220 lines
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220 lines
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import {API, Characteristic, DynamicPlatformPlugin, Logger, PlatformAccessory, PlatformConfig, Service} from "homebridge";
import KoboldApi from "node-kobold-control";
import {PLATFORM_NAME, PLUGIN_NAME} from "./settings";
import {KoboldVacuumRobotAccessory} from "./accessories/koboldVacuumRobot";
* HomebridgePlatform
* This class is the main constructor for your plugin, this is where you should
* parse the user config and discover/register accessories with Homebridge.
export class HomebridgeKoboldPlatform implements DynamicPlatformPlugin
public readonly Service: typeof Service = this.api.hap.Service;
public readonly Characteristic: typeof Characteristic = this.api.hap.Characteristic;
// this is used to track restored cached accessories
public readonly cachedRobotAccessories: PlatformAccessory[] = [];
public readonly log: Logger,
public readonly config: PlatformConfig,
public readonly api: API)
this.api.on("didFinishLaunching", () => {
* This function is invoked when homebridge restores cached accessories from disk at startup.
* It should be used to setup event handlers for characteristics and update respective values.
configureAccessory(accessory: PlatformAccessory)
// add the restored accessory to the accessories cache so we can track if it has already been registered
const client = new KoboldApi.Client();
// Login
client.authorize((this.config)["token"], (error) => {
if (error)
this.log.error("Cannot connect to Vorwerk server. No new robots will be found and existing robots will be unresponsive. Retrying in 5 minutes.");
this.log.error("Error: " + error);
setTimeout(() => {
}, 5 * 60 * 1000);
// Get all robots from account
client.getRobots((error, robots) => {
if (error)
this.log.error("Successful login but can't list the robots in your Vorwerk robots. Retrying in 5 minutes.");
this.log.error("Error: " + error);
setTimeout(() => {
}, 5 * 60 * 1000);
// Vorwerk robots in account
if (robots.length === 0)
this.log.error("Vorwerk account has no robots.");
this.log.info("Vorwerk account has " + robots.length + " robot" + (robots.length === 1 ? "" : "s"));
// Vorwerk robots in cache
this.log.debug("Plugin Cache has " + this.cachedRobotAccessories.length + " robot" + (this.cachedRobotAccessories.length === 1 ? "" : "s"));
for (let cachedRobot of this.cachedRobotAccessories)
let accountRobot = robots.find(robot => this.api.hap.uuid.generate(robot._serial) === cachedRobot.UUID);
if (accountRobot)
this.log.debug("[" + cachedRobot.displayName + "] Cached robot found in Vorwerk account.");
this.log.error("[" + cachedRobot.displayName + "] Cached robot not found in Vorwerk account. Robot will now be removed from homebridge.");
this.api.unregisterPlatformAccessories(PLUGIN_NAME, PLATFORM_NAME, [cachedRobot]);
// Add / Update homebridge accessories with robot information from Vorwerk. This must be done for new and existing robots to reflect changes in the name, firmware, pluginconfig etc.
for (let robot of robots)
// Check if robot already exists as an accessory
const uuid = this.api.hap.uuid.generate(robot._serial);
const cachedRobot = this.cachedRobotAccessories.find(accessory => accessory.UUID === uuid);
if (cachedRobot)
this.log.debug("[" + robot.name + "] Connecting to cached robot and updating information.");
this.log.debug("[" + robot.name + "] Connecting to new robot and updating information.");
robot.getState((error, state) => {
if (error)
this.log.error("[" + robot.name + "] Cannot connect to robot. Is the robot connected to the internet? Retrying in 5 minutes.");
this.log.error("Error: " + error);
setTimeout(() => {
}, 5 * 60 * 1000);
robot.meta = state.meta;
// Update existing robot accessor
if (cachedRobot)
// TODO update maps
cachedRobot.context.robot = robot;
new KoboldVacuumRobotAccessory(this, cachedRobot, this.config);
this.log.info("[" + robot.name + "] Successfully loaded robot from cache");
// Create new robot accessory
// TODO get maps
const newRobot = new this.api.platformAccessory(robot.name, uuid);
newRobot.context.robot = robot;
new KoboldVacuumRobotAccessory(this, newRobot, this.config);
this.api.registerPlatformAccessories(PLUGIN_NAME, PLATFORM_NAME, [newRobot]);
this.log.info("[" + robot.name + "] Successfully created as new robot");
catch (error)
this.log.error("[" + robot.name + "] Creating accessory failed. Error: " + error);
throw new this.api.hap.HapStatusError(this.api.hap.HAPStatus.SERVICE_COMMUNICATION_FAILURE);
// // Get all maps for each robot
// robot.getPersistentMaps((error, maps) => {
// if (error)
// {
// this.log.error("Error updating persistent maps: " + error + ": " + maps);
// callback();
// }
// // Robot has no maps
// else if (maps.length === 0)
// {
// robot.maps = [];
// this.robotAccessories.push({device: robot, meta: state.meta, availableServices: state.availableServices});
// loadedRobots++;
// if (loadedRobots === robots.length)
// {
// callback();
// }
// }
// // Robot has maps
// else
// {
// robot.maps = maps;
// let loadedMaps = 0;
// robot.maps.forEach((map) => {
// // Save zones in each map
// robot.getMapBoundaries(map.id, (error, result) => {
// if (error)
// {
// this.log.error("Error getting boundaries: " + error + ": " + result)
// }
// else
// {
// map.boundaries = result.boundaries;
// }
// loadedMaps++;
// // Robot is completely requested if zones for all maps are loaded
// if (loadedMaps === robot.maps.length)
// {
// this.robotAccessories.push({device: robot, meta: state.meta, availableServices: state.availableServices});
// loadedRobots++;
// if (loadedRobots === robots.length)
// {
// callback();
// }
// }
// })
// });
// }
// });
catch (error)
this.log.error("Can't log on to Vorwerk cloud. Please check your internet connection and your credentials. Try again later if the neato servers have issues. Error: " + error);