"use strict"; var inherits = require('util').inherits, debug = require('debug')('homebridge-neato'), botvac = require('node-botvac'), Service, Characteristic module.exports = function (homebridge) { Service = homebridge.hap.Service; Characteristic = homebridge.hap.Characteristic; homebridge.registerPlatform("homebridge-neato", "NeatoVacuumRobot", NeatoVacuumRobotPlatform); } function NeatoVacuumRobotPlatform(log, config) { this.log = log; this.serial = "1-3-3-7"; this.email = config['email']; this.password = config['password']; this.hiddenServices = ('disabled' in config ? config['disabled'] : ''); if ('refresh' in config && config['refresh'] !== 'auto') { // parse config parameter this.refresh = parseInt(config['refresh']); // must be integer and positive this.refresh = (typeof this.refresh !== 'number' || (this.refresh % 1) !== 0 || this.refresh < 0) ? 60 : this.refresh; // minimum 60s to save some load on the neato servers this.refresh = (this.refresh > 0 && this.refresh < 60) ? 60 : this.refresh; } // default auto else { this.refresh = 'auto'; } debug("Refresh is set to: " + this.refresh); } NeatoVacuumRobotPlatform.prototype = { accessories: function (callback) { this.accessories = []; let that = this; this.robots = this.getRobots(function () { for (var i = 0; i < that.robots.length; i++) { that.log("Found robot #" + (i + 1) + " named \"" + that.robots[i].name + "\" with serial \"" + that.robots[i]._serial + "\""); var robotAccessory = new NeatoVacuumRobotAccessory(that.robots[i], that); that.accessories.push(robotAccessory); } callback(that.accessories); }); }, getRobots: function (callback) { debug("Loading your robots"); let client = new botvac.Client(); let that = this; client.authorize(this.email, this.password, false, function (error) { if (error) { that.log(error); that.log.error("Can't log on to neato cloud. Please check your credentials."); callback(); } else { client.getRobots(function (error, robots) { if (error) { that.log(error); that.log.error("Successful login but can't connect to your neato robot."); callback(); } else { if (robots.length === 0) { that.log.error("Successful login but no robots associated with your account."); that.robots = []; callback(); } else { debug("Found " + robots.length + " robots"); that.robots = robots; callback(); } } }); } }); } } function NeatoVacuumRobotAccessory(robot, platform) { this.platform = platform; this.log = platform.log; this.refresh = platform.refresh; this.hiddenServices = platform.hiddenServices; this.robot = robot; this.name = robot.name; this.lastUpdate = null; this.vacuumRobotCleanService = new Service.Switch(this.name + " Clean", "clean"); this.vacuumRobotGoToDockService = new Service.Switch(this.name + " Go to Dock", "goToDock"); this.vacuumRobotDockStateService = new Service.OccupancySensor(this.name + " Dock", "dockState"); this.vacuumRobotEcoService = new Service.Switch(this.name + " Eco Mode", "eco"); this.vacuumRobotNoGoLinesService = new Service.Switch(this.name + " NoGo Lines", "noGoLines"); this.vacuumRobotExtraCareService = new Service.Switch(this.name + " Extra Care", "extraCare"); this.vacuumRobotScheduleService = new Service.Switch(this.name + " Schedule", "schedule"); this.vacuumRobotBatteryService = new Service.BatteryService("Battery", "battery"); this.updateRobotTimer(); } NeatoVacuumRobotAccessory.prototype = { identify: function (callback) { let that = this; this.updateRobot(function () { // hide serial and secret in log let _serial = that.robot._serial; let _secret = that.robot._secret; that.robot._serial = "*****"; that.robot._secret = "*****"; that.log(that.robot); that.robot._serial = _serial; that.robot._secret = _secret; this.updatePersistentMaps(() => { this.vacuumRobotCleanZoneServices = {}; this.maps.forEach((map) => { map.boundaries.forEach((boundary) => { if (boundary.type === "polygone") { this.vacuumRobotCleanZoneServices[boundary.id] = new Service.Switch(this.name + " Clean the " + boundary.name, "clean"); this.vacuumRobotCleanZoneServices[boundary.id].getCharacteristic (Characteristic.On).on('set', (on, serviceCallback) => { if(on){ if(that.robot.canStart) { this.robot.startCleaningBoundary(this.eco, this.extraCare, boundary.id, (error, result) => { if (error){ debug(error+": "+JSON.stringify(result)); return; } serviceCallback(); }) } else { debug("Error, robot is already cleaning"); serviceCallback(); } } }) } }) }) callback(); }); }); }, getServices: function () { this.informationService = new Service.AccessoryInformation(); this.informationService .setCharacteristic(Characteristic.Name, this.robot.name) .setCharacteristic(Characteristic.Manufacturer, "Neato Robotics") .setCharacteristic(Characteristic.Model, "Coming soon") .setCharacteristic(Characteristic.SerialNumber, this.robot._serial); this.vacuumRobotCleanService.getCharacteristic(Characteristic.On).on('set', this.setClean.bind(this)); this.vacuumRobotCleanService.getCharacteristic(Characteristic.On).on('get', this.getClean.bind(this)); this.vacuumRobotGoToDockService.getCharacteristic(Characteristic.On).on('set', this.setGoToDock.bind(this)); this.vacuumRobotGoToDockService.getCharacteristic(Characteristic.On).on('get', this.getGoToDock.bind(this)); this.vacuumRobotDockStateService.getCharacteristic(Characteristic.OccupancyDetected).on('get', this.getDock.bind(this)); this.vacuumRobotEcoService.getCharacteristic(Characteristic.On).on('set', this.setEco.bind(this)); this.vacuumRobotEcoService.getCharacteristic(Characteristic.On).on('get', this.getEco.bind(this)); this.vacuumRobotNoGoLinesService.getCharacteristic(Characteristic.On).on('set', this.setNoGoLines.bind(this)); this.vacuumRobotNoGoLinesService.getCharacteristic(Characteristic.On).on('get', this.getNoGoLines.bind(this)); this.vacuumRobotExtraCareService.getCharacteristic(Characteristic.On).on('set', this.setExtraCare.bind(this)); this.vacuumRobotExtraCareService.getCharacteristic(Characteristic.On).on('get', this.getExtraCare.bind(this)); this.vacuumRobotScheduleService.getCharacteristic(Characteristic.On).on('set', this.setSchedule.bind(this)); this.vacuumRobotScheduleService.getCharacteristic(Characteristic.On).on('get', this.getSchedule.bind(this)); this.vacuumRobotBatteryService.getCharacteristic(Characteristic.BatteryLevel).on('get', this.getBatteryLevel.bind(this)); this.vacuumRobotBatteryService.getCharacteristic(Characteristic.ChargingState).on('get', this.getBatteryChargingState.bind(this)); this.services = [this.informationService, this.vacuumRobotCleanService, this.vacuumRobotBatteryService]; if (this.hiddenServices.indexOf('dock') === -1) this.services.push(this.vacuumRobotGoToDockService); if (this.hiddenServices.indexOf('dockstate') === -1) this.services.push(this.vacuumRobotDockStateService); if (this.hiddenServices.indexOf('eco') === -1) this.services.push(this.vacuumRobotEcoService); if (this.hiddenServices.indexOf('nogolines') === -1) this.services.push(this.vacuumRobotNoGoLinesService); if (this.hiddenServices.indexOf('extracare') === -1) this.services.push(this.vacuumRobotExtraCareService); if (this.hiddenServices.indexOf('schedule') === -1) this.services.push(this.vacuumRobotScheduleService); this.vacuumRobotCleanZoneServices.forEach((service) => { services.push(service); }) return this.services; }, setClean: function (on, callback) { let that = this; this.updateRobot(function (error, result) { if (on) { if (that.robot.canResume || that.robot.canStart) { // start extra update robot timer if refresh is set to "auto" if (that.refresh === 'auto') { setTimeout(function () { clearTimeout(that.timer); that.updateRobotTimer(); }, 60 * 1000); } if (that.robot.canResume) { debug(that.name + ": Resume cleaning"); that.robot.resumeCleaning(callback); } else { let eco = that.vacuumRobotEcoService.getCharacteristic(Characteristic.On).value; let extraCare = that.vacuumRobotExtraCareService.getCharacteristic(Characteristic.On).value; let nogoLines = that.vacuumRobotNoGoLinesService.getCharacteristic(Characteristic.On).value; debug(that.name + ": Start cleaning (eco: " + eco + ", extraCare: " + extraCare + ", nogoLines: " + nogoLines + ")"); that.robot.startCleaning( eco, extraCare ? 2 : 1, nogoLines, function (error, result) { if (error) { that.log.error(error + ": " + result); callback(true); } else { callback(); } }); } } else { debug(that.name + ": Cant start, maybe already cleaning"); callback(); } } else { if (that.robot.canPause) { debug(that.name + ": Pause cleaning"); that.robot.pauseCleaning(callback); } else { debug(that.name + ": Already stopped"); callback(); } } }); }, setGoToDock: function (on, callback) { let that = this; this.updateRobot(function (error, result) { if (on) { if (that.robot.canPause) { debug(that.name + ": Pause cleaning to go to dock"); that.robot.pauseCleaning(function (error, result) { setTimeout(function () { debug("Go to dock"); that.robot.sendToBase(callback); }, 1000); }); } else if (that.robot.canGoToBase) { debug(that.name + ": Go to dock"); that.robot.sendToBase(callback); } else { that.log.warn(that.name + ": Can't go to dock at the moment"); callback(); } } else { callback(); } }); }, setEco: function (on, callback) { debug(this.name + ": " + (on ? "Enable eco mode" : "Disable eco mode")); this.robot.eco = on; callback(); }, setNoGoLines: function (on, callback) { debug(this.name + ": " + (on ? "Enable nogo lines" : "Disable nogo lines")); this.robot.noGoLines = on; callback(); }, setExtraCare: function (on, callback) { debug(this.name + ": " + (on ? "Enable extra care navigation" : "Disable extra care navigation")); this.robot.navigationMode = on ? 2 : 1; callback(); }, setSchedule: function (on, callback) { let that = this; this.updateRobot(function (error, result) { if (on) { debug(that.name + ": Enable schedule"); that.robot.enableSchedule(callback); } else { debug(that.name + ": Disable schedule"); that.robot.disableSchedule(callback); } }); }, getClean: function (callback) { let that = this; this.updateRobot(function (error, result) { debug(that.name + ": Is cleaning: " + that.robot.canPause); callback(false, that.robot.canPause); }); }, getGoToDock: function (callback) { callback(false, false); }, getDock: function (callback) { let that = this; this.updateRobot(function () { debug(that.name + ": Is docked: " + that.robot.isDocked); callback(false, that.robot.isDocked ? 1 : 0); }); }, getEco: function (callback) { let that = this; this.updateRobot(function () { debug(that.name + ": Is eco: " + that.robot.eco); callback(false, that.robot.eco); }); }, getNoGoLines: function (callback) { let that = this; this.updateRobot(function () { debug(that.name + ": Is nogo lines: " + that.robot.noGoLines); callback(false, that.robot.noGoLines ? 1 : 0); }); }, getExtraCare: function (callback) { let that = this; this.updateRobot(function () { debug(that.name + ": Is extra care navigation: " + (that.robot.navigationMode == 2 ? true : false)); callback(false, that.robot.navigationMode == 2 ? 1 : 0); }); }, getSchedule: function (callback) { let that = this; this.updateRobot(function () { debug(that.name + ": Is schedule: " + that.robot.isScheduleEnabled); callback(false, that.robot.isScheduleEnabled); }); }, getBatteryLevel: function (callback) { let that = this; this.updateRobot(function () { debug(that.name + ": Battery: " + that.robot.charge + "%"); callback(false, that.robot.charge); }); }, getBatteryChargingState: function (callback) { let that = this; this.updateRobot(function () { debug(that.name + ": Is charging: " + that.robot.isCharging); callback(false, that.robot.isCharging); }); }, updateRobot: function (callback) { let that = this; if (this.lastUpdate !== null && new Date() - this.lastUpdate < 2000) { callback(); } else { debug(this.name + ": Updating robot state"); this.robot.getState(function (error, result) { if (error) { that.log.error(error + ": " + result); } that.lastUpdate = new Date(); callback(); }); } }, updatePersistentMaps: function(callback) { this.robot.getPersistentMaps((error, maps) => { if (error) { this.log.error(error + ": " + result); return; } this.maps = maps; let processedMapsCounter = 0 maps.forEach((map) => { this.getMapBoundaries(map.id, (error, result) => { if(error) { this.log.error(error + ": " + result); } else { map.boundaries = result; } processedMapsCounter++; if(processedMapsCounter == this.maps.length) { callback(); } }) }) }) }, updateRobotTimer: function () { let that = this; this.updateRobot(function (error, result) { // only update these values if the state is different from the current one, otherwise we might accidentally start an action if (that.vacuumRobotCleanService.getCharacteristic(Characteristic.On).value !== that.robot.canPause) { that.vacuumRobotCleanService.setCharacteristic(Characteristic.On, that.robot.canPause); } // dock switch is on (dock not seen before) and dock has just been seen -> turn switch off if (that.vacuumRobotGoToDockService.getCharacteristic(Characteristic.On).value == true && that.robot.dockHasBeenSeen) { that.vacuumRobotGoToDockService.setCharacteristic(Characteristic.On, false); } if (that.vacuumRobotScheduleService.getCharacteristic(Characteristic.On).value !== that.robot.isScheduleEnabled) { that.vacuumRobotScheduleService.setCharacteristic(Characteristic.On, that.robot.isScheduleEnabled); } // no commands here, values can be updated without problems that.vacuumRobotDockStateService.setCharacteristic(Characteristic.OccupancyDetected, that.robot.isDocked ? 1 : 0); that.vacuumRobotEcoService.setCharacteristic(Characteristic.On, that.robot.eco); that.vacuumRobotNoGoLinesService.setCharacteristic(Characteristic.On, that.robot.noGoLines); that.vacuumRobotExtraCareService.setCharacteristic(Characteristic.On, that.robot.navigationMode == 2 ? true : false); that.vacuumRobotBatteryService.setCharacteristic(Characteristic.BatteryLevel, that.robot.charge); that.vacuumRobotBatteryService.setCharacteristic(Characteristic.ChargingState, that.robot.isCharging); // robot is currently cleaning, update if refresh is set to auto or a specific interval if (that.robot.canPause && that.refresh !== 0) { let refreshTime = that.refresh === 'auto' ? 60 : that.refresh debug("Updating state in background every " + refreshTime + " seconds while cleaning"); that.timer = setTimeout(that.updateRobotTimer.bind(that), refreshTime * 1000); } // robot is not cleaning, but a specific refresh interval is set else if (that.refresh !== 'auto' && that.refresh !== 0) { debug("Updating state in background every " + that.refresh + " seconds (user setting)"); that.timer = setTimeout(that.updateRobotTimer.bind(that), that.refresh * 1000); } else { debug("Updating state in background disabled"); } }); }, }