // Start if (on) { // Resume cleaning if (this.robot.canResume) { debug( + ": ## Resume (spot) cleaning"); this.robot.resumeCleaning(callback); } // Start cleaning else if (this.robot.canStart) { this.clean(callback, spot); } // Cannot start else { debug( + ": Cannot start spot cleaning, maybe already cleaning"); callback(); } } // Stop else { if (this.robot.canPause) { debug( + ": ## Pause cleaning"); this.robot.pauseCleaning((error) => { callback(error); }); } else { debug( + ": Already paused"); callback(); } } }); }, getSpotWidth: function (callback) { this.platform.updateRobot(this.robot._serial, () => { debug( + ": Spot width is " + this.robot.spotWidth + "cm"); callback(false, this.robot.spotWidth); }); }, setSpotWidth: function (width, callback) { this.robot.spotWidth = width; debug( + ": Set spot width to " + width + "cm"); callback(); }, getSpotHeight: function (callback) { this.platform.updateRobot(this.robot._serial, () => { debug( + ": Spot height is " + this.robot.spotHeight + "cm"); callback(false, this.robot.spotHeight); }); }, setSpotHeight: function (height, callback) { this.robot.spotHeight = height; debug( + ": Set spot height to " + height + "cm"); callback(); }, getSpotRepeat: function (callback) { this.platform.updateRobot(this.robot._serial, () => { debug( + ": Spot repeat is " + (this.robot.spotRepeat ? 'ON'.brightGreen : 'OFF'.red)); callback(false, this.robot.spotRepeat); }); }, setSpotRepeat: function (on, callback) { this.robot.spotRepeat = on; debug( + ": " + (on ? "Enabled ".brightGreen : "Disabled".red) + " Spot repeat"); callback(); }, getDock: function (callback) { this.platform.updateRobot(this.robot._serial, () => { debug( + ": The Dock is " + (this.robot.isDocked ? "OCCUPIED".brightGreen : "NOT OCCUPIED".red)); callback(false, this.robot.isDocked ? 1 : 0); }); }, getBatteryLevel: function (callback) { this.platform.updateRobot(this.robot._serial, () => { debug( + ": Battery is " + this.robot.charge + "%"); callback(false, this.robot.charge); }); }, getBatteryChargingState: function (callback) { this.platform.updateRobot(this.robot._serial, () => { debug( + ": Battery is " + (this.robot.isCharging ? "CHARGING".brightGreen : "NOT CHARGING".red)); callback(false, this.robot.isCharging); }); }, updated: function () { if (this.boundary == null) { // only update these values if the state is different from the current one, otherwise we might accidentally start an action if (this.cleanService.getCharacteristic(Characteristic.On).value !== this.robot.canPause) { this.cleanService.setCharacteristic(Characteristic.On, this.robot.canPause); } // dock switch is on (dock not seen before) and dock has just been seen -> turn switch off if (this.goToDockService.getCharacteristic(Characteristic.On).value == true && this.robot.dockHasBeenSeen) { this.goToDockService.setCharacteristic(Characteristic.On, false); } if (this.scheduleService.getCharacteristic(Characteristic.On).value !== this.robot.isScheduleEnabled) { this.scheduleService.setCharacteristic(Characteristic.On, this.robot.isScheduleEnabled); } // no commands here, values can be updated without problems this.dockStateService.setCharacteristic(Characteristic.OccupancyDetected, this.robot.isDocked ? 1 : 0); this.ecoService.setCharacteristic(Characteristic.On,; this.noGoLinesService.setCharacteristic(Characteristic.On, this.robot.noGoLines); this.extraCareService.setCharacteristic(Characteristic.On, this.robot.navigationMode == 2 ? true : false); this.spotCleanService.setCharacteristic(SpotRepeatCharacteristic, this.robot.spotRepeat); if (this.spotPlusFeatures) { let widthProps = this.spotCleanService.getCharacteristic(SpotWidthCharacteristic).props; let heightProps = this.spotCleanService.getCharacteristic(SpotHeightCharacteristic).props; this.spotCleanService.setCharacteristic(SpotWidthCharacteristic, this.robot.spotWidth >= widthProps.minValue && this.robot.spotWidth <= widthProps.maxValue ? this.robot.spotWidth : widthProps.minValue); this.spotCleanService.setCharacteristic(SpotHeightCharacteristic, this.robot.spotHeight >= heightProps.minValue && this.robot.spotHeight <= heightProps.maxValue ? this.robot.spotHeight : heightProps.minValue); } } this.batteryService.setCharacteristic(Characteristic.BatteryLevel, this.robot.charge); this.batteryService.setCharacteristic(Characteristic.ChargingState, this.robot.isCharging); // Robot has a next room to clean in queue if (this.nextRoom != null && this.robot.isDocked) { this.clean((error, result) => { this.nextRoom = null; debug("## Starting cleaning of next room"); }); } } };