/** * LightDMMock "class" * * @author Roel Walraven * * A LightDM Mock that is tightly based on the source C code of * Antergos' lightdm-webkit2-greeter. Please note that the deprecation errors * are intrusive for a reason. * * Usage: * Include the file in your theme that needs mocking * * Create a new instance of LightDMMock * if(!("lightdm" in window)) { * var LightDMMock = LightDMMock || {}; * window.lightdm = new LightDMMock(autofill, timeout, autoGuest); * } * If you want to use the .face images don't forget to add the path to * LightDMMock/src to the image src. The users.json file has absolute paths * like you would expect on a real filesystem. * * @param {boolean} autofill [wether or not the arrays for users, languages, * layouts, and sessions need to be filled with mock * data. I advise to test both to make your theme * less prone to crashing.] * @param {number} timeout [Value to use for simulated autologin (this value * is in seconds).] * @param {boolean} autoGuest [Wether or not to simulate automatic guest login. * This will also enable a guest account * in lightdm.has_guest_account] */ "use strict"; function LightDMMock(autofill, timeout, autoGuest) { window.checkForUpdate("v1.1.0"); // see this.authentication_user = null; this.autologin_guest = false; this.autologin_timeout = 0; this.autologin_user = null; this.can_hibernate = false; this.can_restart = false; this.can_shutdown = false; this.can_suspend = false; this.default_session = null; this.has_guest_account = false; this.hide_users = false; this.hostname = null; this.in_authentication = false; this.is_authenticated = false; this.language = null; this.languages = null; this.layout = null; this.layouts = null; this.lock_hint = false; this.num_users = 0; this.select_guest_hint = null; this.select_user_hint = null; this.sessions = null; this.users = null; this.default_language = null; // Deprecated this.default_layout = null; // Deprecated this.select_guest = null; // Deprecated this.select_user = null; // Deprecated this.timed_login_delay = null; // Deprecated this.timed_login_user = null; // Deprecated if(typeof autofill === "boolean" && autofill) { var me = document.querySelector("script[src$=\"LightDMMock.js\"]"); if(!(me instanceof HTMLElement)) return window.console.error("Could not find my script element."); var includePath = me.src; if(includePath === undefined) return window.console.error("Could not find my src attribute."); includePath = includePath.substr(0, includePath.lastIndexOf("/")); var asyncLoadEnd = function(that) { that.default_session = that.sessions[0].name; that.language = that.languages[0].name; that.layout = that.layouts[0].name; that.num_users = that.users.length; if(typeof timeout === "number" && timeout > 0) { if(typeof autoGuest === "boolean" && autoGuest) { that.autologin_user = null; that.autologin_guest = autoGuest; } that.autologin_user = that.users[0].username; that.autologin_timeout = timeout * 1000; // @fixme: am I deprecated as well? setTimeout(function() { if((typeof autoGuest === "boolean" && autoGuest) || that.autologin_user !== null) window.autologin_timer_expired(); }.bind(that), that.timed_login_delay); } for(var i = 0; i <= that.users; i++) { that.users[i].logged_in = Boolean(Math.floor(Math.random() * 2)); that.users[i].session = that.sessions[Math.floor((Math.random() * that.sessions.length))].name; } }; // see window.loadJSON(includePath + "/json/users.json", function(that) { if(this.status !== 200) return window.console.warn("users.json did not load correctly."); that.users = JSON.parse(this.responseText); if(that.users !== null && that.languages !== null && that.layouts !== null && that.sessions !== null) asyncLoadEnd(that); }, this, asyncLoadEnd); // see window.loadJSON(includePath + "/json/languages.json", function(that) { if(this.status !== 200) return window.console.warn("languages.json did not load correctly."); that.languages = JSON.parse(this.responseText); if(that.users !== null && that.languages !== null && that.layouts !== null && that.sessions !== null) asyncLoadEnd(that); }, this, asyncLoadEnd); // see window.loadJSON(includePath + "/json/layouts.json", function(that) { if(this.status !== 200) return window.console.warn("layouts.json did not load correctly."); that.layouts = JSON.parse(this.responseText); if(that.users !== null && that.languages !== null && that.layouts !== null && that.sessions !== null) asyncLoadEnd(that); }, this, asyncLoadEnd); // see window.loadJSON(includePath + "/json/sessions.json", function(that) { if(this.status !== 200) return window.console.warn("sessions.json did not load correctly."); that.sessions = JSON.parse(this.responseText); if(that.users !== null && that.languages !== null && that.layouts !== null && that.sessions !== null) asyncLoadEnd(that); }, this, asyncLoadEnd); } } /****************************************************************************** * Methods * ******************************************************************************/ // see /** * Specifies the username of the user we'd like to start authenticating as. * Note that if you call lightdm.authenticate with no argument, LightDM * (via PAM) will issue a show_prompt() call to ask for the username. The * older function lightdm.start_authentication() has been deprecated. * * @param {String} username [username to authenticate] */ LightDMMock.prototype.authenticate = function(username) { window.logCall("authenticate", arguments); window.checkArguments(arguments, 1, ["string"]); if(this.in_authentication) { window.show_message("Already authenticating " + this.authentication_user, "error"); return; } var exists = false; for(var i = 0; i <= this.users.length -1; i++) { if(this.users[i].username === username) exists = true; } if(!exists) { window.show_message("Invalid username", "error"); return; } this.authentication_user = username; this.in_authentication = true; window.show_prompt("Password:", "password"); }; /** * Authenticates as the guest user. */ LightDMMock.prototype.authenticate_as_guest = function() { window.logCall("authenticate_as_guest", arguments); window.checkArguments(arguments, 0, []); if(!this.has_guest_account) throw new IlligalUsageException("Guest accounts are turned off. Make sure you check the value of 'lightdm.has_guest_account' before calling this function."); if(this.in_authentication) { window.show_message("Already authenticating" + this.authentication_user, "error"); return; } this.authentication_user = "guest"; this.in_authentication = true; }; /** * Cancels the authentication of any user currently in the * process of authenticating. */ LightDMMock.prototype.cancel_authentication = function() { window.logCall("cancel_authentication", arguments); window.checkArguments(arguments, 0, []); this.authentication_user = null; this.in_authentication = false; }; /** * Cancels the authentication of the autologin user. The older function * lightdm.cancel_timed_login() has been deprecated. */ LightDMMock.prototype.cancel_autologin = function() { window.logCall("cancel_autologin", arguments); window.checkArguments(arguments, 0, []); this.autologin_user = null; this.autologin_guest = false; this.autologin_timeout = 0; }; /** * Returns the value of a named hint provided by LightDM. * * @param {String} hint_name [name of the hint to show] */ LightDMMock.prototype.get_hint = function(hint_name) { window.logCall("get_hint", arguments); window.checkArguments(arguments, 1, ["string"]); // @fixme: I have no clue how to simulate this... }; /** * Hibernates the system, if the greeter has the authority to do so. */ LightDMMock.prototype.hibernate = function() { window.logCall("hibernate", arguments); window.checkArguments(arguments, 0, []); if(!this.can_hibernate) throw new IlligalUsageException("LightDM cannot hibernate the system. Make sure you check the value of 'lightdm.can_hibernate' before calling this function."); window.alert("System hibernated."); document.location.reload(true); }; /** * When LightDM has prompted for input, provide the response to LightDM. The * deprecated function was "provide_secret". This is still available for * backwards compatibility, but authors of greeters should move * to using lightdm.respond(). * * @param {String} text [the response to the challange, usually a password] */ LightDMMock.prototype.respond = function(text) { window.logCall("respond", arguments); window.checkArguments(arguments, 1, ["string"]); if(!this.in_authentication) throw new IlligalUsageException("LightDM is currently not in the authentication phase. Make sure to call 'lightdm.authenticate(username)' before calling this function."); if(text === "password") { this.is_authenticated = true; window.authentication_complete(); } else { window.show_message("Invalid password", "error"); } }; /** * Restarts the system, if the greeter has the authority to do so. */ LightDMMock.prototype.restart = function() { window.logCall("restart", arguments); window.checkArguments(arguments, 0, []); if(!this.can_restart) throw new IlligalUsageException("LightDM cannot restart the system. Make sure you check the value of 'lightdm.can_restart' before calling this function."); window.alert("System restarted."); document.location.reload(true); }; /** * Will set the language for the current LightDM session. * * @param {String} lang [the language to change to] */ LightDMMock.prototype.set_language = function(lang) { window.logCall("set_language", arguments); window.checkArguments(arguments, 1, ["string"]); this.language = lang; }; /** * Shuts down the system, if the greeter has the authority to do so. */ LightDMMock.prototype.shutdown = function() { window.logCall("shutdown", arguments); window.checkArguments(arguments, 0, []); if(!this.can_shutdown) throw new IlligalUsageException("LightDM cannot shut down the system. Make sure you check the value of 'lightdm.can_shutdown' before calling this function."); window.alert("System shut down."); document.location.reload(true); }; /** * Once LightDM has successfully authenticated the user, start the user's * session by calling this function. "session" is the authenticated user's * session. If no session is passed, start the authenticated user with the * system default session. The older function lightdm.login(user, session) * has been deprecated. * * @param {String} session [the session name to start] */ LightDMMock.prototype.start_session = function(session) { window.logCall("start_session_sync", arguments); window.checkArguments(arguments, 1, ["string"]); if(!this.in_authentication) throw new IlligalUsageException("LightDM is currently not in the authentication phase. Make sure to call 'lightdm.authenticate(username)' before calling this function."); if(!this.is_authenticated) throw new IlligalUsageException("LightDM has no authenticated users to log in. Make sure to call 'lightdm.respond()' before calling this function."); window.alert("LightDM has started a " + session + " session for " + this.authentication_user); document.location.reload(true); }; /** * Suspends the system, if the greeter has the authority to do so. */ LightDMMock.prototype.suspend = function() { window.logCall("suspend", arguments); window.checkArguments(arguments, 0, []); if(!this.can_suspend) throw new IlligalUsageException("LightDM cannot suspend the system. Make sure you check the value of 'lightdm.can_suspend' before calling this function."); window.alert("System suspended."); document.location.reload(true); }; /****************************************************************************** * Deprecated methods * ******************************************************************************/ LightDMMock.prototype.cancel_timed_login = function() { window.logCall("cancel_timed_login", arguments); window.deprecationNotifier("method", "lightdm.cancel_timed_login()", "lightdm.cancel_autologin()"); }; LightDMMock.prototype.start_authentication = function() { window.logCall("start_authentication", arguments); window.deprecationNotifier("method", "lightdm.start_authentication()", "lightdm.authenticate(username)"); }; LightDMMock.prototype.login = function() { window.logCall("login", arguments); window.deprecationNotifier("method", "lightdm.login()", "lightdm.start_session(session)"); }; LightDMMock.prototype.provide_secret = function() { window.logCall("provide_secret", arguments); window.deprecationNotifier("method", "lightdm.provide_secret(text)", "lightdm.respond(text)"); }; LightDMMock.prototype.start_session_sync = function() { window.logCall("login", arguments); window.deprecationNotifier("method", "lightdm.start_session_sync(session)", "lightdm.start_session(session)"); }; /****************************************************************************** * Throwables * ******************************************************************************/ /** * Throwable IlligalUsageException * * @param {string} message [description of illigal usage] */ function IlligalUsageException(message) { this.name = "IlligalUsageException"; this.message = message; this.toString = function() { return "[" + this.name + "] " + this.message; }; } /** * Throwable DeprecationException * * @param {String} type [method||property] * @param {String} depricated [deprecated method or property name] * @param {String} alternative [alternative method or property to use] */ function DeprecationException(type, deprecated, alternative) { this.name = "DeprecationException"; this.message = "The " + type + " '" + deprecated + "' is deprecated. Consider using '" + alternative + "' instead."; this.toString = function() { return "[" + this.name + "] " + this.message; }; } /** * Throwable IncompatibleArgumentCountException * * @param {Number} expected [expected length of arguments] * @param {Number} received [found length of arguments] */ function IncompatibleArgumentCountException(expected, received) { this.name = "IncompatibleArgumentCountException"; this.message = "Incorrect number of arguments in function call. Expected " + expected + ", found " + received; this.toString = function() { return "[" + this.name + "] " + this.message; }; } /** * Throwable IncompatibleArgumentTypesException * * @param {Number} type [argument number (non-zero)] * @param {String} expected [expected type] * @param {String} received [found type] */ function IncompatibleArgumentTypesException(number, expected, received) { this.name = "IncompatibleArgumentTypesException"; this.message = "Argument " + number + " is of a wrong type. Expected '" + expected + "', found '" + received + "'"; this.toString = function() { return "[" + this.name + "] " + this.message; }; } /****************************************************************************** * Helpers * ******************************************************************************/ /** * global helper deprecationNotifier * throws ~balls~ errors at users who use deprecated methods and properties. * * @param {String} type [method||property] * @param {String} depricated [deprecated method or property name] * @param {String} alternative [alternative method or property to use] * * @throws {DeprecationException} */ window.deprecationNotifier = function(type, deprecated, alternative) { throw new DeprecationException(type, deprecated, alternative); }; /** * global helper checkArguments * throws ~tables~ errors at users who call methods * with erroneous arguments. * * @param {Array} args [the arguments passed to the original method] * @param {Number} length [the expected amount of arguments] * @param {Arrray} types [the expected types of the arguments] * * @throws {IncompatibleArgumentTypesException} */ window.checkArguments = function(args, length, types) { if(args.length !== length) throw new IncompatibleArgumentCountException(length, args.length); for(var i = 1; i <= types.length; i++) { if(typeof args[i-1] !== types[i-1]) throw new IncompatibleArgumentTypesException(i, types[i-1], typeof args[i-1]); } }; /** * global helper logCall * logs a function call with the arguments provided to help with debugging a * lightdm js script. * * @param {String} name [called function name] * @param {Array} args [called function arguments] * * @return {window.console.info} */ window.logCall = function(name, args) { var argv = []; if(args !== undefined && args.length !== 0) { for(var i = 0; i <= args.length; i++) { if(args[i] !== undefined) argv.push({type: typeof args[i], value: args[i]}); } } if(argv.length > 0) return window.console.info("[lightdm." + name + "] called with " + argv.length + " argument(s)", argv); return window.console.info("[lightdm." + name + "] called with 0 arguments"); }; /** * global helper checkForUpdate * compares curentVersion with the tag name of GitHub's latest release and * prompts the user to download a new version if it is available. * * @param {String} currentVersion [the current tag version] */ window.checkForUpdate = function(currentVersion) { var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); request.onreadystatechange = function() { if(request.readyState === XMLHttpRequest.DONE) { switch(request.status) { case 200: try { var latest; if(request.responseText !== undefined) latest = JSON.parse(request.responseText).tag_name; if(currentVersion !== latest) window.console.warn("You are using an outdated version of LightDMMock. Please download the new version from https://github.com/CytoDev/LightDMMock/releases/" + latest); } catch(e) { window.console.error(e.toString()); window.console.warn("Could not check for new version of LightDMMock. Please check for a new version manually by visiting https://github.com/CytoDev/LightDMMock/releases/latest"); } break; case 404: window.console.warn("Could not check for new version of LightDMMock. Please check for a new version manually by visiting https://github.com/CytoDev/LightDMMock/releases/latest"); break; default: break; } } }; request.open("GET", "https://api.github.com/repos/CytoDev/LightDMMock/releases/latest", true); request.send(); }; /** * global helper loadJSON * Loads JSON from a path. Removes the need to b64 encode them in this file. * * @param {String} url [path to JSON file] * @param {Function} callback [callback function] */ window.loadJSON = function(url, callback) { var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); var onSuccess = function() { this.callback.apply(request, request.arguments); }; var onFailure = function() { window.console.error(this.statusText); }; request.callback = callback; request.arguments = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2); request.onload = onSuccess; request.onerror = onFailure; request.open("get", url, true); request.send(null); }; /****************************************************************************** * Object.watch shim * ******************************************************************************/ /* * object.watch polyfill * * 2012-04-03 * * By Eli Grey, http://eligrey.com * Public Domain. * NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. */ // object.watch if (!Object.prototype.watch) { Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, "watch", { enumerable: false, configurable: true, writable: false, value: function(prop, handler) { var oldval = this[prop], newval = oldval, getter = function () { return newval; }, setter = function (val) { oldval = newval; newval = handler.call(this, prop, oldval, val); return newval; }; if(delete this[prop]) { // can't watch constants Object.defineProperty(this, prop, { get: getter, set: setter, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); } } }); } // object.unwatch if(!Object.prototype.unwatch) { Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, "unwatch", { enumerable: false, configurable: true, writable: false, value: function (prop) { var val = this[prop]; delete this[prop]; // remove accessors this[prop] = val; } }); } /****************************************************************************** * Deprecated properties * ******************************************************************************/ LightDMMock.watch('default_language', function() { window.deprecationNotifier("property", "default_language", "lightdm.language"); }); LightDMMock.watch('default_layout', function() { window.deprecationNotifier("property", "default_layout", "lightdm.layout"); }); LightDMMock.watch('select_guest', function() { window.deprecationNotifier("property", "select_guest", "lightdm.select_guest_hint"); }); LightDMMock.watch('select_user', function() { window.deprecationNotifier("property", "select_user", "lightdm.select_user_hint"); }); LightDMMock.watch('timed_login_user', function() { window.deprecationNotifier("property", "timed_login_user", "lightdm.autologin_user"); }); LightDMMock.watch('timed_login_delay', function() { window.deprecationNotifier("property", "timed_login_delay", "lightdm.autologin_timeout"); }); /****************************************************************************** * Module loading * ******************************************************************************/ /* jshint node : true */ if(typeof module !== "undefined" && module.exports) module.exports = LightDMMock; /* jshint node : false */