Alle Klassen und Schnittstellen

Represents a battleship in the game.
Enumeration representing the different statuses a battleship can have during the game.
Interface representing a Battleship client.
Class providing access to the Battleship client configuration.
Provides access to the configuration settings for the Battleship game.
Controls the client-side game logic for Battleship.
Visitor interface for processing all client messages.
An abstract base class for client messages used in network transfer.
Interface for sending messages to the server.
Event when an item is added to a map.
A message sent by the server to inform clients about the effects of a shot in the Battleship game.
A message sent by the server to provide details about the game configuration.
An interface used for all game events.
Defines a broker for distributing game events to registered listeners.
Listener interface for all events implemented by subclasses of GameEvent.
Event when an item is added to a map.
Represents a point in the two-dimensional plane with integer coordinates.
Interface representing a position with X and Y coordinates.
An interface representing any item on a ship map.
Event when an item is added to a map.
Event when an item gets removed.
A message sent by the client containing the positions of the ships on the player's map.
Class representing a player
Provides access to the resource bundle of the game.
Represents the rotation of a ship and provides functionality related to rotation.
Interface representing a connection to the server.
A mock implementation of the ServerConnection interface for single mode.
Controls the server-side game logic for Battleship.
An interface for processing server messages.
An abstract base class for server messages used in network transfer.
Interface for sending messages to a client.
Represents a rectangular map that holds ships and registers shots fired.
A class representing data transfer objects of ship maps for JSON serialization and deserialization.
This class represents the client state during a shooting animation.
A message sent by the client to indicate a shooting action in the game.
Represents a shot in the Battleship game.
Enumeration representing different types of sounds used in the game.
Event when an item is added to a map.
A message sent by the server to inform clients about the start of the battle.
An interface for implementing the Visitor pattern for different types of elements in the Battleship model.
An interface for implementing the Visitor pattern for different types of elements in the Battleship model without returning any result.