"use strict"; let inherits = require('util').inherits, debug = require('debug')('homebridge-kobold'), control = require('node-kobold-control'), Service, Characteristic, KoboldVacuumRobotAccessory; module.exports = function (homebridge) { Service = homebridge.hap.Service; Characteristic = homebridge.hap.Characteristic; KoboldVacuumRobotAccessory = require('./accessories/koboldVacuumRobot')(Service, Characteristic); homebridge.registerPlatform("homebridge-kobold", "KoboldVacuumRobot", KoboldVacuumRobotPlatform); }; function KoboldVacuumRobotPlatform(log, config) { this.log = log; this.serial = "1-3-3-7"; this.token = config['token']; this.language = config['language']; this.hiddenServices = ''; this.hiddenServices = ('disabled' in config ? config['disabled'] : this.hiddenServices); this.hiddenServices = ('hidden' in config ? config['hidden'] : this.hiddenServices); // Array of real robots and associated robot accessories (incl rooms) this.robots = []; this.nextRoom = null; if ('refresh' in config && config['refresh'] !== 'auto') { // parse config parameter this.refresh = parseInt(config['refresh']); // must be integer and positive this.refresh = (typeof this.refresh !== 'number' || (this.refresh % 1) !== 0 || this.refresh < 0) ? 60 : this.refresh; // minimum 60s to save some load on the Vorwerk servers if (this.refresh > 0 && this.refresh < 60) { this.log.warn("Minimum refresh time is 60 seconds to not overload the Vorwerk servers"); this.refresh = (this.refresh > 0 && this.refresh < 60) ? 60 : this.refresh; } } // default auto else { this.refresh = 'auto'; } this.log("Refresh is set to: " + this.refresh + (this.refresh !== 'auto' ? ' seconds' : '')); } KoboldVacuumRobotPlatform.prototype = { accessories: function (callback) { debug("Get robots"); let accessories = []; this.boundaryNames = []; this.getRobots(() => { // // MOCK MULTIPLE ROBOTS START // let client = new control.Client(); // client.authorize(this.token, (error) => // { // client.getRobots((error, robs) => // { // let testRobot = robs[0]; // testRobot.getState((error, result) => // { // testRobot.name = "Testrobot"; // this.robots.push({device: testRobot, meta: result.meta, availableServices: result.availableServices}); // // MOCK MULTIPLE ROBOTS END this.robots.forEach((robot, i) => { this.log("Found robot #" + (i + 1) + " named \"" + robot.device.name + "\" with serial \"" + robot.device._serial.substring(0, 9) + "XXXXXXXXXXXX\""); let mainAccessory = new KoboldVacuumRobotAccessory(this, robot); accessories.push(mainAccessory); robot.mainAccessory = mainAccessory; robot.roomAccessories = []; // Start Update Intervall this.updateRobotTimer(robot.device._serial); // // MOCK ZONE CLEANING START // robot.boundary = {name: "Testroom", id: "1"}; // let roomAccessory = new KoboldVacuumRobotAccessory(this, robot); // accessories.push(roomAccessory); // robot.roomAccessories.push(roomAccessory); // // MOCK ZONE CLEANING END if (robot.device.maps) { robot.device.maps.forEach((map) => { if (map.boundaries) { map.boundaries.forEach((boundary) => { if (boundary.type === "polygon") { robot.boundary = boundary; let roomAccessory = new KoboldVacuumRobotAccessory(this, robot); accessories.push(roomAccessory); robot.roomAccessories.push(roomAccessory); } }) } }) } }); callback(accessories); // // MOCK MULTIPLE ROBOTS START // }); // }); // }); // // MOCK MULTIPLE ROBOTS END }); }, getRobots: function (callback) { debug("Loading your robots"); let client = new control.Client(); // Login client.authorize(this.token, (error) => { if (error) { this.log.error("Can't log on to Vorwerk cloud. Please check your internet connection and your token. Try again later if the Vorwerk servers have issues: " + error); callback(); } else { // Get all robots client.getRobots((error, robots) => { if (error) { this.log.error("Successful login but can't connect to your Vorwerk robot: " + error); callback(); } else if (robots.length === 0) { this.log.error("Successful login but no robots associated with your account."); this.robots = []; callback(); } else { debug("Found " + robots.length + " robots"); let loadedRobots = 0; robots.forEach((robot) => { // Get additional information for the robot robot.getState((error, state) => { if (error) { this.log.error("Error getting robot meta information: " + error + ": " + state); callback(); } else { // Get all maps for each robot robot.getPersistentMaps((error, maps) => { if (error) { this.log.error("Error updating persistent maps: " + error + ": " + maps); callback(); } // Robot has no maps else if (maps.length === 0) { robot.maps = []; this.robots.push({device: robot, meta: state.meta, availableServices: state.availableServices}); loadedRobots++; if (loadedRobots === robots.length) { callback(); } } // Robot has maps else { robot.maps = maps; let loadedMaps = 0; robot.maps.forEach((map) => { // Save zones in each map robot.getMapBoundaries(map.id, (error, result) => { if (error) { this.log.error("Error getting boundaries: " + error + ": " + result) } else { map.boundaries = result.boundaries; } loadedMaps++; // Robot is completely requested if zones for all maps are loaded if (loadedMaps === robot.maps.length) { this.robots.push({device: robot, meta: state.meta, availableServices: state.availableServices}); loadedRobots++; if (loadedRobots === robots.length) { callback(); } } }) }); } }); } }); }); } }); } }); }, updateRobot: function (serial, callback) { let robot = this.getRobot(serial); // Data is up to date if (typeof (robot.lastUpdate) !== 'undefined' && new Date() - robot.lastUpdate < 2000) { callback(); } else { debug(robot.device.name + ": ++ Updating robot state"); robot.lastUpdate = new Date(); robot.device.getState((error, result) => { if (error) { this.log.error("Cannot update robot. Check if robot is online. " + error); } callback(); }); } }, getRobot(serial) { let result; this.robots.forEach(function (robot) { if (robot.device._serial === serial) { result = robot; } }); return result; }, updateRobotTimer: function (serial) { this.updateRobot(serial, () => { let robot = this.getRobot(serial); // Clear any other overlapping timers for this robot clearTimeout(robot.timer); // Tell all accessories of this robot (mainAccessory and roomAccessories) that updated robot data is available robot.mainAccessory.updated(); robot.roomAccessories.forEach(accessory => { accessory.updated(); }); // Periodic refresh interval set in config if (this.refresh !== 'auto' && this.refresh !== 0) { debug(robot.device.name + ": ++ Next background update in " + this.refresh + " seconds"); robot.timer = setTimeout(this.updateRobotTimer.bind(this), this.refresh * 1000, serial); } // Auto refresh set in config else if (this.refresh === 'auto' && robot.device.canPause) { debug(robot.device.name + ": ++ Next background update in 60 seconds while cleaning (auto mode)"); robot.timer = setTimeout(this.updateRobotTimer.bind(this), 60 * 1000, serial); } // No refresh else { debug(robot.device.name + ": ++ Stopped background updates"); } }); }, };