# New Proxmox VM with HassOS This script will create a new Proxmox VM with the latest version of HassOS. To create a new VM in the `local-lvm` storage, run the following in a SSH session or the console from Proxmox interface ``` TMP=`mktemp -d`;pushd $TMP > /dev/null;wget -qO - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/whiskerz007/proxmox_hassos_install/master/install.sh | bash -s local-lvm;popd > /dev/null;rm -rf $TMP;unset TMP ``` After script completes, click on the new VM (_the script will tell you the ID_), click on the `Hardware` tab for the VM and change the `Memory` and `Processors` settings to what you desire. The `Hard Disk` can be expanded by clicking on it, then click on the `Resize disk` button above (_Note: additional steps must be taken for storage to take effect in the VM after the first boot_). The network MAC address can be changed by selecting `Network Device` and clicking `Edit` above. Once all changes have been made, click `Start` above. ## Specify Storage ID To specify the storage ID the new VM will be placed, replace `local-lvm` in the oneline command with desired storage ID. ## Root Prompt To get to the root prompt - Open the console after the VM has been started - When the messages slow down press the `Enter` key a couple of times until you see the following ``` Welcome to HassOS hassio login: ``` - Login using `root`, no password is requested - When you see the `hassio > ` prompt, type `login` - You should now see a `# ` prompt. ## Show Current IP Address To get the current IP address assigned to the VM - At the root prompt type `nmcli -g ip4.address d sh $(nmcli -g device c)` - The response will be the IP address with subnet mask or nothing **Note:** _If DHCP is configured and nothing is shown, check DHCP server and VM network settings_ ## Configure Network for Static IP Address To set a static IP address, use the following as an example - At the root prompt type `nmcli c mod $(nmcli -g uuid c) ipv4.method manual ipv4.addresses "" ipv4.gateway "" ipv4.dns ","` - At the root prompt type `nmcli c up $(nmcli -g uuid c)` ## Configure Network for DHCP To remove all static IP addresses and enable DHCP - At the root prompt type `nmcli c mod $(nmcli -g uuid c) ipv4.method auto ipv4.addresses "" ipv4.gateway "" ipv4.dns ""` - At the root prompt type `nmcli c up $(nmcli -g uuid c)` ## Resize Disk To resize the disk after the first boot - At the root prompt type `df -h /dev/sda8` and note the `Size` - Shutdown the VM - Resize the disk to the desired size - At the root prompt type `sgdisk -e /dev/sda` - Reboot the VM - Verify resize was successful by typing `df -h /dev/sda8` at the root prompt