Merge branch 'gui' into 'main'
Gui See merge request progproj/gruppen-ht24/Gruppe-02!21
@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ import java.util.Deque;
import static java.lang.Math.max;
import java.lang.System.Logger;
* Manages dialog boxes within the application, handling their display, positioning, and focus.
@ -28,11 +30,15 @@ public class DialogManager {
private final SimpleApplication app;
private final static Logger LOGGER = System.getLogger(DialogManager.class.getName());
* A stack to keep track of the dialogs.
private final Deque<Dialog> dialogStack = new ArrayDeque<>();
private final Deque<PopupDialog> popUpStack = new ArrayDeque<>();
* Constructs a DialogManager for the specified application.
@ -112,11 +118,45 @@ public class DialogManager {
* @param dialog the dialog to open
public void open(Dialog dialog) {
if(dialog instanceof PopupDialog) {
popUpStack.push((PopupDialog) dialog);
} else {
private void showDialog(Dialog dialog) {
if(dialog instanceof PopupDialog) {
private void processPopUps() {
if (popUpStack.isEmpty()) {
return; // Nothing to process
// Check if a popup dialog is already on top
if (dialogStack.peek() instanceof PopupDialog) {
LOGGER.log(Logger.Level.DEBUG, "Popup dialog already on top");
return; // Already a popup dialog on top
} else {
// Pop the next popup from the stack and validate before showing
PopupDialog popUp = popUpStack.pop();
showDialog( (Dialog) popUp);
* Checks if the specified dialog is the topmost dialog in the dialog stack.
@ -140,6 +180,8 @@ public class DialogManager {
if (!dialogStack.isEmpty())
@ -150,6 +192,11 @@ public class DialogManager {
* Updates all dialogs in the dialog stack.
* @param delta the time since the last update
public void update(float delta) {
for (Dialog dialog : dialogStack)
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
package pp.dialog;
/** An interface for tagging Dialogs as PopUps for handling in the DialogManager */
public interface PopupDialog {
* Shows the popup.
void show();
@ -405,3 +405,44 @@ selector("button-clear", "pp") { playerColor ->
textHAlignment = HAlignment.Center // Text-Zentrierung
textVAlignment = VAlignment.Center // Text-Zentrierung
def enabledCommandToolbar2= new Command<Button>() {
void execute(Button source) {
if (source.isEnabled()){
def orangeBackground = new QuadBackgroundComponent(color(1, 0.5, 0, 1)); // Orange background
} else{
def grayBackground = new QuadBackgroundComponent(ColorRGBA.Gray); // Gray background
def stdButtonCommandsToolbar2 =[
(ButtonAction.Down) : [pressedCommand],
(ButtonAction.Up) : [pressedCommand],
(ButtonAction.Enabled) : [enabledCommandToolbar2],
(ButtonAction.Disabled): [enabledCommandToolbar2]
selector("button-toolbar2", "pp") {
def outerBackground = new QuadBackgroundComponent(color(1, 0.5, 0, 1)) // Orange border
def innerBackground = new QuadBackgroundComponent(buttonBgColor) // Inner button background
// Apply the outer border as the main background
background = outerBackground
// Use insets to create a margin/padding effect for the inner background
insets = new Insets3f(3, 3, 3, 3) // Adjust the border thickness
textHAlignment = HAlignment.Center
textVAlignment = VAlignment.Center
buttonCommands = stdButtonCommandsToolbar2
@ -3,33 +3,35 @@ package pp.monopoly.client;
import com.jme3.asset.AssetManager;
import com.jme3.effect.ParticleEmitter;
import com.jme3.effect.ParticleMesh;
import com.jme3.effect.shapes.EmitterSphereShape;
import com.jme3.light.AmbientLight;
import com.jme3.light.DirectionalLight;
import com.jme3.material.Material;
import com.jme3.material.RenderState.FaceCullMode;
import com.jme3.math.ColorRGBA;
import com.jme3.math.FastMath;
import com.jme3.math.Quaternion;
import com.jme3.math.Vector3f;
import com.jme3.renderer.Camera;
import com.jme3.renderer.queue.RenderQueue;
import com.jme3.renderer.queue.RenderQueue.ShadowMode;
import com.jme3.scene.Geometry;
import com.jme3.scene.Node;
import com.jme3.scene.Spatial;
import com.jme3.scene.shape.Box;
import com.jme3.scene.shape.Cylinder;
import com.jme3.shadow.DirectionalLightShadowRenderer;
import com.jme3.shadow.EdgeFilteringMode;
import com.jme3.texture.Texture;
import com.jme3.util.SkyFactory;
import com.jme3.util.TangentBinormalGenerator;
import pp.monopoly.client.gui.BobTheBuilder;
import pp.monopoly.client.gui.CameraController;
import pp.monopoly.client.gui.CameraInputHandler;
import pp.monopoly.client.gui.Toolbar;
import pp.monopoly.model.Board;
import pp.monopoly.client.gui.FigureControl;
import static pp.util.FloatMath.TWO_PI;
import static pp.util.FloatMath.cos;
import static pp.util.FloatMath.sin;
import static pp.util.FloatMath.sqrt;
* Manages the rendering and visual aspects of the sea and sky in the Battleship game.
@ -65,9 +67,18 @@ public class BoardAppState extends MonopolyAppState {
* The pop-up manager for displaying messages and notifications.
private PopUpManager popUpManager;;
private PopUpManager popUpManager;
* The camera controller for managing the camera's position and orientation.
private CameraController cameraController;
* The input handler for controlling the camera's movement and rotation.
private CameraInputHandler cameraInputHandler;
private Vector3f currentTarget = new Vector3f(0f,0,0f);
* Initializes the state by setting up the sky, lights, and other visual components.
@ -79,10 +90,19 @@ public class BoardAppState extends MonopolyAppState {
public void initialize(AppStateManager stateManager, Application application) {
super.initialize(stateManager, application);
// Initialisiere den CameraController zuerst
cameraController = new CameraController(getApp().getCamera(), getApp());
// Danach den CameraInputHandler mit dem initialisierten CameraController
cameraInputHandler = new CameraInputHandler(cameraController, getApp().getInputManager());
popUpManager = new PopUpManager(getApp());
// setupSky();
getApp().getViewPort().setBackgroundColor(new com.jme3.math.ColorRGBA(0.5f, 0.7f, 1.0f, 1.0f));
@ -94,6 +114,8 @@ public class BoardAppState extends MonopolyAppState {
new Toolbar(getApp()).open();
@ -103,30 +125,6 @@ public class BoardAppState extends MonopolyAppState {
//TODO remove this only for camera testing
private static final float ABOVE_SEA_LEVEL = 10f;
private static final float INCLINATION = 2.5f;
private float cameraAngle;
* Adjusts the camera position and orientation to create a circular motion around
* the center of the map. This provides a dynamic view of the sea and surrounding environment.
private void adjustCamera() {
final Board board = getGameLogic().getBoard();
final float mx = 0.5f * board.getWidth();
final float my = 0.5f * board.getHeight();
final float radius = 2f * sqrt(mx * mx + my + my);
final float cos = radius * cos(cameraAngle);
final float sin = radius * sin(cameraAngle);
final float x = mx - cos;
final float y = my - sin;
final Camera camera = getApp().getCamera();
camera.setLocation(new Vector3f(30,20,0));
camera.lookAt(new Vector3f(getCurrentTarget()),
@ -143,18 +141,7 @@ public class BoardAppState extends MonopolyAppState {
* Updates the state each frame, moving the camera to simulate it circling around the map.
* @param tpf the time per frame (seconds)
public void update(float tpf) {
//TODO remove this only for camera testing
cameraAngle += TWO_PI * 0.05f * tpf;
* Sets up the lighting for the scene, including directional and ambient lights.
@ -183,17 +170,79 @@ public class BoardAppState extends MonopolyAppState {
private void setupSky() {
final AssetManager assetManager = getApp().getAssetManager();
final Texture west = assetManager.loadTexture("Pictures/Backdrop/west.jpg"); //NON-NLS
final Texture east = assetManager.loadTexture("Pictures/Backdrop/ost.jpg"); //NON-NLS
final Texture north = assetManager.loadTexture("Pictures/Backdrop/nord.jpg"); //NON-NLS
final Texture south = assetManager.loadTexture("Pictures/Backdrop/sued.jpg"); //NON-NLS
final Texture up = assetManager.loadTexture("Pictures/Backdrop/sued.jpg"); //NON-NLS
final Texture down = assetManager.loadTexture("Pictures/Backdrop/sued.jpg"); //NON-NLS
final Spatial sky = SkyFactory.createSky(assetManager, west, east, north, south, up, down);
// sky.rotate(0, PI, 0);
// Create a cylinder for the sky
float radius = 500f; // Adjust radius as needed
float height = 200f; // Height of the cylinder
int radialSamples = 64; // Number of radial segments for smoothness
int axisSamples = 2; // No vertical divisions (flat vertical surface)
Cylinder skyCylinder = new Cylinder(axisSamples, radialSamples, radius, height, true);
// Create a geometry for the cylinder
Geometry skyGeometry = new Geometry("CylinderSky", skyCylinder);
// Load the cylindrical texture
Texture cylinderTexture = assetManager.loadTexture("Textures/CylinderMap.jpg");
// Create a material and apply the texture
Material skyMaterial = new Material(assetManager, "Common/MatDefs/Misc/Unshaded.j3md");
skyMaterial.setTexture("ColorMap", cylinderTexture);
skyMaterial.getAdditionalRenderState().setFaceCullMode(FaceCullMode.Off); // Render inside of the cylinder
// Assign material to the geometry
skyGeometry.rotate(-FastMath.HALF_PI, 0, 0); // Rotate 90° along the Y-axis
// Position and attach the cylinder to the scene
skyGeometry.setQueueBucket(RenderQueue.Bucket.Sky); // Ensure it's rendered in the background
skyGeometry.setCullHint(Spatial.CullHint.Never); // Always render the sky
* Adds top and bottom caps to the cylinder sky.
private void addCylinderCaps() {
final AssetManager assetManager = getApp().getAssetManager();
float radius = 500f; // Match the cylinder's radius
float height = 225f; // Match the cylinder's height
int radialSamples = 64; // Match the cylinder's radial samples
// Bottom Cap
Cylinder bottomCap = new Cylinder(2, radialSamples, radius, 0.01f, true, false); // Thin bottom cap
Geometry bottomGeometry = new Geometry("BottomCap", bottomCap);
bottomGeometry.setLocalTranslation(0, -height / 2, 0); // Position at the bottom
bottomGeometry.rotate(FastMath.HALF_PI, 0, 0); // Rotate to make it horizontal
Material bottomMaterial = new Material(assetManager, "Common/MatDefs/Misc/Unshaded.j3md");
bottomMaterial.setTexture("ColorMap", assetManager.loadTexture("Textures/grass.jpg")); // Bottom texture
bottomMaterial.getAdditionalRenderState().setFaceCullMode(FaceCullMode.Off); // Render both sides
// Top Cap
Cylinder topCap = new Cylinder(2, radialSamples, radius, 0.01f, true, false); // Thin top cap
Geometry topGeometry = new Geometry("TopCap", topCap);
topGeometry.setLocalTranslation(0, height / 2, 0); // Position at the top
topGeometry.rotate(FastMath.HALF_PI, 0, 0); // Rotate to make it horizontal
Material topMaterial = new Material(assetManager, "Common/MatDefs/Misc/Unshaded.j3md");
topMaterial.setTexture("ColorMap", assetManager.loadTexture("Textures/Top.png")); // Top texture
topMaterial.getAdditionalRenderState().setFaceCullMode(FaceCullMode.Off); // Render both sides
// Attach caps to the view node
* Sets up the sea surface in the scene. This includes creating the sea mesh,
* applying textures, and enabling shadows.
@ -203,39 +252,111 @@ public class BoardAppState extends MonopolyAppState {
final float x = board.getWidth();
final float y = board.getHeight();
final Box seaMesh = new Box(y, 0.1f, x);
final Geometry seaGeo = new Geometry("sea", seaMesh); //NONs-NLS
final Geometry seaGeo = new Geometry("sea", seaMesh); //NON-NLS
seaGeo.setLocalTranslation(new Vector3f(0, -0.1f, 0));
Quaternion rotation = new com.jme3.math.Quaternion();
rotation.fromAngleAxis(FastMath.HALF_PI, com.jme3.math.Vector3f.UNIT_Y);
Quaternion rotation = new Quaternion();
rotation.fromAngleAxis(FastMath.HALF_PI, Vector3f.UNIT_Y);
final Material seaMat = new Material(getApp().getAssetManager(), "Common/MatDefs/Light/Lighting.j3md");
Texture texture = getApp().getAssetManager().loadTexture("Pictures/board2.png");
Texture texture = getApp().getAssetManager().loadTexture(BoardTexture);
seaMat.setTexture("DiffuseMap", texture);
// Schneefall hinzufügen
* Creates a card deck with six event and six community cards.
* @return the node containing the card deck
private Node createCardDeck() {
Node cardDeck = new Node("cardDeck");
Spatial card = getApp().getAssetManager().loadModel("models/Kartendecks/Ereigniskarten_Deck.j3o");
card.setLocalTranslation(5.5f, 0, 2.7f);
card.setLocalRotation(new Quaternion().fromAngleAxis(FastMath.QUARTER_PI, Vector3f.UNIT_Y));
Spatial card2 = getApp().getAssetManager().loadModel("models/Kartendecks/Gemeinschaftskarten_Deck.j3o");
card2.setLocalTranslation(-1.4f, 0, -3.8f);
card2.setLocalRotation(new Quaternion().fromAngleAxis(FastMath.QUARTER_PI , Vector3f.UNIT_Y));
// Ereigniskarten
Vector3f basePosition1 = new Vector3f(3.1f, 0.4f, 3.8f); // Basisposition für Ereigniskarten
float baseRotation1 = -60; // Basisrotation in Grad
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
Box box = new Box(1.2f, 0.05f, 1.8f); // Sehr flaches Rechteck
Geometry flatCard = new Geometry("Ereigniskarten_" + i, box);
Material mat = new Material(getApp().getAssetManager(), "Common/MatDefs/Misc/Unshaded.j3md");
mat.setTexture("ColorMap", getApp().getAssetManager().loadTexture("Textures/Ereigniskarten.png"));
// Position und Rotation für die Karte
flatCard.setLocalTranslation(basePosition1.x, basePosition1.y - (i * 0.08f), basePosition1.z);
flatCard.setLocalRotation(new Quaternion().fromAngleAxis(FastMath.DEG_TO_RAD * (baseRotation1 - (i * 5)), Vector3f.UNIT_Y));
// Gemeinschaftskarten
Vector3f basePosition2 = new Vector3f(-3.3f, 0.4f, -3.8f); // Basisposition für Gemeinschaftskarten
float baseRotation2 = -220; // Basisrotation in Grad
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
Box box = new Box(1.2f, 0.04f, 1.8f); // Sehr flaches Rechteck
Geometry flatCard = new Geometry("Gemeinschaftskarten_" + i, box);
Material mat = new Material(getApp().getAssetManager(), "Common/MatDefs/Misc/Unshaded.j3md");
mat.setTexture("ColorMap", getApp().getAssetManager().loadTexture("Textures/Gemeinschaftskarten.png"));
// Position und Rotation für die Karte
flatCard.setLocalTranslation(basePosition2.x, basePosition2.y - (i * 0.08f), basePosition2.z);
flatCard.setLocalRotation(new Quaternion().fromAngleAxis(FastMath.DEG_TO_RAD * (baseRotation2 - (i * 5)), Vector3f.UNIT_Y));
return cardDeck;
public Vector3f getCurrentTarget(){
return currentTarget;
* Adds a snow effect to the scene by creating a particle emitter with snowflakes.
* @param parentNode the parent node to attach the snow effect to
private void addSnowEffect(Node parentNode) {
// ParticleEmitter für Schnee
ParticleEmitter snowEmitter = new ParticleEmitter("Snow", ParticleMesh.Type.Triangle, 5000);
Material snowMat = new Material(getApp().getAssetManager(), "Common/MatDefs/Misc/Particle.j3md");
snowMat.setTexture("Texture", getApp().getAssetManager().loadTexture("Textures/snowflake.png")); // Schneeflocken-Textur
// Eigenschaften für Schneepartikel
snowEmitter.setEndColor(new ColorRGBA(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.5f)); // Weiß, halbtransparent
snowEmitter.setStartColor(new ColorRGBA(1f, 1f, 1f, 1f)); // Vollweiß
snowEmitter.setGravity(0, 0.5f, 0); // Langsames Fallen
snowEmitter.getParticleInfluencer().setInitialVelocity(new Vector3f(0, -1, 0));
// Spawn-Bereich für Schneeflocken definieren
snowEmitter.setLocalTranslation(0, 10, 0);
snowEmitter.setShape(new EmitterSphereShape(new Vector3f(0, 0, 0), 15)); // Bereich von -15 bis 15
// Emitter zur Szene hinzufügen
* Updates the state by moving the camera and updating the visual elements.
* @param tpf the time per frame
public void update(float tpf) {
@ -48,16 +48,27 @@ public class GameSound extends AbstractAppState implements GameEventListener {
private static final String VOLUME_PREF = "volume"; //NON-NLS
/** The sound effect for passing the start field. */
private AudioNode passStartSound;
/** The sound effect for drawing an event card. */
private AudioNode eventCardSound;
/** The sound effect for going to the gulag. */
private AudioNode gulagSound;
/** The sound effect for rolling the dice. */
private AudioNode diceRollSound;
/** The sound effect for collecting money. */
private AudioNode moneyCollectSound;
/** The sound effect for losing money. */
private AudioNode moneyLostSound;
/** The sound effect for accepting a trade. */
private AudioNode tradeAcceptedSound;
/** The sound effect for rejecting a trade. */
private AudioNode tradeRejectedSound;
/** The sound effect for winning the game. */
private AudioNode winnerSound;
/** The sound effect for loosing the game. */
private AudioNode looserSound;
/** The sound effect for pressing a button. */
private AudioNode buttonSound;
@ -172,12 +172,19 @@ public class MonopolyApp extends SimpleApplication implements MonopolyClient, Ga
private AppSettings makeSettings() {
final AppSettings settings = new AppSettings(true);
try {
settings.setIcons(new Image[]{ File("src/main/resources/icons/Uniman.png"))});
catch (IOException e) {
LOGGER.log(Level.ERROR, e.getMessage());
// Set the icon for the application window
// try {
// // Prüfen, ob das Betriebssystem ein Mac-System ist
// if (!System.getProperty("").toLowerCase().contains("mac")) {
// settings.setIcons(new Image[]{ File("src/main/resources/icons/Uniman.png"))});
// } else {
// LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Icon setting skipped on macOS due to system restrictions.");
// }
// } catch (IOException e) {
// LOGGER.log(Level.ERROR, e.getMessage());
// }
settings.setResolution(config.getResolutionWidth(), config.getResolutionHeight());
@ -289,6 +296,8 @@ public class MonopolyApp extends SimpleApplication implements MonopolyClient, Ga
flyCam.setMoveSpeed(4f); // Setzt die Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit der Kamera (Standardwert ist 1f)
@ -106,6 +106,26 @@ public class MonopolyAppConfig extends MonopolyClientConfig {
@Property("") //NON-NLS
private ColorRGBA topColor = ColorRGBA.White;
private ColorRGBA applyGammaCorrection(ColorRGBA color) {
return new ColorRGBA(
color.a // Alpha bleibt unverändert
private float correctGamma(float channel) {
// Formel: ((RGB / 255)^2.2) * 255
float normalized = channel / 255.0f; // RGB normalisieren (0-1)
float gammaCorrected = (float) Math.pow(normalized, 2.2); // ^2.2
return gammaCorrected * 255.0f; // Zurückskalieren auf 0-255
private float correctGamma(float channel, float gamma) {
return (float) Math.pow(channel, gamma);
* Creates a default {@code MonopolyAppConfig} with predefined values.
@ -27,15 +27,32 @@ import pp.monopoly.notification.EventCardEvent;
import pp.monopoly.notification.GameEventListener;
import pp.monopoly.notification.PopUpEvent;
* This class is responsible for managing the popups that are shown to the user.
* It listens for events that require a popup to be shown and then shows the
* appropriate popup.
public class PopUpManager implements GameEventListener {
/** The MonopolyApp instance */
private final MonopolyApp app;
* Constructor for the PopUpManager.
* @param app The MonopolyApp instance
public PopUpManager(MonopolyApp app) {
|||| = app;
* This method is called when a PopUpEvent is received.
* It checks the message of the event and shows the appropriate popup.
* @param event The PopUpEvent
public void receivedEvent(PopUpEvent event) {
if (event.msg().equals("Buy")) {
@ -56,7 +73,7 @@ public class PopUpManager implements GameEventListener {
}, 2500);
}, 6000);
} else if (event.msg().equals("Winner")) {
new WinnerPopUp(app).open();
} else if (event.msg().equals("Looser")) {
@ -84,6 +101,12 @@ public class PopUpManager implements GameEventListener {
* This method is called when an EventCardEvent is received.
* It shows the EventCardPopup.
* @param event The EventCardEvent
public void receivedEvent(EventCardEvent event) {
Timer timer = new Timer();
@ -3,6 +3,9 @@ package pp.monopoly.client.gui;
import com.jme3.material.Material;
import com.jme3.material.RenderState.BlendMode;
import com.jme3.math.ColorRGBA;
import com.jme3.math.FastMath;
import com.jme3.math.Quaternion;
import com.jme3.math.Vector3f;
import com.jme3.renderer.queue.RenderQueue.ShadowMode;
import com.jme3.scene.Geometry;
import com.jme3.scene.Node;
@ -14,18 +17,35 @@ import pp.monopoly.model.Figure;
import pp.monopoly.model.Hotel;
import pp.monopoly.model.House;
import pp.monopoly.model.Item;
import pp.monopoly.notification.UpdatePlayerView;
* The {@code BobTheBuilder} class is responsible for synchronizing the graphical
* representation of the figures and buildings on the board with the underlying data model.
* It extends the {@link GameBoardSynchronizer} to provide specific synchronization
* logic for the board.
public class BobTheBuilder extends GameBoardSynchronizer {
/** The String representing the path to the unshaded material*/
private static final String UNSHADED = "Common/MatDefs/Misc/Unshaded.j3md"; //NON-NLS
/** The String representing the color parameter in the material*/
private static final String COLOR = "Color"; //NON-NLS
/** The String representing the figure node*/
private static final String FIGURE = "figure"; //NON-NLS
/** The String representing the house node*/
private static final String HOUSE = "house"; //NON-NLS
/** The String representing the hotel node*/
private static final String HOTEL = "hotel"; //NON-NLS
/** The {@link MonopolyApp} instance*/
private final MonopolyApp app;
* Creates a new {@code BobTheBuilder} instance with the specified {@link MonopolyApp} and root node.
* @param app the {@link MonopolyApp} instance
* @param root the root node of the scene graph
public BobTheBuilder(MonopolyApp app, Node root) {
super(app.getGameLogic().getBoard(), root);
|||| = app;
@ -42,8 +62,10 @@ public class BobTheBuilder extends GameBoardSynchronizer {
// Setze die Position basierend auf der Feld-ID
// Setze die Rotation basierend auf der Feld-ID
// Setze die Anfangsrotation auf 90 Grad nach links
Quaternion initialRotation = new Quaternion().fromAngleAxis(FastMath.HALF_PI, Vector3f.UNIT_Y);
node.addControl(new FigureControl(node, figure, app));
return node;
@ -78,16 +100,33 @@ public class BobTheBuilder extends GameBoardSynchronizer {
return node;
* Creates a new spatial to represent the specified figure.
* @param figure the figure to be represented
* @return the geometry representing the figure
private Spatial createFigure(Figure figure) {
// Lade das Modell
Spatial model = app.getAssetManager().loadModel("models/" + "Spielfiguren/" + figure.getType() + "/" + figure.getType() + ".j3o");
// Skaliere und positioniere das Modell
Spatial model;
try {
// Lade das Modell
model = app.getAssetManager().loadModel("models/" + "Spielfiguren/" + figure.getType() + "/" + figure.getType() + ".j3o");
// Skaliere und positioniere das Modell
} catch (Exception e) {
model = createBox(figure);
return model;
* Creates a new spatial to represent the specified hotel.
* @param hotel the hotel to be represented
* @return the geometry representing the hotel
private Spatial createHotel(Hotel hotel) {
Spatial model = app.getAssetManager().loadModel("models/Hotel/Hotel.j3o");
@ -95,7 +134,11 @@ public class BobTheBuilder extends GameBoardSynchronizer {
return model;
* Creates a new spatial to represent the specified house.
* @param house the house to be represented
* @return the geometry representing the house
private Spatial createHouse(House house) {
Spatial model = app.getAssetManager().loadModel("models/Haus/"+house.getStage()+"Haus.j3o");
@ -191,9 +191,6 @@ public class BuildingAdminMenu extends Dialog {
* Closes the building administration menu and detaches its elements from the GUI.
public void close() {
@ -201,21 +198,8 @@ public class BuildingAdminMenu extends Dialog {
* Opens the settings menu when the escape key is pressed.
public void escape() {
new SettingsMenu(app).open();
* Periodic updates for the menu, if required.
* @param delta Time since the last update in seconds.
public void update(float delta) {
// Periodic updates if necessary
@ -3,64 +3,149 @@ package pp.monopoly.client.gui;
import com.jme3.math.Vector3f;
import com.jme3.renderer.Camera;
import pp.monopoly.client.MonopolyApp;
import pp.monopoly.notification.GameEventListener;
import pp.monopoly.notification.UpdatePlayerView;
* Controls the movement of the camera within the scene.
* Represents a camera controller for the Monopoly application.
public class CameraController {
private final Camera camera;
private final float height = 25; // Height of the camera above the game board
public class CameraController implements GameEventListener{
* Constructor for the CameraController.
* @param camera The camera to be controlled
* Enum representing the camera mode for the CameraController.
public CameraController(Camera camera) {
public enum CameraMode {
/** The camera to control */
private final Camera camera;
/** The current camera mode */
private CameraMode currentMode;
/** The player handler instance */
private PlayerHandler playerHandler;
/** The {@link MonopolyApp} instance*/
private final MonopolyApp app;
* Constructs a new CameraController instance.
* @param camera The camera to control
* @param app The MonopolyApp instance
public CameraController(Camera camera, MonopolyApp app) {
|||| = camera;
camera.lookAt(Vector3f.ZERO, Vector3f.UNIT_Y);
this.playerHandler = app.getGameLogic().getPlayerHandler();
|||| = app;
setMode(CameraMode.FOCUS_SELF); // Initialize the camera mode
* Updates the camera's position and orientation.
* @param tpf Time per frame
* Sets the camera mode to the specified mode.
* @param mode The camera mode to set
public void setMode(CameraMode mode) {
this.currentMode = mode;
* Updates the camera behavior based on the current mode and the time-per-frame (tpf).
* <p>
* This method checks the current mode of the camera and updates its position or behavior accordingly.
* Supported modes include:
* <ul>
* <li>FOCUS_CURRENT_PLAYER: Updates the camera position to focus on the current player.</li>
* <li>FOCUS_SELF: Updates the camera position to focus on the self (the object controlled by the player).</li>
* <li>FREECAM: Leaves the camera position unchanged, allowing free movement.</li>
* </ul>
* @param tpf The time-per-frame value, typically provided by the game engine,
* which represents the elapsed time since the last frame.
public void update(float tpf) {
camera.lookAt(Vector3f.ZERO, Vector3f.UNIT_Y);
switch (currentMode) {
* Sets the camera's position based on the field ID.
* @param fieldID The ID of the field to which the camera should move
* Updates the camera position depending on the current mode.
public void setPosition(int fieldID) {
public void updatePosition() {
Vector3f newPosition = getPos();
camera.lookAt(app.getGameLogic().getBoard().getFigure(app.getId()).getPos(), Vector3f.UNIT_Y);
* Sets the camera's position using specific coordinates.
* @param x The X-coordinate of the new camera position
* @param y The Y-coordinate of the new camera position
* Returns the position for the camera depending on the current mode.
* @return The position for the camera
public void setPosition(float x, float y) {
camera.setLocation(new Vector3f(x, height, y));
private Vector3f getPos() {
Vector3f pos = new Vector3f();
switch (currentMode) {
pos = app.getGameLogic().getBoard().getFigure(playerHandler.getPlayerById(0).getId()).getPos();
pos = app.getGameLogic().getBoard().getFigure(app.getId()).getPos();
Vector3f offset = getOffset();
pos = new Vector3f(pos.getX() + offset.getX(), pos.getY() + offset.getY(), pos.getZ() + offset.getZ());
return pos;
* Maps a field ID to its corresponding position in the game world.
* @param fieldID The ID of the field
* @return The position of the field as a {@link Vector3f}
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the field ID is invalid
* Calculates the offset for the camera depending on the field the player is on.
* @return The offset for the camera
private Vector3f fieldIdToVector(int fieldID) {
if (fieldID <= 10) return new Vector3f(30, height, 0);
if (fieldID <= 20) return new Vector3f(0, height, 30);
if (fieldID <= 30) return new Vector3f(-30, height, 0);
if (fieldID <= 40) return new Vector3f(0, height, -30);
else throw new IllegalArgumentException();
private Vector3f getOffset() {
Vector3f offset = new Vector3f();
int fieldId = playerHandler.getPlayerById( (currentMode == CameraMode.FOCUS_SELF ? app.getId() : playerHandler.getPlayerAtIndex(0).getId()) ).getFieldID();
// System.out.println();
if(fieldId < 10) {
offset = new Vector3f(0, 15, -20);
} else if(fieldId < 20) {
offset = new Vector3f(20 , 15, 0);
} else if(fieldId < 30) {
offset = new Vector3f(0, 15, 20 );
} else {
offset = new Vector3f(-20, 15, 0);
return offset;
public void receivedEvent(UpdatePlayerView event) {
playerHandler = app.getGameLogic().getPlayerHandler();
@ -1,60 +1,44 @@
//package pp.monopoly.client.gui;
//import com.jme3.input.InputManager;
//import com.jme3.input.KeyInput;
//import com.jme3.input.controls.ActionListener;
//import com.jme3.input.controls.KeyTrigger;
// * Handhabt die Eingaben für die Kamera.
// */
//public class CameraInputHandler {
// private CameraController cameraController; // Kamera-Controller
// /**
// * Konstruktor für den CameraInputHandler.
// *
// * @param cameraController Der Kamera-Controller, der gesteuert werden soll.
// * @param inputManager Der InputManager, um Eingaben zu registrieren.
// */
// public CameraInputHandler(CameraController cameraController, InputManager inputManager) {
// if (cameraController == null || inputManager == null) {
// throw new IllegalArgumentException("CameraController und InputManager dürfen nicht null sein");
// }
// this.cameraController = cameraController;
// // Mappings für Kamerasteuerung
// inputManager.addMapping("FocusCurrentPlayer", new KeyTrigger(KeyInput.KEY_1)); // Modus 1
// inputManager.addMapping("FocusSelf", new KeyTrigger(KeyInput.KEY_2)); // Modus 2
// inputManager.addMapping("FreeCam", new KeyTrigger(KeyInput.KEY_3)); // Modus 3
// // Listener für die Kameramodi
// inputManager.addListener(actionListener, "FocusCurrentPlayer", "FocusSelf", "FreeCam");
// }
// /**
// * ActionListener für die Kamerasteuerung.
// */
// private final ActionListener actionListener = (name, isPressed, tpf) -> {
// if (!isPressed) return;
// // Umschalten der Kamera-Modi basierend auf der Eingabe
// switch (name) {
// case "FocusCurrentPlayer" -> {
// cameraController.setMode(CameraController.CameraMode.FOCUS_CURRENT_PLAYER);
// System.out.println("Kameramodus: Fokus auf aktuellen Spieler");
// }
// case "FocusSelf" -> {
// cameraController.setMode(CameraController.CameraMode.FOCUS_SELF);
// System.out.println("Kameramodus: Fokus auf eigene Figur");
// }
// case "FreeCam" -> {
// cameraController.setMode(CameraController.CameraMode.FREECAM);
// System.out.println("Kameramodus: Freie Kamera");
// }
// default -> System.err.println("Unbekannter Kameramodus: " + name);
// }
// };
package pp.monopoly.client.gui;
import com.jme3.input.InputManager;
import com.jme3.input.KeyInput;
import com.jme3.input.controls.ActionListener;
import com.jme3.input.controls.KeyTrigger;
* Class to handle the input for the camera.
public class CameraInputHandler {
/**The camera controller */
private CameraController cameraController;
* Constructor for the CameraInputHandler.
* @param cameraController The camera controller.
* @param inputManager The input manager.
public CameraInputHandler(CameraController cameraController, InputManager inputManager) {
this.cameraController = cameraController;
// Tasten für die verschiedenen Kameramodi registrieren
inputManager.addMapping("FocusCurrentPlayer", new KeyTrigger(KeyInput.KEY_1));
inputManager.addMapping("FocusSelf", new KeyTrigger(KeyInput.KEY_2));
inputManager.addMapping("FreeCam", new KeyTrigger(KeyInput.KEY_3));
inputManager.addListener(actionListener, "FocusCurrentPlayer", "FocusSelf", "FreeCam");
* ActionListener for the camera.
private final ActionListener actionListener = (name, isPressed, tpf) -> {
if (!isPressed) return;
switch (name) {
case "FocusCurrentPlayer" -> cameraController.setMode(CameraController.CameraMode.FOCUS_CURRENT_PLAYER);
case "FocusSelf" -> cameraController.setMode(CameraController.CameraMode.FOCUS_SELF);
case "FreeCam" -> cameraController.setMode(CameraController.CameraMode.FREECAM);
@ -22,21 +22,34 @@ import pp.monopoly.message.client.ViewAssetsRequest;
import pp.monopoly.model.TradeHandler;
import pp.monopoly.notification.Sound;
* Dialog for choosing a trade partner.
public class ChoosePartner extends Dialog {
/** The {@link MonopolyApp} instance*/
private final MonopolyApp app;
/** Selector for selecting the player */
private Selector<String> playerSelector;
/** Button for cancel*/
private final Button cancelButton = new Button("Abbrechen");
/** Button for confirm*/
private final Button confirmButton = new Button("Bestätigen");
/** Main container for the UI components */
private final Container mainContainer;
/** Container for the lower left menu */
private Container lowerLeftMenu;
/** Container for the lower right menu */
private Container lowerRightMenu;
/** The background image */
private Geometry background;
/** The trade handler */
private TradeHandler tradeHandler;
private VersionedReference<Set<Integer>> selectionRef; // Reference to track selector changes
private String lastSelected = ""; // To keep track of the last selected value
QuadBackgroundComponent translucentWhiteBackground =
new QuadBackgroundComponent(new ColorRGBA(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f));
/** Reference to track selector changes */
private VersionedReference<Set<Integer>> selectionRef;
/** The last selected value */
private String lastSelected = "";
/** The translucent white background */
private QuadBackgroundComponent translucentWhiteBackground = new QuadBackgroundComponent(new ColorRGBA(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f));
* Constructs the ChoosePartner dialog.
@ -169,9 +182,6 @@ public class ChoosePartner extends Dialog {
* Handles the escape action for the dialog.
public void escape() {
new SettingsMenu(app).open();
@ -38,18 +38,31 @@ import pp.dialog.DialogBuilder;
* Allows users to specify the host and port for connecting to a game server.
public class CreateGameMenu extends Dialog {
/** The Logger for this class */
private static final Logger LOGGER = System.getLogger(CreateGameMenu.class.getName());
/** A string represing the localhost default */
private static final String LOCALHOST = "localhost"; //NON-NLS
/** A string representing the default port number */
private static final String DEFAULT_PORT = "42069"; //NON-NLS
/** The NetworkSupport instance to be used for network operations */
private final NetworkSupport network;
/** The text field for the host name */
private final TextField host = new TextField(LOCALHOST);
/** The text field for the port number */
private final TextField port = new TextField(DEFAULT_PORT);
/** The button for starting the server */
private final Button serverButton = new Button("Selber hosten");
/** The button for canceling the connection */
private final Button cancelButton = new Button("Abbrechen");
/** The button for joining a game */
private final Button joinButton = new Button("Beitreten");
/** The hostname of the server */
private String hostname;
/** The port number of the server */
private int portNumber;
/** The future representing the connection to the server */
private Future<Object> connectionFuture;
/** The dialog for indicating that the connection is in progress */
private Dialog progressDialog;
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
package pp.monopoly.client.gui;
import com.jme3.math.FastMath;
import com.jme3.math.Quaternion;
import com.jme3.math.Vector3f;
import com.jme3.renderer.RenderManager;
import com.jme3.renderer.ViewPort;
@ -8,7 +9,6 @@ import com.jme3.scene.Node;
import com.jme3.scene.control.AbstractControl;
import pp.monopoly.client.MonopolyApp;
import pp.monopoly.model.Figure;
import pp.monopoly.notification.GameEventListener;
import pp.monopoly.notification.UpdatePlayerView;
@ -18,21 +18,40 @@ import java.lang.System.Logger.Level;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Queue;
* Control class for the figure objects.
* Handles the movement of the figure along a path.
public class FigureControl extends AbstractControl implements GameEventListener {
/** The Logger for this class */
private static final Logger LOGGER = System.getLogger(FigureControl.class.getName());
/** The Figure object to control */
private final Figure figure;
/** The spatial object of the figure*/
private final Node spatial;
/** The MonopolyApp instance */
private final MonopolyApp app;
private Queue<Vector3f> path; // Path to follow
/** The path to follow */
private Queue<Vector3f> path;
/** The current target position */
private Vector3f currentTarget;
private float animationTime = 0f; // Time elapsed for the current movement
private final float durationPerField = 0.5f; // Time to move between fields
private float delayTime = 3f; // Verzögerung in Sekunden
private float delayElapsed = 0f; // Zeit, die seit dem Start der Verzögerung vergangen ist
/** The time elapsed for the current movement */
private float animationTime = 0f;
/** The duration per field */
private final float durationPerField = 0.5f;
/** The delay time */
private float delayTime = 3f;
/** The delay elapsed time */
private float delayElapsed = 0f;
* Constructor for the FigureControl class
* @param spatial The spatial object of the figure
* @param figure The figure object
* @param app The MonopolyApp object
public FigureControl(Node spatial, Figure figure, MonopolyApp app) {
this.figure = figure;
@ -42,6 +61,14 @@ public class FigureControl extends AbstractControl implements GameEventListener
* Updates the figure's movement along a path.
* Handles movement delays, rotates at specific fields (0, 10, 20, 30),
* and moves the figure with a hop effect toward the next target.
* @param tpf Time-per-frame since the last update.
protected void controlUpdate(float tpf) {
if (delayTime > 0) {
@ -50,14 +77,29 @@ public class FigureControl extends AbstractControl implements GameEventListener
return; // Warte, bis die Verzögerung abgeschlossen ist
delayTime = 0; // Verzögerung abgeschlossen
LOGGER.log(Level.DEBUG, "Delay completed. Starting animation...");
if (currentTarget == null && !path.isEmpty()) {
// Hole das nächste Ziel aus dem Pfad
currentTarget = path.poll();
animationTime = 0f;
LOGGER.log(Level.DEBUG, "Next target: {0}", currentTarget);
// Prüfe, ob eine Drehung erforderlich ist (Felder 0, 10, 20, 30)
int currentField = figure.getCurrentFieldID();
if ((nextField(currentField) == 10) ||
(nextField(currentField) == 20) ||
(nextField(currentField) == 30) ||
(nextField(currentField) == 0)) {
Quaternion rotation = spatial.getLocalRotation();
Quaternion turnRight = new Quaternion().fromAngleAxis(-FastMath.HALF_PI, Vector3f.UNIT_Y);
if (currentTarget != null) {
@ -71,7 +113,7 @@ public class FigureControl extends AbstractControl implements GameEventListener
// Hüpfeffekt hinzufügen
float hopHeight = 0.5f * FastMath.sin(FastMath.PI * (animationTime / durationPerField));
interpolatedPosition.setY(hopHeight + 1);
interpolatedPosition.setY(hopHeight );
// Ziel erreicht
@ -79,18 +121,17 @@ public class FigureControl extends AbstractControl implements GameEventListener
figure.moveTo(currentTarget); // Synchronisiere die interne Position
currentTarget = null; // Setze Ziel zurück
LOGGER.log(Level.DEBUG, "Target reached. Remaining path: {0}", path.size());
// Beispiel: Berechnung des nächsten Feldes
private int nextField() {
int currentField = figure.getCurrentFieldID();
return (currentField + 1) % 40; // Weiter zum nächsten Feld
* Calculate the next field on the board
* @param currentField The current field id
* @return The next field id
private int nextField(int currentField) {
return (currentField + 1) % 40;
@ -100,6 +141,11 @@ public class FigureControl extends AbstractControl implements GameEventListener
// No rendering logic required
* Set the path for the figure to follow
* @param startField The field the figure is currently on
* @param endField The field the figure should move to
public void setPath(int startField, int endField) {
LOGGER.log(Level.TRACE, "setPath called with startField: {0} to endField {1}", startField, endField);
@ -137,9 +183,4 @@ public class FigureControl extends AbstractControl implements GameEventListener
@ -4,26 +4,23 @@ import com.jme3.scene.Node;
import com.jme3.scene.Spatial;
import pp.monopoly.model.Item;
import pp.monopoly.model.Visitor;
import pp.monopoly.notification.DiceRollEvent;
import pp.monopoly.notification.GameEventListener;
import pp.monopoly.notification.ItemAddedEvent;
import pp.monopoly.notification.ItemRemovedEvent;
import pp.monopoly.notification.UpdatePlayerView;
import pp.monopoly.model.Board;
import pp.monopoly.model.Figure;
import pp.view.ModelViewSynchronizer;
* Abstract base class for synchronizing the visual representation of a {@link Board} with its model state.
* This class handles the addition and removal of items from the board, ensuring that changes in the model
* are accurately reflected in the view.
* <p>
* Subclasses are responsible for providing the specific implementation of how each item in the map
* is represented visually by implementing the {@link Visitor} interface.
* </p>
abstract class GameBoardSynchronizer extends ModelViewSynchronizer<Item> implements Visitor<Spatial>, GameEventListener {
// The board that this synchronizer is responsible for
/** The board that this synchronizer is responsible for*/
protected final Board board;
@ -9,12 +9,24 @@ import;
import pp.monopoly.notification.Sound;
* A custom button class that uses images for its appearance. The button's appearance changes based on its state (enabled,
public class ImageButton extends Button {
/** The MonopolyApp instance */
private final MonopolyApp app;
/** The button's functionality (e.g., "end_turn", "roll_dice") */
private final String functionality;
/** The player's color */
private final PlayerColor playerColor;
* Creates a new ImageButton with the given functionality and MonopolyApp instance.
* @param functionality the button's functionality (e.g., "end_turn", "roll_dice")
* @param app the MonopolyApp instance
public ImageButton(String functionality, MonopolyApp app) {
super("", "button-clear");
|||| = app;
@ -82,10 +94,12 @@ public class ImageButton extends Button {
public void addClickCommands( Command<? super Button> command ) {
super.addCommands(ButtonAction.Down, command);
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // because Java doesn't like var-arg generics
public void addClickCommands( Command<? super Button>... commands ) {
super.addCommands(ButtonAction.Down, commands);
@ -32,10 +32,10 @@ import java.util.Set;
* Represents the lobby menu in the Monopoly application.
* <p>
* Provides functionality for player configuration, including input for starting capital,
* player name, and figure selection, as well as options to ready up or exit the game.
* </p>
public class LobbyMenu extends Dialog {
@ -154,6 +154,7 @@ public class LobbyMenu extends Dialog {
figureDropdown = new Selector<>(figures, "glass");
@ -269,9 +270,6 @@ public class LobbyMenu extends Dialog {
app.getGameLogic().send(new PlayerReady(true, playerInputField.getText(), figure, Integer.parseInt(startingCapital.getText())));
* Opens the settings menu when the escape key is pressed.
public void escape() {
new SettingsMenu(app).open();
@ -290,11 +288,6 @@ public class LobbyMenu extends Dialog {
* Closes the current menu and transitions music playback.
* Stops the secondary music (if playing) and resumes the main background music
* if music is enabled in the preferences. Ensures smooth transitions in audio.
public void close() {
GameMusic music = app.getStateManager().getState(GameMusic.class);
@ -28,10 +28,15 @@ import;
* PropertyOverviewMenu is a dialog for displaying the player's properties in the game.
public class PropertyOverviewMenu extends Dialog {
/** The MonopolyApp instance */
private final MonopolyApp app;
/** The main container for the menu layout */
private final Container mainContainer;
/** The container for displaying the "Gebäude" cards */
private final Container displayContainer;
/** The horizontal slider for scrolling through cards */
private final Slider horizontalSlider;
/** The list of cards to display */
private final List<Container> cards;
@ -124,6 +129,9 @@ public class PropertyOverviewMenu extends Dialog {
* Creates a card for BuildingProperty with detailed rent and cost information.
* @param field The BuildingProperty to create a card for.
* @return The created card container.
private Container createBuildingCard(BuildingProperty field) {
Container card = new Container();
@ -156,6 +164,9 @@ public class PropertyOverviewMenu extends Dialog {
* Creates a card for FoodField with dynamic pricing and rent details.
* @param field The FoodField to create a card for.
* @return The created card container.
private Container createFoodFieldCard(FoodField field) {
Container card = new Container();
@ -188,6 +199,9 @@ public class PropertyOverviewMenu extends Dialog {
* Creates a card for GateField with rent details for owning multiple gates.
* @param field The GateField to create a card for.
* @return The created card container.
private Container createGateFieldCard(GateField field) {
Container card = new Container();
@ -206,11 +220,11 @@ public class PropertyOverviewMenu extends Dialog {
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("", new ElementId("label-Text"))).setFontSize(14);
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("Miete: 250 EUR", new ElementId("label-Text"))).setFontSize(14);
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("Wenn man", new ElementId("label-Text"))).setFontSize(14);
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("2 Bahnhof besitzt: 500 EUR", new ElementId("label-Text"))).setFontSize(14);
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("2 Tore besitzt: 500 EUR", new ElementId("label-Text"))).setFontSize(14);
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("Wenn man", new ElementId("label-Text"))).setFontSize(14);
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("3 Bahnhof besitzt: 1000 EUR", new ElementId("label-Text"))).setFontSize(14);
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("3 Tore besitzt: 1000 EUR", new ElementId("label-Text"))).setFontSize(14);
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("Wenn man", new ElementId("label-Text"))).setFontSize(14);
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("4 Bahnhof besitzt: 2000 EUR", new ElementId("label-Text"))).setFontSize(14);
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("4 Tore besitzt: 2000 EUR", new ElementId("label-Text"))).setFontSize(14);
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("", new ElementId("label-Text"))).setFontSize(14);
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("„Hypothek: " + field.getHypo() + " EUR", new ElementId("label-Text"))).setFontSize(14);
propertyValuesContainer.setBackground(new QuadBackgroundComponent(new ColorRGBA(0.4657f, 0.4735f, 0.4892f, 1.0f))); // Dark grey background
@ -260,9 +274,6 @@ public class PropertyOverviewMenu extends Dialog {
* Closes the dialog and detaches it from the GUI node.
public void close() {
@ -136,9 +136,6 @@ public class SettingsMenu extends Dialog {
* As an escape action, this method closes the menu if it is the top dialog.
public void escape() {
@ -3,12 +3,15 @@ package pp.monopoly.client.gui;
import com.simsilica.lemur.Slider;
import pp.monopoly.client.GameSound;
* A slider for the sound effects volume.
public class SoundSlider extends Slider {
* Manages sound effects for the game.
private final pp.monopoly.client.GameSound sound;
private final GameSound sound;
* Volume level for the game sounds.
@ -20,6 +20,9 @@ import pp.monopoly.notification.Sound;
* Constructs the startup menu dialog for the Monopoly application.
public class StartMenu extends Dialog {
* The Monopoly application instance.
private final MonopolyApp app;
@ -65,7 +68,7 @@ public class StartMenu extends Dialog {
// Load the Monopoly logo as a texture
Texture logoTexture = app.getAssetManager().loadTexture("Pictures/logo-monopoly.png");
Texture logoTexture = app.getAssetManager().loadTexture("Pictures/logo-monopolyw.png");
// Create a container for the logo
Container logoContainer = new Container();
@ -91,8 +94,8 @@ public class StartMenu extends Dialog {
QuadBackgroundComponent unibwBackground = new QuadBackgroundComponent(unibwTexture);
float unibwWidth = 512;
float unibwHeight = 128;
float unibwWidth = 662;
float unibwHeight = 180;
unibwContainer.setPreferredSize(new Vector3f(unibwWidth, unibwHeight, 0));
unibwContainer.setLocalTranslation(new Vector3f(
@ -105,17 +108,11 @@ public class StartMenu extends Dialog {
* Opens the settings menu when the escape key is pressed.
public void escape() {
new SettingsMenu(app).open();
* Closes the startup menu and detaches all GUI elements.
public void close() {
@ -99,7 +99,9 @@ public class Toolbar extends Dialog implements GameEventListener {
@ -135,6 +137,17 @@ public class Toolbar extends Dialog implements GameEventListener {
* Adds a spacer to the specified container.
* @param container the container to which the spacer is added
private void setupSpacer(Container container) {
Container spacer = container.addChild(new Container());
spacer.setPreferredSize(new Vector3f(20, 10, 0));
* Sets up the player information section of the toolbar interface.
@ -183,16 +196,6 @@ public class Toolbar extends Dialog implements GameEventListener {
* Returns the color of the current player.
* @return The color of the current player.
private ColorRGBA getCurrentPlayerColor() {
Player currentPlayer = playerHandler.getPlayerById(app.getId());
return Player.getColor(currentPlayer.getId()).getColor();
* Creates the dice display section of the toolbar interface.
@ -280,7 +283,11 @@ public class Toolbar extends Dialog implements GameEventListener {
* Creates the trade button.
* @return The trade button.
private Button createTradeButton() {
String iconPath = "icons/icon-handeln.png";
// createActionButton(playerColor, "icons/icon-handeln.png", 100, () -> new ChoosePartner(app).open());
@ -295,12 +302,17 @@ public class Toolbar extends Dialog implements GameEventListener {
tradeButton.addClickCommands(s -> ifTopDialog(() -> {
new ChoosePartner(app).open();
return tradeButton;
* Creates the property menu button.
* @return The property menu button.
private Button createPropertyMenuButton() {
String iconPath = "icons/icon-gebaude.png";
@ -320,6 +332,11 @@ public class Toolbar extends Dialog implements GameEventListener {
return propertyMenuButton;
* Creates the end turn button.
* @return The end turn button.
private Button createEndTurnButton() {
// return createActionButton(playerColor, "icons/icon-zugbeenden.png", 75, () -> handleEndTurn());
@ -334,25 +351,12 @@ public class Toolbar extends Dialog implements GameEventListener {
endTurnButton.addClickCommands(s -> ifTopDialog(() -> {
app.getGameLogic().send(new EndTurn());
receivedEvent(new ButtonStatusEvent(false));
return endTurnButton;
* Creates a background with the specified color.
* @param color The color of the background.
* @return The background component.
private QuadBackgroundComponent createButtonBackground(ColorRGBA color) {
QuadBackgroundComponent background = new QuadBackgroundComponent(color);
Texture gradient = app.getAssetManager().loadTexture("Textures/gradient.png");
if (gradient != null) background.setTexture(gradient);
return background;
* Handles the end turn event.
@ -534,18 +538,11 @@ public class Toolbar extends Dialog implements GameEventListener {
* Closes the toolbar, detaching it from the GUI.
public void close() {
* Opens the settings menu when the escape key is pressed.
public void escape() {
new SettingsMenu(app).open();
@ -30,10 +30,10 @@ import;
* Represents the trade menu dialog in the Monopoly application.
* <p>
* Facilitates trade interactions between players, including selection of properties,
* currency, and special cards for offers and requests.
* </p>
public class TradeMenu extends Dialog {
@ -48,17 +48,26 @@ public class TradeMenu extends Dialog {
/** Background geometry for the menu. */
private Geometry background;
/** The building and card selector for the left column. */
private Selector<String> leftBuildingSelector, leftSpecialCardSelector;
/** The building and card selector for the right column. */
private Selector<String> rightBuildingSelector, rightSpecialCardSelector;
/** The labels for displaying selected properties. */
private Label leftSelectionsLabel, rightSelectionsLabel;
/** The text fields for currency input. */
private TextField leftCurrencyInput, rightCurrencyInput;
/** References for tracking UI changes. */
private VersionedReference<Set<Integer>> leftBuildingRef, rightBuildingRef;
/** References for tracking UI changes. */
private VersionedReference<Set<Integer>> leftCardRef, rightCardRef;
/** The selected buildings for the trade. */
private Set<String> rightselBuildings = new HashSet<>();
/** The selected buildings for the trade. */
private Set<String> leftselBuildings = new HashSet<>();
/** The color for the trade menu background. */
private static final ColorRGBA TRANSLUCENT_WHITE = new ColorRGBA(1, 1, 1, 0.5f);
@ -80,7 +89,11 @@ public class TradeMenu extends Dialog {
/** Creates the main container for the trade menu UI. */
* Creates the main container for the trade menu.
* @return the created main container
private Container createMainContainer() {
Container container = new Container(new SpringGridLayout(Axis.Y, Axis.X));
container.setPreferredSize(new Vector3f(1200, 800, 0));
@ -90,7 +103,11 @@ public class TradeMenu extends Dialog {
return container;
/** Creates the header label for the trade menu. */
* Creates the header label for the trade menu.
* @return the created header label
private Label createHeader() {
Label header = new Label("Handelsmenü", new ElementId("label-Bold"));
@ -98,7 +115,11 @@ public class TradeMenu extends Dialog {
header.setBackground(new QuadBackgroundComponent(TRANSLUCENT_WHITE));
return header;
/** Creates the main content section of the trade menu. */
* Creates the main content for the trade menu.
* @return the created main content container
private Container createMainContent() {
Container mainContent = new Container(new SpringGridLayout(Axis.X, Axis.Y));
mainContent.setPreferredSize(new Vector3f(1200, 700, 0));
@ -110,7 +131,9 @@ public class TradeMenu extends Dialog {
return mainContent;
/** Sets the trade data based on the current selections. */
* Sets the trade values based on the user input.
private void setTrades() {
String leftCurreny = leftCurrencyInput.getText().equals("")? "0" : leftCurrencyInput.getText();
String rightCurreny = rightCurrencyInput.getText().equals("")? "0" : rightCurrencyInput.getText();
@ -232,13 +255,21 @@ public class TradeMenu extends Dialog {
combinedProperties =;
return combinedProperties;
/** Creates a text field for currency input. */
* Creates a currency input field for the trade menu.
* @return the created currency input field
private TextField createCurrencyInput() {
TextField currencyInput = new TextField("0");
return currencyInput;
/** Creates the middle section containing buttons and summary fields. */
* Creates the middle section of the trade menu.
* @return the created middle section container
private Container createMiddleSection() {
Container middleSection = new Container(new SpringGridLayout(Axis.Y, Axis.X));
middleSection.setBackground(new QuadBackgroundComponent(new ColorRGBA(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f, 1.0f)));
@ -281,13 +312,19 @@ public class TradeMenu extends Dialog {
return middleSection;
/** Styles the given selector with insets and background color. */
* Styles the given selector with insets and background color.
* @param selector the selector to style
private void styleSelector(Selector<String> selector) {
selector.setInsets(new Insets3f(5, 10, 5, 10));
selector.setBackground(new QuadBackgroundComponent(ColorRGBA.Black));
/** Styles the given text field with insets and background color. */
* Styles the given text field with insets and background color.
* @param textField the text field to style
private void styleTextField(TextField textField) {
textField.setInsets(new Insets3f(5, 10, 5, 10));
textField.setBackground(new QuadBackgroundComponent(ColorRGBA.Black));
@ -314,7 +351,10 @@ public class TradeMenu extends Dialog {
rightCurrencyInput = currencyInput;
/** Positions the main container at the center of the screen. */
* Positions the main container in the center of the screen.
private void positionMainContainer() {
(app.getCamera().getWidth() - mainContainer.getPreferredSize().x) / 2,
@ -322,7 +362,10 @@ public class TradeMenu extends Dialog {
/** Adds a background image to the trade menu. */
* Adds a background image to the trade menu.
private void addBackgroundImage() {
Texture backgroundImage = app.getAssetManager().loadTexture("Pictures/unibw-Bib2.png");
Quad quad = new Quad(app.getCamera().getWidth(), app.getCamera().getHeight());
@ -333,6 +376,7 @@ public class TradeMenu extends Dialog {
background.setLocalTranslation(0, 0, 6);
/** Initializes references for tracking UI changes. */
private void initializeReferences() {
leftBuildingRef = leftBuildingSelector.getSelectionModel().createReference();
@ -10,7 +10,9 @@ import pp.monopoly.client.GameMusic;
public class VolumeSlider extends Slider {
private final pp.monopoly.client.GameMusic music;
/** The GameMusic instance to handel */
private final GameMusic music;
/** The volume of the music */
private double vol;
@ -12,33 +12,31 @@ import com.simsilica.lemur.Label;
import com.simsilica.lemur.component.QuadBackgroundComponent;
import pp.dialog.Dialog;
import pp.dialog.PopupDialog;
import pp.monopoly.client.MonopolyApp;
import pp.monopoly.client.gui.SettingsMenu;
import pp.monopoly.message.server.TradeReply;
import pp.monopoly.notification.Sound;
* Represents a confirmation dialog that appears when a trade is accepted .
* <p>
* Displays a message to the user informing them that the trade they proposed has been accepted,
* along with a confirmation button to close the dialog.
* </p>
* Represents a confirmation dialog that appears when a trade is accepted.
* Displays a message to the user informing them that the trade was accepted.
public class AcceptTrade extends Dialog {
public class AcceptTrade extends Dialog implements PopupDialog {
/** Reference to the Monopoly application instance. */
private final MonopolyApp app;
/** Semi-transparent overlay background for the dialog. */
private final Geometry overlayBackground;
private Geometry overlayBackground;
/** Container for the warning message content. */
private final Container noMoneyWarningContainer;
private Container noMoneyWarningContainer;
/** Background container providing a border for the dialog. */
private final Container backgroundContainer;
private Container backgroundContainer;
* Constructs the accept trade dialog.
* Constructs the AcceptTrade dialog.
* @param app the Monopoly application instance
* @param msg the trade reply message containing details about the trade
@ -47,80 +45,99 @@ public class AcceptTrade extends Dialog {
|||| = app;
// Halbtransparentes Overlay hinzufügen
overlayBackground = createOverlayBackground();
// Create the background container
backgroundContainer = new Container();
backgroundContainer.setBackground(new QuadBackgroundComponent(new ColorRGBA(0.8657f, 0.8735f, 0.8892f, 1.0f))); // Darker background
// Hauptcontainer für die Warnung
noMoneyWarningContainer = new Container();
noMoneyWarningContainer.setBackground(new QuadBackgroundComponent(new ColorRGBA(0.8657f, 0.8735f, 0.8892f, 1.0f)));
noMoneyWarningContainer.setPreferredSize(new Vector3f(550,250,10));
float padding = 10; // Passt den backgroundContainer an die Größe des bankruptContainers an
backgroundContainer.setPreferredSize(noMoneyWarningContainer.getPreferredSize().addLocal(padding, padding, 0));
// Titel
Label gateFieldTitle = noMoneyWarningContainer.addChild(new Label("Handel angenommen!", new ElementId("warning-title")));
// Text, der im Popup steht
Container textContainer = noMoneyWarningContainer.addChild(new Container());
textContainer.addChild(new Label("Du hast Spieler"+ " " + msg.getTradeHandler().getReceiver().getName() + " " + "einen Handel vorgeschlagen", new ElementId("label-Text")));
textContainer.addChild(new Label("", new ElementId("label-Text")));
textContainer.addChild(new Label("Der Handel wurde angenommen", new ElementId("label-Text")));
textContainer.setBackground(new QuadBackgroundComponent(new ColorRGBA(0.4657f, 0.4735f, 0.4892f, 1.0f)));
// Passt den textContainer an die Größe des bankruptContainers an
// Beenden-Button
Button quitButton = noMoneyWarningContainer.addChild(new Button("Bestätigen", new ElementId("button")));
quitButton.addClickCommands(source -> ifTopDialog(() -> {
// Zentriere das Popup
(app.getCamera().getWidth() - noMoneyWarningContainer.getPreferredSize().x) / 2,
(app.getCamera().getHeight() + noMoneyWarningContainer.getPreferredSize().y) / 2,
// Zentriere das Popup
(app.getCamera().getWidth() - noMoneyWarningContainer.getPreferredSize().x - padding) / 2,
(app.getCamera().getHeight() + noMoneyWarningContainer.getPreferredSize().y+ padding) / 2,
// Initialize GUI elements
* Creates a semi-transparent background overlay for the dialog.
* @return the geometry of the overlay
private Geometry createOverlayBackground() {
private void createOverlayBackground() {
Quad quad = new Quad(app.getCamera().getWidth(), app.getCamera().getHeight());
Geometry overlay = new Geometry("Overlay", quad);
overlayBackground = new Geometry("Overlay", quad);
Material material = new Material(app.getAssetManager(), "Common/MatDefs/Misc/Unshaded.j3md");
material.setColor("Color", new ColorRGBA(0, 0, 0, 0.5f)); // Halbtransparent
material.setColor("Color", new ColorRGBA(0, 0, 0, 0.5f)); // Semi-transparent
overlay.setLocalTranslation(0, 0, 0);
return overlay;
overlayBackground.setLocalTranslation(0, 0, 0);
* Creates the background container for the dialog.
private void createBackgroundContainer() {
backgroundContainer = new Container();
backgroundContainer.setBackground(new QuadBackgroundComponent(new ColorRGBA(0.8657f, 0.8735f, 0.8892f, 1.0f))); // Light gray background
* Creates the main warning container for the dialog.
* @param msg the trade reply message
private void createWarningContainer(TradeReply msg) {
noMoneyWarningContainer = new Container();
noMoneyWarningContainer.setBackground(new QuadBackgroundComponent(new ColorRGBA(0.8657f, 0.8735f, 0.8892f, 1.0f)));
noMoneyWarningContainer.setPreferredSize(new Vector3f(550, 250, 10));
float padding = 10;
backgroundContainer.setPreferredSize(noMoneyWarningContainer.getPreferredSize().addLocal(padding, padding, 0));
// Title
Label title = noMoneyWarningContainer.addChild(new Label("Handel angenommen!", new ElementId("warning-title")));
// Message
Container textContainer = noMoneyWarningContainer.addChild(new Container());
textContainer.addChild(new Label("Du hast " + msg.getTradeHandler().getReceiver().getName() + " einen Handel vorgeschlagen.", new ElementId("label-Text")));
textContainer.addChild(new Label("", new ElementId("label-Text")));
textContainer.addChild(new Label("Der Handel wurde angenommen.", new ElementId("label-Text")));
textContainer.setBackground(new QuadBackgroundComponent(new ColorRGBA(0.4657f, 0.4735f, 0.4892f, 1.0f)));
textContainer.setPreferredSize(noMoneyWarningContainer.getPreferredSize().addLocal(-250, -200, 0));
// Confirmation button
Button confirmButton = noMoneyWarningContainer.addChild(new Button("Bestätigen", new ElementId("button")));
confirmButton.addClickCommands(source -> ifTopDialog(() -> {
* Centers the warning and background containers on the screen.
private void centerContainers() {
float padding = 10;
// Center main container
(app.getCamera().getWidth() - noMoneyWarningContainer.getPreferredSize().x) / 2,
(app.getCamera().getHeight() + noMoneyWarningContainer.getPreferredSize().y) / 2,
// Center background container with padding
backgroundContainer.setPreferredSize(noMoneyWarningContainer.getPreferredSize().addLocal(padding, padding, 0));
(app.getCamera().getWidth() - backgroundContainer.getPreferredSize().x) / 2,
(app.getCamera().getHeight() + backgroundContainer.getPreferredSize().y) / 2,
* Displays the dialog by attaching it to the GUI through the DialogManager.
public void show() {
@ -128,9 +145,9 @@ public class AcceptTrade extends Dialog {
public void close() {
app.getGuiNode().detachChild(noMoneyWarningContainer); // Entferne das Menü
app.getGuiNode().detachChild(backgroundContainer); //Entfernt Rand
app.getGuiNode().detachChild(overlayBackground); // Entferne das Overlay
@ -139,6 +156,6 @@ public class AcceptTrade extends Dialog {
public void escape() {
new SettingsMenu(app).open();
@ -12,24 +12,24 @@ import com.simsilica.lemur.Label;
import com.simsilica.lemur.component.QuadBackgroundComponent;
import pp.dialog.Dialog;
import pp.dialog.PopupDialog;
import pp.monopoly.client.MonopolyApp;
* Bankrupt is a Warning-Popup which appears when the balance is negative at the end of a player´s turn
* Bankrupt is a Warning-Popup which appears when the balance is negative at the end of a player´s turn.
public class Bankrupt extends Dialog {
public class Bankrupt extends Dialog implements PopupDialog {
/** Reference to the Monopoly application instance. */
private final MonopolyApp app;
/** Semi-transparent overlay background for the popup. */
private final Geometry overlayBackground;
private Geometry overlayBackground;
/** Main container for the bankruptcy warning content. */
private final Container bankruptContainer;
private Container bankruptContainer;
/** Background container providing a border for the popup. */
private final Container backgroundContainer;
private Container backgroundContainer;
* Constructs the bankruptcy warning popup.
@ -40,94 +40,101 @@ public class Bankrupt extends Dialog {
|||| = app;
// Halbtransparentes Overlay hinzufügen
overlayBackground = createOverlayBackground();
// Create the background container
backgroundContainer = new Container();
backgroundContainer.setBackground(new QuadBackgroundComponent(new ColorRGBA(0.8657f, 0.8735f, 0.8892f, 1.0f))); // Darker background
// Hauptcontainer für die Warnung
bankruptContainer = new Container();
bankruptContainer.setBackground(new QuadBackgroundComponent(new ColorRGBA(0.8657f, 0.8735f, 0.8892f, 1.0f)));
bankruptContainer.setPreferredSize(new Vector3f(550,250,10));
float padding = 10; // Passt den backgroundContainer an die Größe des bankruptContainers an
backgroundContainer.setPreferredSize(bankruptContainer.getPreferredSize().addLocal(padding, padding, 0));
// Titel
Label gateFieldTitle = bankruptContainer.addChild(new Label("Vorsicht !", new ElementId("warning-title")));
// Text, der im Popup steht
Container textContainer = bankruptContainer.addChild(new Container());
textContainer.addChild(new Label("Du hast noch einen negativen Kontostand. Wenn du jetzt deinen Zug beendest, gehst du Bankrott und verlierst das Spiel!\n"+
"Dieses PopUp wird nicht erneut angezeigt!", new ElementId("label-Text")));
textContainer.setBackground(new QuadBackgroundComponent(new ColorRGBA(0.4657f, 0.4735f, 0.4892f, 1.0f)));
// Passt den textContainer an die Größe des bankruptContainers an
// Beenden-Button
Button quitButton = bankruptContainer.addChild(new Button("Bestätigen", new ElementId("button")));
quitButton.addClickCommands(source -> ifTopDialog(this::close));
// Zentriere das Popup
(app.getCamera().getWidth() - bankruptContainer.getPreferredSize().x) / 2,
(app.getCamera().getHeight() + bankruptContainer.getPreferredSize().y) / 2,
// Zentriere das Popup
(app.getCamera().getWidth() - bankruptContainer.getPreferredSize().x - padding) / 2,
(app.getCamera().getHeight() + bankruptContainer.getPreferredSize().y+ padding) / 2,
// Initialize the components
* Creates a semi-transparent background overlay for the popup.
* @return the geometry of the overlay
private Geometry createOverlayBackground() {
private void createOverlayBackground() {
Quad quad = new Quad(app.getCamera().getWidth(), app.getCamera().getHeight());
Geometry overlay = new Geometry("Overlay", quad);
overlayBackground = new Geometry("Overlay", quad);
Material material = new Material(app.getAssetManager(), "Common/MatDefs/Misc/Unshaded.j3md");
material.setColor("Color", new ColorRGBA(0, 0, 0, 0.5f)); // Halbtransparent
material.setColor("Color", new ColorRGBA(0, 0, 0, 0.5f)); // Semi-transparent
overlay.setLocalTranslation(0, 0, 0);
return overlay;
overlayBackground.setLocalTranslation(0, 0, 0);
* Closes the menu and removes the GUI elements.
* Creates the background container for the popup.
private void createBackgroundContainer() {
backgroundContainer = new Container();
backgroundContainer.setBackground(new QuadBackgroundComponent(new ColorRGBA(0.8657f, 0.8735f, 0.8892f, 1.0f))); // Light gray background
* Creates the main container for the bankruptcy warning content.
private void createBankruptContainer() {
bankruptContainer = new Container();
bankruptContainer.setBackground(new QuadBackgroundComponent(new ColorRGBA(0.8657f, 0.8735f, 0.8892f, 1.0f)));
bankruptContainer.setPreferredSize(new Vector3f(550, 350, 10));
// Title
Label title = bankruptContainer.addChild(new Label("Vorsicht!", new ElementId("warning-title")));
// Text content
Container textContainer = bankruptContainer.addChild(new Container());
textContainer.addChild(new Label(
"Du hast einen negativen Kontostand. Wenn du jetzt deinen Zug beendest, gehst du bankrott und verlierst das Spiel!\n"
+ "Dieses Pop-Up wird nicht erneut angezeigt!",
new ElementId("label-Text")));
textContainer.setBackground(new QuadBackgroundComponent(new ColorRGBA(0.4657f, 0.4735f, 0.4892f, 1.0f)));
textContainer.setPreferredSize(bankruptContainer.getPreferredSize().addLocal(-250, -200, 0));
// Confirmation button
Button confirmButton = bankruptContainer.addChild(new Button("Bestätigen", new ElementId("button")));
confirmButton.addClickCommands(source -> ifTopDialog(this::close));
* Centers the popup containers on the screen.
private void centerContainers() {
float padding = 10;
// Center bankrupt container
(app.getCamera().getWidth() - bankruptContainer.getPreferredSize().x) / 2,
(app.getCamera().getHeight() + bankruptContainer.getPreferredSize().y) / 2,
// Center background container with padding
backgroundContainer.setPreferredSize(bankruptContainer.getPreferredSize().addLocal(padding, padding, 0));
(app.getCamera().getWidth() - backgroundContainer.getPreferredSize().x) / 2,
(app.getCamera().getHeight() + backgroundContainer.getPreferredSize().y) / 2,
public void show() {
public void close() {
app.getGuiNode().detachChild(bankruptContainer); // Entferne das Menü
app.getGuiNode().detachChild(backgroundContainer); //Entfernt Rand
app.getGuiNode().detachChild(overlayBackground); // Entferne das Overlay
* Handles the escape key action by closing the popup.
public void escape() {
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
package pp.monopoly.client.gui.popups;
import com.jme3.math.ColorRGBA;
import com.jme3.math.Vector3f;
import com.simsilica.lemur.Button;
import com.simsilica.lemur.Container;
import com.simsilica.lemur.Label;
@ -8,6 +9,7 @@ import com.simsilica.lemur.component.QuadBackgroundComponent;
import pp.dialog.Dialog;
import pp.dialog.PopupDialog;
import pp.monopoly.client.MonopolyApp;
import pp.monopoly.client.gui.SettingsMenu;
import pp.monopoly.message.client.BuyPropertyResponse;
@ -16,16 +18,15 @@ import pp.monopoly.model.fields.BuildingProperty;
import pp.monopoly.notification.Sound;
* BuildingPropertyCard creates the popup for field information
* BuildingPropertyCard creates a popup for displaying field information.
public class BuildingPropertyCard extends Dialog {
/** Reference to the Monopoly application instance. */
public class BuildingPropertyCard extends Dialog implements PopupDialog {
/**The Monopoly application instance*/
private final MonopolyApp app;
/** Main container for the building property information. */
/**The main container for the popup*/
private final Container buildingPropertyContainer;
/** Background container providing a border for the property card. */
/**The background container for the popup*/
private final Container backgroundContainer;
@ -37,91 +38,122 @@ public class BuildingPropertyCard extends Dialog {
|||| = app;
//Generate the corresponding field
int index = app.getGameLogic().getPlayerHandler().getPlayerById(app.getId()).getFieldID();
BuildingProperty field = (BuildingProperty) new BoardManager().getFieldAtIndex(index);
// Create the background container
backgroundContainer = new Container();
backgroundContainer.setBackground(new QuadBackgroundComponent(new ColorRGBA(0.8657f, 0.8735f, 0.8892f, 1.0f))); // Darker background
// Hauptcontainer für die Gebäudekarte
// Create the main container for the popup
buildingPropertyContainer = new Container();
buildingPropertyContainer.setBackground(new QuadBackgroundComponent(field.getColor().getColor()));
addContentToContainer(buildingPropertyContainer, field);
buildingPropertyContainer.setPreferredSize(new Vector3f(360,460,1));
float padding = 10; // Passt den backgroundContainer an die Größe des buildingPropertyContainer an
// Create the background container
backgroundContainer = new Container();
backgroundContainer.setBackground(new QuadBackgroundComponent(new ColorRGBA(0.8657f, 0.8735f, 0.8892f, 1.0f))); // Light gray
// Add padding to the background
float padding = 10f;
backgroundContainer.setPreferredSize(buildingPropertyContainer.getPreferredSize().addLocal(padding, padding, 0));
Label settingsTitle = buildingPropertyContainer.addChild(new Label( field.getName(), new ElementId("label-Bold")));
settingsTitle.setBackground(new QuadBackgroundComponent(field.getColor().getColor()));
// Text, der auf der Karte steht
// Die Preise werden dynamisch dem BoardManager entnommen
Container propertyValuesContainer = buildingPropertyContainer.addChild(new Container());
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("„Grundstückswert: " + field.getPrice() + " EUR", new ElementId("label-Text")));
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("", new ElementId("label-Text")));// Leerzeile
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("„Miete allein: " + field.getAllRent().get(0)+ " EUR", new ElementId("label-Text")));
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("„-mit 1 Haus: " + field.getAllRent().get(1) + " EUR", new ElementId("label-Text")));
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("„-mit 2 Häuser: " + field.getAllRent().get(2) + " EUR", new ElementId("label-Text")));
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("„-mit 3 Häuser: " + field.getAllRent().get(3) + " EUR", new ElementId("label-Text")));
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("„-mit 4 Häuser: " + field.getAllRent().get(4) + " EUR", new ElementId("label-Text")));
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("„-mit 1 Hotel: " + field.getAllRent().get(5) + " EUR", new ElementId("label-Text")));
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("„-1 Haus kostet: " + field.getHousePrice()+ " EUR", new ElementId("label-Text")));
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("", new ElementId("label-Text")));// Leerzeile
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("„Hypothek: " + field.getHypo() + " EUR", new ElementId("label-Text")));
// Position the containers
* Adds the property details and buttons to the container.
* @param container the main container for the property card
* @param field the building property to display
private void addContentToContainer(Container container, BuildingProperty field) {
// Title
Label title = container.addChild(new Label(field.getName(), new ElementId("label-Bold")));
title.setBackground(new QuadBackgroundComponent(field.getColor().getColor()));
// Property details
Container propertyValuesContainer = container.addChild(new Container());
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("Grundstückswert: " + field.getPrice() + " EUR", new ElementId("label-Text")));
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("", new ElementId("label-Text")));
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("Miete allein: " + field.getAllRent().get(0) + " EUR", new ElementId("label-Text")));
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("- mit 1 Haus: " + field.getAllRent().get(1) + " EUR", new ElementId("label-Text")));
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("- mit 2 Häusern: " + field.getAllRent().get(2) + " EUR", new ElementId("label-Text")));
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("- mit 3 Häusern: " + field.getAllRent().get(3) + " EUR", new ElementId("label-Text")));
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("- mit 4 Häusern: " + field.getAllRent().get(4) + " EUR", new ElementId("label-Text")));
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("- mit 1 Hotel: " + field.getAllRent().get(5) + " EUR", new ElementId("label-Text")));
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("1 Haus kostet: " + field.getHousePrice() + " EUR", new ElementId("label-Text")));
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("", new ElementId("label-Text")));
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("Hypothek: " + field.getHypo() + " EUR", new ElementId("label-Text")));
propertyValuesContainer.setBackground(new QuadBackgroundComponent(new ColorRGBA(0.4657f, 0.4735f, 0.4892f, 1.0f)));
// Beenden-Button
Button quitButton = buildingPropertyContainer.addChild(new Button("Beenden", new ElementId("button")));
// Add buttons
* Adds the buttons for closing or buying the property.
* @param container the main container
private void addButtons(Container container) {
// Quit button
Button quitButton = container.addChild(new Button("Beenden", new ElementId("button")));
quitButton.addClickCommands(s -> ifTopDialog( () -> {
quitButton.addClickCommands(s -> ifTopDialog(() -> {
// Kaufen-Button
Button buyButton = buildingPropertyContainer.addChild(new Button("Kaufen", new ElementId("button")));
// Buy button
Button buyButton = container.addChild(new Button("Kaufen", new ElementId("button")));
buyButton.addClickCommands(s -> ifTopDialog( () -> {
buyButton.addClickCommands(s -> ifTopDialog(() -> {
app.getGameLogic().send(new BuyPropertyResponse());
// Zentriere das Popup
* Centers the containers on the screen.
* @param padding the padding size
private void centerContainers(float padding) {
// Center main container
(app.getCamera().getWidth() - buildingPropertyContainer.getPreferredSize().x) / 2,
(app.getCamera().getHeight() + buildingPropertyContainer.getPreferredSize().y) / 2,
// Zentriere das Popup
// Center background container with padding
(app.getCamera().getWidth() - buildingPropertyContainer.getPreferredSize().x - padding) / 2,
(app.getCamera().getHeight() + buildingPropertyContainer.getPreferredSize().y+ padding) / 2,
(app.getCamera().getWidth() - buildingPropertyContainer.getPreferredSize().x - padding) / 2,
(app.getCamera().getHeight() + buildingPropertyContainer.getPreferredSize().y + padding) / 2,
public void show() {
* Closes the popup and removes the associated GUI elements.
public void close() {
app.getGuiNode().detachChild(buildingPropertyContainer); // Entferne das Menü
app.getGuiNode().detachChild(backgroundContainer); //Entfernt Rand
* Opens the settings menu when the escape key is pressed.
public void escape() {
new SettingsMenu(app).open();
@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ import com.simsilica.lemur.Button;
import com.simsilica.lemur.Container;
import com.simsilica.lemur.Label;
import com.simsilica.lemur.Selector;
import com.simsilica.lemur.TextField;
import com.simsilica.lemur.component.QuadBackgroundComponent;
import com.simsilica.lemur.component.SpringGridLayout;
import com.simsilica.lemur.core.VersionedList;
@ -228,9 +227,6 @@ public class BuyHouse extends Dialog {
* Closes the popup and removes its GUI elements.
public void close() {
@ -238,9 +234,6 @@ public class BuyHouse extends Dialog {
* Opens the settings menu when the escape key is pressed.
public void escape() {
new SettingsMenu(app).open();
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import com.simsilica.lemur.Label;
import com.simsilica.lemur.component.QuadBackgroundComponent;
import pp.dialog.Dialog;
import pp.dialog.PopupDialog;
import pp.monopoly.client.MonopolyApp;
import pp.monopoly.client.gui.SettingsMenu;
import pp.monopoly.client.gui.TradeMenu;
@ -18,18 +19,18 @@ import pp.monopoly.notification.Sound;
* ConfirmTrade is a popup which appears when a trade is proposed to this certain player.
public class ConfirmTrade extends Dialog {
public class ConfirmTrade extends Dialog implements PopupDialog {
/** Reference to the Monopoly application instance. */
private final MonopolyApp app;
/** Main container for the "Confirm Trade" popup UI. */
private final Container confirmTradeContainer;
private Container confirmTradeContainer;
/** Background container providing a border for the popup. */
private final Container backgroundContainer;
private Container backgroundContainer;
/** The trade handler managing the details of the trade proposal. */
private TradeHandler tradeHandler;
private final TradeHandler tradeHandler;
* Constructs the "Confirm Trade" popup.
@ -39,53 +40,61 @@ public class ConfirmTrade extends Dialog {
public ConfirmTrade(MonopolyApp app) {
|||| = app;
tradeHandler = app.getGameLogic().getTradeHandler();
this.tradeHandler = app.getGameLogic().getTradeHandler();
// Create the background container
// Initialize components
* Initializes the background container.
private void createBackgroundContainer() {
backgroundContainer = new Container();
backgroundContainer.setBackground(new QuadBackgroundComponent(new ColorRGBA(0.8657f, 0.8735f, 0.8892f, 1.0f)));
* Initializes the main confirm trade container and its UI components.
private void createConfirmTradeContainer() {
confirmTradeContainer = new Container();
float padding = 10;
backgroundContainer.setPreferredSize(confirmTradeContainer.getPreferredSize().addLocal(padding, padding, 0));
// Titel
Label title = confirmTradeContainer.addChild(new Label( "Handel", new ElementId("warning-title")));
// Title
Label title = confirmTradeContainer.addChild(new Label("Handel", new ElementId("warning-title")));
// Build trade information strings
StringBuilder offeredProperties = new StringBuilder();
for (PropertyField field : tradeHandler.getOfferedProperties()) {
offeredProperties.append(", ");
offeredProperties.append(field.getName()).append(", ");
StringBuilder requestedProperties = new StringBuilder();
for (PropertyField field : tradeHandler.getRequestedProperties()) {
requestedProperties.append(", ");
requestedProperties.append(field.getName()).append(", ");
// Text, der auf der Karte steht
// Trade details
Container propertyValuesContainer = confirmTradeContainer.addChild(new Container());
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("„Spieler " + " " + tradeHandler.getSender().getName() + " " +" möchte:", new ElementId("label-Text")));
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("", new ElementId("label-Text")));// Leerzeile
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label( tradeHandler.getSender().getName() + " möchte:", new ElementId("label-Text")));
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("", new ElementId("label-Text")));
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("- " + offeredProperties, new ElementId("label-Text")));
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("- " + tradeHandler.getOfferedAmount() + " EUR", new ElementId("label-Text")));
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("- " + tradeHandler.getOfferedJailCards() +" Sonderkarten", new ElementId("label-Text")));
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("", new ElementId("label-Text")));// Leerzeile
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("- " + tradeHandler.getOfferedJailCards() + " Sonderkarten", new ElementId("label-Text")));
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("", new ElementId("label-Text")));
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("gegen:", new ElementId("label-Text")));
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("", new ElementId("label-Text")));// Leerzeile
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("- "+ requestedProperties, new ElementId("label-Text")));
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("- "+ tradeHandler.getRequestedAmount() +" EUR", new ElementId("label-Text")));
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("- "+ tradeHandler.getRequestedJailCards() +" Sonderkarten", new ElementId("label-Text")));
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("", new ElementId("label-Text")));// Leerzeile
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("", new ElementId("label-Text")));
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("- " + requestedProperties, new ElementId("label-Text")));
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("- " + tradeHandler.getRequestedAmount() + " EUR", new ElementId("label-Text")));
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("- " + tradeHandler.getRequestedJailCards() + " Sonderkarten", new ElementId("label-Text")));
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("", new ElementId("label-Text")));
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("tauschen, willst du das Angebot annehmen?", new ElementId("label-Text")));
propertyValuesContainer.setBackground(new QuadBackgroundComponent(new ColorRGBA(0.4657f, 0.4735f, 0.4892f, 1.0f)));
// Ablehnen-Button
// Decline button
Button declineButton = confirmTradeContainer.addChild(new Button("Ablehnen", new ElementId("button")));
declineButton.addClickCommands(s -> ifTopDialog(() -> {
@ -93,45 +102,50 @@ public class ConfirmTrade extends Dialog {
app.getGameLogic().send(new TradeResponse(false, tradeHandler));
// Verhandeln-Button
// Negotiate button
Button negotiateButton = confirmTradeContainer.addChild(new Button("Verhandeln", new ElementId("button")));
negotiateButton.addClickCommands(s -> ifTopDialog( () -> {
negotiateButton.addClickCommands(s -> ifTopDialog(() -> {
TradeHandler t = new TradeHandler(app.getGameLogic().getPlayerHandler().getPlayerById(tradeHandler.getSender().getId()));
new TradeMenu(app, t).open();
// Confirm-Button
// Confirm button
Button confirmButton = confirmTradeContainer.addChild(new Button("Bestätigen", new ElementId("button")));
confirmButton.addClickCommands(s -> ifTopDialog( () -> {
confirmButton.addClickCommands(s -> ifTopDialog(() -> {
app.getGameLogic().send(new TradeResponse(true, tradeHandler));
// Zentriere das Menü
public void show() {
float padding = 10;
// Center and adjust sizes
backgroundContainer.setPreferredSize(confirmTradeContainer.getPreferredSize().addLocal(padding, padding, 0));
(app.getCamera().getWidth() - confirmTradeContainer.getPreferredSize().x) / 2,
(app.getCamera().getHeight() + confirmTradeContainer.getPreferredSize().y) / 2,
(app.getCamera().getWidth() - confirmTradeContainer.getPreferredSize().x) / 2,
(app.getCamera().getHeight() + confirmTradeContainer.getPreferredSize().y) / 2,
// Zentriere das Menü
(app.getCamera().getWidth() - confirmTradeContainer.getPreferredSize().x - padding) / 2,
(app.getCamera().getHeight() + confirmTradeContainer.getPreferredSize().y+ padding) / 2,
(app.getCamera().getHeight() + confirmTradeContainer.getPreferredSize().y + padding) / 2,
// Attach to GUI node
* Closes the popup and removes its GUI elements.
public void close() {
@ -139,9 +153,6 @@ public class ConfirmTrade extends Dialog {
* Opens the settings menu when the escape key is pressed.
public void escape() {
new SettingsMenu(app).open();
@ -12,25 +12,25 @@ import com.simsilica.lemur.Label;
import com.simsilica.lemur.component.QuadBackgroundComponent;
import pp.dialog.Dialog;
import pp.dialog.PopupDialog;
import pp.monopoly.client.MonopolyApp;
import pp.monopoly.notification.Sound;
* EventCardPopup is a popup which appears when a certain EventCard is triggered by entering a EventCardField
* EventCardPopup is a popup which appears when a certain EventCard is triggered by entering an EventCardField.
public class EventCardPopup extends Dialog {
public class EventCardPopup extends Dialog implements PopupDialog {
/** Reference to the Monopoly application instance. */
private final MonopolyApp app;
/** Semi-transparent overlay background for the popup. */
private final Geometry overlayBackground;
private Geometry overlayBackground;
/** Main container for the event card information. */
private final Container eventCardContainer;
private Container eventCardContainer;
/** Background container providing a border for the popup. */
private final Container backgroundContainer;
private Container backgroundContainer;
* Constructs the EventCardPopup to display the details of a triggered event card.
@ -42,92 +42,96 @@ public class EventCardPopup extends Dialog {
|||| = app;
// Halbtransparentes Overlay hinzufügen
overlayBackground = createOverlayBackground();
// Initialize the UI components
// Create the background container
* Initializes the semi-transparent background overlay.
private void createOverlayBackground() {
Quad quad = new Quad(app.getCamera().getWidth(), app.getCamera().getHeight());
overlayBackground = new Geometry("Overlay", quad);
Material material = new Material(app.getAssetManager(), "Common/MatDefs/Misc/Unshaded.j3md");
material.setColor("Color", new ColorRGBA(0, 0, 0, 0.5f)); // Semi-transparent black
overlayBackground.setLocalTranslation(0, 0, 0);
* Initializes the background container.
private void createBackgroundContainer() {
backgroundContainer = new Container();
backgroundContainer.setBackground(new QuadBackgroundComponent(new ColorRGBA(0.8657f, 0.8735f, 0.8892f, 1.0f))); // Darker background
backgroundContainer.setBackground(new QuadBackgroundComponent(new ColorRGBA(0.8657f, 0.8735f, 0.8892f, 1.0f))); // Light gray background
* Initializes the main event card container and its UI components.
* @param description the description of the triggered event card
private void createEventCardContainer(String description) {
eventCardContainer = new Container();
eventCardContainer.setBackground(new QuadBackgroundComponent(new ColorRGBA(0.8657f, 0.8735f, 0.8892f, 1.0f)));
eventCardContainer.setPreferredSize(new Vector3f(550,400,10));
eventCardContainer.setPreferredSize(new Vector3f(550, 400, 10));
float padding = 10;
backgroundContainer.setPreferredSize(eventCardContainer.getPreferredSize().addLocal(padding, padding, 0));
// Title
Label title = eventCardContainer.addChild(new Label("Ereigniskarte", new ElementId("settings-title")));
// Titel
Label gateFieldTitle = eventCardContainer.addChild(new Label("Ereigniskarte", new ElementId("settings-title")));
// Event description
Container textContainer = eventCardContainer.addChild(new Container());
textContainer.addChild(new Label(description, new ElementId("label-Text")));
textContainer.setBackground(new QuadBackgroundComponent(new ColorRGBA(0.4657f, 0.4735f, 0.4892f, 1.0f)));
textContainer.setPreferredSize(new Vector3f(300, 200, 0));
// Text, der auf der Karte steht
// Die Erklärungsfelder werden automatisch den descriptions der Message entnommen
Container propertyValuesContainer = eventCardContainer.addChild(new Container());
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label(description, new ElementId("label-Text")));
propertyValuesContainer.setBackground(new QuadBackgroundComponent(new ColorRGBA(0.4657f, 0.4735f, 0.4892f, 1.0f)));
propertyValuesContainer.setPreferredSize(new Vector3f(300,200,0));
// Beenden-Button
Button quitButton = eventCardContainer.addChild(new Button("Jawohl", new ElementId("button")));
quitButton.addClickCommands(source -> ifTopDialog( () -> {
// Confirm button
Button confirmButton = eventCardContainer.addChild(new Button("Jawohl", new ElementId("button")));
confirmButton.addClickCommands(source -> ifTopDialog(() -> {
// Zentriere das Popup
public void show() {
float padding = 10;
// Adjust sizes and center elements
backgroundContainer.setPreferredSize(eventCardContainer.getPreferredSize().addLocal(padding, padding, 0));
(app.getCamera().getWidth() - eventCardContainer.getPreferredSize().x) / 2,
(app.getCamera().getHeight() + eventCardContainer.getPreferredSize().y) / 2,
(app.getCamera().getWidth() - eventCardContainer.getPreferredSize().x) / 2,
(app.getCamera().getHeight() + eventCardContainer.getPreferredSize().y) / 2,
// Zentriere das Popup
(app.getCamera().getWidth() - eventCardContainer.getPreferredSize().x - padding) / 2,
(app.getCamera().getHeight() + eventCardContainer.getPreferredSize().y+ padding) / 2,
(app.getCamera().getHeight() + eventCardContainer.getPreferredSize().y + padding) / 2,
// Attach components to the GUI
* Creates a semi-transparent background overlay for the popup.
* @return the geometry of the overlay
private Geometry createOverlayBackground() {
Quad quad = new Quad(app.getCamera().getWidth(), app.getCamera().getHeight());
Geometry overlay = new Geometry("Overlay", quad);
Material material = new Material(app.getAssetManager(), "Common/MatDefs/Misc/Unshaded.j3md");
material.setColor("Color", new ColorRGBA(0, 0, 0, 0.5f));
overlay.setLocalTranslation(0, 0, 0);
return overlay;
* Closes the popup and removes its associated GUI elements.
public void close() {
* Handles the escape key action by closing the popup.
public void escape() {
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package pp.monopoly.client.gui.popups;
import com.jme3.material.Material;
import com.jme3.material.RenderState.BlendMode;
import com.jme3.math.ColorRGBA;
import com.jme3.math.Vector3f;
import com.jme3.scene.Geometry;
import com.jme3.scene.shape.Quad;
import com.simsilica.lemur.Button;
@ -12,27 +13,27 @@ import com.simsilica.lemur.component.QuadBackgroundComponent;
import pp.dialog.Dialog;
import pp.dialog.PopupDialog;
import pp.monopoly.client.MonopolyApp;
import pp.monopoly.client.gui.SettingsMenu;
import pp.monopoly.message.client.BuyPropertyResponse;
import pp.monopoly.model.fields.FoodField;
import pp.monopoly.notification.Sound;
* FoodFieldCard creates the popup for field information
* FoodFieldCard creates the popup for field information.
public class FoodFieldCard extends Dialog {
public class FoodFieldCard extends Dialog implements PopupDialog {
/** Reference to the Monopoly application instance. */
private final MonopolyApp app;
/** Semi-transparent overlay background for the popup. */
private final Geometry overlayBackground;
private Geometry overlayBackground;
/** Main container for the food field information. */
private final Container foodFieldContainer;
private Container foodFieldContainer;
/** Background container providing a border for the popup. */
private final Container backgroundContainer;
private Container backgroundContainer;
* Constructs a FoodFieldCard popup displaying details about a food field.
@ -43,108 +44,118 @@ public class FoodFieldCard extends Dialog {
|||| = app;
// Retrieve field information
int index = app.getGameLogic().getPlayerHandler().getPlayerById(app.getId()).getFieldID();
FoodField field = (FoodField) app.getGameLogic().getBoardManager().getFieldAtIndex(index);
overlayBackground = createOverlayBackground();
// Create UI elements
* Initializes the semi-transparent background overlay.
private void createOverlayBackground() {
Quad quad = new Quad(app.getCamera().getWidth(), app.getCamera().getHeight());
overlayBackground = new Geometry("Overlay", quad);
Material material = new Material(app.getAssetManager(), "Common/MatDefs/Misc/Unshaded.j3md");
material.setColor("Color", new ColorRGBA(0, 0, 0, 0.5f)); // Semi-transparent
overlayBackground.setLocalTranslation(0, 0, 0);
* Initializes the background container.
private void createBackgroundContainer() {
backgroundContainer = new Container();
backgroundContainer.setBackground(new QuadBackgroundComponent(new ColorRGBA(0.8657f, 0.8735f, 0.8892f, 1.0f))); // Darker background
backgroundContainer.setBackground(new QuadBackgroundComponent(new ColorRGBA(0.8657f, 0.8735f, 0.8892f, 1.0f))); // Light gray background
* Initializes the main food field container and its UI components.
* @param field the food field information to display
private void createFoodFieldContainer(FoodField field) {
foodFieldContainer = new Container();
foodFieldContainer.setBackground(new QuadBackgroundComponent(new ColorRGBA(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 0.9f)));
foodFieldContainer.setPreferredSize(new Vector3f(360,445,1));
float padding = 10;
backgroundContainer.setPreferredSize(foodFieldContainer.getPreferredSize().addLocal(padding, padding, 0));
Label settingsTitle = foodFieldContainer.addChild(new Label(field.getName(), new ElementId("label-Bold")));
// Title
Label title = foodFieldContainer.addChild(new Label(field.getName(), new ElementId("label-Bold")));
// Field details
Container propertyValuesContainer = foodFieldContainer.addChild(new Container());
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("„Preis: " + field.getPrice() + " EUR", new ElementId("label-Text")));
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("", new ElementId("label-Text"))); // Leerzeile
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("„Wenn man Besitzer des", new ElementId("label-Text")));
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label(field.getName()+" ist, so ist die", new ElementId("label-Text")));
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("Miete 40-mal so hoch, wie", new ElementId("label-Text")));
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("Augen auf den zwei Würfeln sind.", new ElementId("label-Text")));
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("", new ElementId("label-Text"))); // Leerzeile
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("„Wenn man Besitzer beider", new ElementId("label-Text")));
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("Restaurants ist, so ist die", new ElementId("label-Text")));
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("Miete 100-mal so hoch, wie", new ElementId("label-Text")));
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("Augen auf den zwei Würfeln sind.", new ElementId("label-Text")));
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("", new ElementId("label-Text"))); // Leerzeile
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("", new ElementId("label-Text"))); // Empty line
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("„Miete: 40x Würfel-Augen,", new ElementId("label-Text")));
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("„wenn Besitzer eines ", new ElementId("label-Text")));
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("„Restaurants.", new ElementId("label-Text")));
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("„Miete: 100x Würfel-Augen, ", new ElementId("label-Text")));
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("„wenn Besitzer eines ", new ElementId("label-Text")));
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("„Restaurants.", new ElementId("label-Text")));
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("", new ElementId("label-Text"))); // Empty line
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("„Hypothek: " + field.getHypo() + " EUR", new ElementId("label-Text")));
propertyValuesContainer.setBackground(new QuadBackgroundComponent(new ColorRGBA(0.4657f, 0.4735f, 0.4892f, 1.0f)));
// Beenden-Button
// Quit button
Button quitButton = foodFieldContainer.addChild(new Button("Beenden", new ElementId("button")));
quitButton.addClickCommands(s -> ifTopDialog( () -> {
quitButton.addClickCommands(s -> ifTopDialog(() -> {
// Kaufen-Button
// Buy button
Button buyButton = foodFieldContainer.addChild(new Button("Kaufen", new ElementId("button")));
buyButton.addClickCommands(s -> ifTopDialog( () -> {
buyButton.addClickCommands(s -> ifTopDialog(() -> {
app.getGameLogic().send(new BuyPropertyResponse());
// Zentriere das Popup
public void show() {
float padding = 10;
// Adjust sizes and center elements
backgroundContainer.setPreferredSize(foodFieldContainer.getPreferredSize().addLocal(padding, padding, 0));
(app.getCamera().getWidth() - foodFieldContainer.getPreferredSize().x) / 2,
(app.getCamera().getHeight() + foodFieldContainer.getPreferredSize().y) / 2,
(app.getCamera().getWidth() - foodFieldContainer.getPreferredSize().x) / 2,
(app.getCamera().getHeight() + foodFieldContainer.getPreferredSize().y) / 2,
// Zentriere das Popup
(app.getCamera().getWidth() - foodFieldContainer.getPreferredSize().x - padding) / 2,
(app.getCamera().getHeight() + foodFieldContainer.getPreferredSize().y+ padding) / 2,
(app.getCamera().getHeight() + foodFieldContainer.getPreferredSize().y + padding) / 2,
// Attach components to the GUI
* Creates a semi-transparent background overlay for the popup.
* @return the geometry of the overlay
private Geometry createOverlayBackground() {
Quad quad = new Quad(app.getCamera().getWidth(), app.getCamera().getHeight());
Geometry overlay = new Geometry("Overlay", quad);
Material material = new Material(app.getAssetManager(), "Common/MatDefs/Misc/Unshaded.j3md");
material.setColor("Color", new ColorRGBA(0, 0, 0, 0.5f)); // Halbtransparent
overlay.setLocalTranslation(0, 0, 0);
return overlay;
* Closes the popup and removes its associated GUI elements.
public void close() {
app.getGuiNode().detachChild(foodFieldContainer); // Entferne das Menü
app.getGuiNode().detachChild(backgroundContainer); //Entfernt Rand
app.getGuiNode().detachChild(overlayBackground); // Entferne das Overlay
* Opens the settings menu when the escape key is pressed.
public void escape() {
new SettingsMenu(app).open();
@ -1,12 +1,15 @@
package pp.monopoly.client.gui.popups;
import com.jme3.math.ColorRGBA;
import com.jme3.math.Vector3f;
import com.simsilica.lemur.Button;
import com.simsilica.lemur.Container;
import com.simsilica.lemur.Label;
import com.simsilica.lemur.component.QuadBackgroundComponent;
import pp.dialog.Dialog;
import pp.dialog.PopupDialog;
import pp.monopoly.client.MonopolyApp;
import pp.monopoly.client.gui.SettingsMenu;
import pp.monopoly.message.client.BuyPropertyResponse;
@ -14,17 +17,17 @@ import pp.monopoly.model.fields.GateField;
import pp.monopoly.notification.Sound;
* GateFieldCard creates the popup for field information
* GateFieldCard creates the popup for field information.
public class GateFieldCard extends Dialog {
public class GateFieldCard extends Dialog implements PopupDialog {
/** Reference to the Monopoly application instance. */
private final MonopolyApp app;
/** Main container for the gate field information. */
private final Container gateFieldContainer;
private Container gateFieldContainer;
/** Background container providing a border for the popup. */
private final Container backgroundContainer;
private Container backgroundContainer;
* Constructs a GateFieldCard popup displaying details about a gate field.
@ -35,89 +38,101 @@ public class GateFieldCard extends Dialog {
|||| = app;
//Generate the corresponfing field
// Generate the corresponding field
int index = app.getGameLogic().getPlayerHandler().getPlayerById(app.getId()).getFieldID();
GateField field = (GateField) app.getGameLogic().getBoardManager().getFieldAtIndex(index);
// Create the background container
backgroundContainer = new Container();
backgroundContainer.setBackground(new QuadBackgroundComponent(new ColorRGBA(0.8657f, 0.8735f, 0.8892f, 1.0f))); // Darker background
// Initialize UI elements
// Hauptcontainer für die Gebäudekarte
* Initializes the background container.
private void createBackgroundContainer() {
backgroundContainer = new Container();
backgroundContainer.setBackground(new QuadBackgroundComponent(new ColorRGBA(0.8657f, 0.8735f, 0.8892f, 1.0f))); // Light gray background
* Initializes the main gate field container and its UI components.
* @param field the gate field information to display
private void createGateFieldContainer(GateField field) {
gateFieldContainer = new Container();
//TODO: Set the size of the container to the size of the screen @Simon
gateFieldContainer.setPreferredSize(new Vector3f(360,460,1));
gateFieldContainer.setBackground(new QuadBackgroundComponent(new ColorRGBA(0.8657f, 0.8735f, 0.8892f, 1.0f)));
float padding = 10; // Passt den backgroundContainer an die Größe des gateFieldContainers an
backgroundContainer.setPreferredSize(gateFieldContainer.getPreferredSize().addLocal(padding, padding, 0));
// Titel, bestehend aus dynamischen Namen anhand der ID und der Schriftfarbe/größe
// Title
Label gateFieldTitle = gateFieldContainer.addChild(new Label(field.getName(), new ElementId("label-Bold")));
// Text, der auf der Karte steht
// Die Preise werden dynamisch dem BoardManager entnommen
// Field details
Container propertyValuesContainer = gateFieldContainer.addChild(new Container());
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("„Preis: " + field.getPrice() + " EUR", new ElementId("label-Text")));
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("", new ElementId("label-Text")));
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("", new ElementId("label-Text"))); // Empty line
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("Miete: 250 EUR", new ElementId("label-Text")));
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("Wenn man", new ElementId("label-Text")));
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("2 Bahnhof besitzt: 500 EUR", new ElementId("label-Text")));
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("Wenn man", new ElementId("label-Text")));
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("3 Bahnhof besitzt: 1000 EUR", new ElementId("label-Text")));
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("Wenn man", new ElementId("label-Text")));
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("4 Bahnhof besitzt: 2000 EUR", new ElementId("label-Text")));
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("", new ElementId("label-Text")));
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("Wenn man 2 Tore", new ElementId("label-Text")));
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("besitzt: 500 EUR", new ElementId("label-Text")));
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("Wenn man 3 Tore", new ElementId("label-Text")));
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("besitzt: 1000 EUR", new ElementId("label-Text")));
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("Wenn man 4 Tore", new ElementId("label-Text")));
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("besitzt: 2000 EUR", new ElementId("label-Text")));
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("", new ElementId("label-Text"))); // Empty line
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("„Hypothek: " + field.getHypo() + " EUR", new ElementId("label-Text")));
propertyValuesContainer.setBackground(new QuadBackgroundComponent(new ColorRGBA(0.4657f, 0.4735f, 0.4892f, 1.0f)));
// Beenden-Button
// Quit button
Button quitButton = gateFieldContainer.addChild(new Button("Beenden", new ElementId("button")));
quitButton.addClickCommands(s -> ifTopDialog( () -> {
quitButton.addClickCommands(s -> ifTopDialog(() -> {
// Kaufen-Button
// Buy button
Button buyButton = gateFieldContainer.addChild(new Button("Kaufen", new ElementId("button")));
buyButton.addClickCommands(s -> ifTopDialog( () -> {
buyButton.addClickCommands(s -> ifTopDialog(() -> {
app.getGameLogic().send(new BuyPropertyResponse());
public void show() {
float padding = 10;
// Zentriere das Popup
// Adjust sizes and center elements
backgroundContainer.setPreferredSize(gateFieldContainer.getPreferredSize().addLocal(padding, padding, 0));
(app.getCamera().getWidth() - gateFieldContainer.getPreferredSize().x) / 2,
(app.getCamera().getHeight() + gateFieldContainer.getPreferredSize().y) / 2,
// Zentriere das Popup
(app.getCamera().getWidth() - gateFieldContainer.getPreferredSize().x - padding) / 2,
(app.getCamera().getHeight() + gateFieldContainer.getPreferredSize().y+ padding) / 2,
(app.getCamera().getHeight() + gateFieldContainer.getPreferredSize().y + padding) / 2,
// Attach components to the GUI
* Closes the popup and removes its associated GUI elements.
public void close() {
app.getGuiNode().detachChild(gateFieldContainer); // Entferne das Menü
app.getGuiNode().detachChild(backgroundContainer); //Entfernt Rand
app.getGuiNode().detachChild(gateFieldContainer); // Remove main container
app.getGuiNode().detachChild(backgroundContainer); // Remove background container
* Opens the settings menu when the escape key is pressed.
public void escape() {
new SettingsMenu(app).open();
@ -11,31 +11,33 @@ import com.simsilica.lemur.Container;
import com.simsilica.lemur.Label;
import com.simsilica.lemur.component.QuadBackgroundComponent;
import pp.dialog.Dialog;
import pp.dialog.PopupDialog;
import pp.monopoly.client.MonopolyApp;
import pp.monopoly.notification.Sound;
* Gulag is a warning popup triggered when a player lands on the "Wache" field in the Monopoly game.
* <p>
* This popup informs the player that they are being sent to the Gulag and includes a confirmation button.
* </p>
public class Gulag extends Dialog {
public class Gulag extends Dialog implements PopupDialog {
/** Reference to the Monopoly application instance. */
private final MonopolyApp app;
/** Semi-transparent overlay background for the popup. */
private final Geometry overlayBackground;
private Geometry overlayBackground;
/** Main container for the Gulag warning message. */
private final Container gulagContainer;
private Container gulagContainer;
/** Background container providing a border for the popup. */
private final Container backgroundContainer;
private Container backgroundContainer;
* Constructs the Gulag popup, displaying a warning when a player lands on the "Wache" field.
* Constructs the Gulag popup.
* @param app the Monopoly application instance
@ -43,90 +45,88 @@ public class Gulag extends Dialog {
|||| = app;
// Initialize UI elements
// Halbtransparentes Overlay hinzufügen
overlayBackground = createOverlayBackground();
* Creates the semi-transparent overlay background for the popup.
private void createOverlayBackground() {
Quad quad = new Quad(app.getCamera().getWidth(), app.getCamera().getHeight());
overlayBackground = new Geometry("Overlay", quad);
Material material = new Material(app.getAssetManager(), "Common/MatDefs/Misc/Unshaded.j3md");
material.setColor("Color", new ColorRGBA(0, 0, 0, 0.5f)); // Semi-transparent black
overlayBackground.setLocalTranslation(0, 0, 0);
// Create the background container
* Creates the background container providing a border for the popup.
private void createBackgroundContainer() {
backgroundContainer = new Container();
backgroundContainer.setBackground(new QuadBackgroundComponent(new ColorRGBA(0.8657f, 0.8735f, 0.8892f, 1.0f))); // Darker background
backgroundContainer.setBackground(new QuadBackgroundComponent(new ColorRGBA(0.8657f, 0.8735f, 0.8892f, 1.0f))); // Light gray background
// Hauptcontainer für die Warnung
* Creates the main container for the Gulag warning message.
private void createGulagContainer() {
gulagContainer = new Container();
gulagContainer.setBackground(new QuadBackgroundComponent(new ColorRGBA(0.8657f, 0.8735f, 0.8892f, 1.0f)));
gulagContainer.setPreferredSize(new Vector3f(550,250,10));
gulagContainer.setPreferredSize(new Vector3f(550, 250, 10));
float padding = 10; // Passt den backgroundContainer an die Größe des bankruptContainers an
backgroundContainer.setPreferredSize(gulagContainer.getPreferredSize().addLocal(padding, padding, 0));
// Title
Label title = gulagContainer.addChild(new Label("Du kommst ins Gulag!", new ElementId("warning-title")));
// Titel
Label gateFieldTitle = gulagContainer.addChild(new Label("Du kommst ins Gulag!", new ElementId("warning-title")));
// Beenden-Button
Button quitButton = gulagContainer.addChild(new Button("Jawohl Gulag", new ElementId("button")));
quitButton.addClickCommands(source -> ifTopDialog(() -> {
// Confirmation Button
Button confirmButton = gulagContainer.addChild(new Button("Jawohl Gulag", new ElementId("button")));
confirmButton.addClickCommands(source -> ifTopDialog(() -> {
public void show() {
float padding = 10;
// Zentriere das Popup
// Adjust and position the containers
backgroundContainer.setPreferredSize(gulagContainer.getPreferredSize().addLocal(padding, padding, 0));
(app.getCamera().getWidth() - gulagContainer.getPreferredSize().x) / 2,
(app.getCamera().getHeight() + gulagContainer.getPreferredSize().y) / 2,
// Zentriere das Popup
(app.getCamera().getWidth() - gulagContainer.getPreferredSize().x - padding) / 2,
(app.getCamera().getHeight() + gulagContainer.getPreferredSize().y+ padding) / 2,
(app.getCamera().getWidth() - gulagContainer.getPreferredSize().x - padding) / 2,
(app.getCamera().getHeight() + gulagContainer.getPreferredSize().y + padding) / 2,
// Attach components to the GUI
* Creates a semi-transparent overlay background for the popup.
* @return the geometry of the overlay
private Geometry createOverlayBackground() {
Quad quad = new Quad(app.getCamera().getWidth(), app.getCamera().getHeight());
Geometry overlay = new Geometry("Overlay", quad);
Material material = new Material(app.getAssetManager(), "Common/MatDefs/Misc/Unshaded.j3md");
material.setColor("Color", new ColorRGBA(0, 0, 0, 0.5f)); // Halbtransparent
overlay.setLocalTranslation(0, 0, 0);
return overlay;
* Closes the popup and removes its associated GUI elements.
public void close() {
app.getGuiNode().detachChild(gulagContainer); // Entferne das Menü
app.getGuiNode().detachChild(backgroundContainer); //Entfernt Rand
app.getGuiNode().detachChild(overlayBackground); // Entferne das Overlay
* Handles the escape action to close the popup.
public void escape() {
@ -7,130 +7,147 @@ import com.simsilica.lemur.Label;
import com.simsilica.lemur.component.QuadBackgroundComponent;
import pp.dialog.Dialog;
import pp.dialog.PopupDialog;
import pp.monopoly.client.MonopolyApp;
import pp.monopoly.client.gui.SettingsMenu;
import pp.monopoly.message.client.NotificationAnswer;
import pp.monopoly.notification.Sound;
* GulagInfo is a popup that provides options for a player who is stuck in the "Gulag" (jail) field.
* <p>
* This dialog offers multiple actions, including paying a bribe, using a "Get Out of Jail" card, or waiting.
* </p>
public class GulagInfo extends Dialog {
public class GulagInfo extends Dialog implements PopupDialog {
/** Reference to the Monopoly application instance. */
private final MonopolyApp app;
/** Main container for the Gulag information dialog. */
private final Container gulagInfoContainer;
private Container gulagInfoContainer;
/** Background container providing a styled border around the dialog. */
private final Container backgroundContainer;
private Container backgroundContainer;
* Constructs a GulagInfo popup that provides the player with options for getting out of the "Gulag" field.
* @param app the Monopoly application instance
* @param app the Monopoly application instance
* @param trys the number of failed attempts to roll doubles for release
public GulagInfo(MonopolyApp app, int trys) {
|||| = app;
// Create the background container
// Initialize UI components
* Creates the background container providing a border for the dialog.
private void createBackgroundContainer() {
backgroundContainer = new Container();
backgroundContainer.setBackground(new QuadBackgroundComponent(new ColorRGBA(0.8657f, 0.8735f, 0.8892f, 1.0f))); // Darker background
backgroundContainer.setBackground(new QuadBackgroundComponent(new ColorRGBA(0.8657f, 0.8735f, 0.8892f, 1.0f))); // Light gray background
// Hauptcontainer für das Bestätigungspopup
* Creates the main container for the Gulag information dialog.
* @param trys the number of failed attempts to roll doubles for release
private void createGulagInfoContainer(int trys) {
gulagInfoContainer = new Container();
gulagInfoContainer.setBackground(new QuadBackgroundComponent(new ColorRGBA(0.8657f, 0.8735f, 0.8892f, 1.0f)));
float padding = 10; // Passt den backgroundContainer an die Größe des confirmTradeContainer an
backgroundContainer.setPreferredSize(gulagInfoContainer.getPreferredSize().addLocal(padding, padding, 0));
// Titel
Label title = gulagInfoContainer.addChild(new Label( "Gulag", new ElementId("warning-title")));
// Title
Label title = gulagInfoContainer.addChild(new Label("Gulag", new ElementId("warning-title")));
// Text, der auf der Karte steht
// Die Werte werden dem Handel entnommen (Iwas auch immer da dann ist)
Container propertyValuesContainer = gulagInfoContainer.addChild(new Container());
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("„Du sitzt im Gefänginis und kommst nicht raus ...", new ElementId("label-Text")));
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("Es sei denn, du ...", new ElementId("label-Text")));// Leerzeile
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("", new ElementId("label-Text")));
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("- bestichst die Wache mit 500 EUR", new ElementId("label-Text")));
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("- löst eine Gulag-Frei-Karte ein", new ElementId("label-Text")));
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("- wartest 3 Runden und bezahlst dann", new ElementId("label-Text")));// Leerzeile
propertyValuesContainer.addChild(new Label("- oder du würfelst einen Pasch", new ElementId("label-Text")));
propertyValuesContainer.setBackground(new QuadBackgroundComponent(new ColorRGBA(0.4657f, 0.4735f, 0.4892f, 1.0f)));
// Text Description
Container textContainer = gulagInfoContainer.addChild(new Container());
textContainer.addChild(new Label("„Du sitzt im Gefängnis und kommst nicht raus ...", new ElementId("label-Text")));
textContainer.addChild(new Label("Es sei denn, du ...", new ElementId("label-Text")));
textContainer.addChild(new Label("- bestichst die Wache mit 500 EUR", new ElementId("label-Text")));
textContainer.addChild(new Label("- löst eine Gulag-Frei-Karte ein", new ElementId("label-Text")));
textContainer.addChild(new Label("- wartest 3 Runden und bezahlst dann", new ElementId("label-Text")));
textContainer.addChild(new Label("- oder du würfelst einen Pasch", new ElementId("label-Text")));
textContainer.setBackground(new QuadBackgroundComponent(new ColorRGBA(0.4657f, 0.4735f, 0.4892f, 1.0f)));
// Action Buttons
// Bezahlen-Button
* Adds action buttons to the dialog.
* @param trys the number of failed attempts to roll doubles for release
private void addActionButtons(int trys) {
// Bribe Button
Button payButton = gulagInfoContainer.addChild(new Button("Bestechungsgeld bezahlen", new ElementId("button")));
payButton.addClickCommands(s -> ifTopDialog( () -> {
payButton.addClickCommands(s -> ifTopDialog(() -> {
app.getGameLogic().send(new NotificationAnswer("PayJail"));
// Ereigniskarte-Button
Button eventCardButton = gulagInfoContainer.addChild(new Button("Ereigniskarte nutzen", new ElementId("button")));
// Use Jail-Free Card Button
Button eventCardButton = gulagInfoContainer.addChild(new Button("Ereigniskarte nutzen", new ElementId("button-toolbar2")));
eventCardButton.addClickCommands(s -> ifTopDialog( () -> {
eventCardButton.addClickCommands(s -> ifTopDialog(() -> {
app.getGameLogic().send(new NotificationAnswer("UseJailCard"));
// Schließen-Button
// Close Button
Button closeButton = gulagInfoContainer.addChild(new Button("Schließen", new ElementId("button")));
closeButton.addClickCommands(s -> ifTopDialog(() -> {
closeButton.addClickCommands(s -> ifTopDialog(this::close));
// Zentriere das Menü
// Disable options based on conditions
if (app.getGameLogic().getPlayerHandler().getPlayerById(app.getId()).getNumJailCard() == 0) {
if (trys == 3) {
public void show() {
float padding = 10;
// Adjust the background size
backgroundContainer.setPreferredSize(gulagInfoContainer.getPreferredSize().addLocal(padding, padding, 0));
// Center the dialog and background
(app.getCamera().getWidth() - gulagInfoContainer.getPreferredSize().x) / 2,
(app.getCamera().getHeight() + gulagInfoContainer.getPreferredSize().y) / 2,
// Zentriere das Menü
(app.getCamera().getWidth() - gulagInfoContainer.getPreferredSize().x - padding) / 2,
(app.getCamera().getHeight() + gulagInfoContainer.getPreferredSize().y+ padding) / 2,
(app.getCamera().getWidth() - gulagInfoContainer.getPreferredSize().x - padding) / 2,
(app.getCamera().getHeight() + gulagInfoContainer.getPreferredSize().y + padding) / 2,
if(app.getGameLogic().getPlayerHandler().getPlayerById(app.getId()).getNumJailCard() == 0) {
if(trys == 3) {
// Attach containers to the GUI
* Closes the GulagInfo popup and removes its GUI elements.
public void close() {
app.getGuiNode().detachChild(gulagInfoContainer); // Entferne das Menü
app.getGuiNode().detachChild(backgroundContainer); //Entfernt Rand
app.getGuiNode().detachChild(gulagInfoContainer); // Remove dialog
app.getGuiNode().detachChild(backgroundContainer); // Remove background
* Handles the escape action to close the GulagInfo dialog.
public void escape() {
new SettingsMenu(app).open();
@ -18,9 +18,9 @@ import pp.monopoly.notification.Sound;
* LooserPopUp is a dialog that appears when a player loses the game.
* <p>
* This popup provides a message of encouragement and an option to quit the game.
* </p>
public class LooserPopUp extends Dialog {
/** Reference to the Monopoly application instance. */
@ -123,9 +123,6 @@ public class LooserPopUp extends Dialog {
return overlay;
* Closes the LooserPopUp dialog and removes its GUI elements.
public void close() {
app.getGuiNode().detachChild(LooserContainer); // Entferne das Menü
@ -134,9 +131,6 @@ public class LooserPopUp extends Dialog {
* Handles the escape action to close the dialog.
public void escape() {
@ -12,19 +12,14 @@ import com.simsilica.lemur.Label;
import com.simsilica.lemur.component.QuadBackgroundComponent;
import pp.dialog.Dialog;
import pp.dialog.PopupDialog;
import pp.monopoly.client.MonopolyApp;
import pp.monopoly.notification.Sound;
* NoMoneyWarning is a warning popup that appears when a player tries to perform
* an action they cannot afford due to insufficient funds, such as attempting
* to purchase a property or building.
* <p>
* This dialog notifies the player of their lack of funds and provides a single
* confirmation button to close the dialog.
* </p>
* NoMoneyWarning is a warning popup that informs the player they lack sufficient funds to proceed with an action.
public class NoMoneyWarning extends Dialog {
public class NoMoneyWarning extends Dialog implements PopupDialog {
/** Reference to the Monopoly application instance. */
private final MonopolyApp app;
@ -46,66 +41,15 @@ public class NoMoneyWarning extends Dialog {
|||| = app;
// Halbtransparentes Overlay hinzufügen
overlayBackground = createOverlayBackground();
backgroundContainer = createBackgroundContainer();
noMoneyWarningContainer = createNoMoneyWarningContainer();
// Create the background container
backgroundContainer = new Container();
backgroundContainer.setBackground(new QuadBackgroundComponent(new ColorRGBA(0.8657f, 0.8735f, 0.8892f, 1.0f))); // Darker background
// Hauptcontainer für die Warnung
noMoneyWarningContainer = new Container();
noMoneyWarningContainer.setBackground(new QuadBackgroundComponent(new ColorRGBA(0.8657f, 0.8735f, 0.8892f, 1.0f)));
noMoneyWarningContainer.setPreferredSize(new Vector3f(550,250,10));
float padding = 10; // Passt den backgroundContainer an die Größe des bankruptContainers an
backgroundContainer.setPreferredSize(noMoneyWarningContainer.getPreferredSize().addLocal(padding, padding, 0));
// Titel
Label gateFieldTitle = noMoneyWarningContainer.addChild(new Label("Na, schon wieder Pleite?", new ElementId("warning-title")));
// Text, der im Popup steht
Container textContainer = noMoneyWarningContainer.addChild(new Container());
textContainer.addChild(new Label("Du hast nicht genug Geld, um dieses Gebäude zu kaufen", new ElementId("label-Text")));
textContainer.setBackground(new QuadBackgroundComponent(new ColorRGBA(0.4657f, 0.4735f, 0.4892f, 1.0f)));
// Passt den textContainer an die Größe des bankruptContainers an
// Bestätigen-Button
Button quitButton = noMoneyWarningContainer.addChild(new Button("Bestätigen", new ElementId("button")));
quitButton.addClickCommands(source -> ifTopDialog(() -> {
// Zentriere das Popup
(app.getCamera().getWidth() - noMoneyWarningContainer.getPreferredSize().x) / 2,
(app.getCamera().getHeight() + noMoneyWarningContainer.getPreferredSize().y) / 2,
// Zentriere das Popup
(app.getCamera().getWidth() - noMoneyWarningContainer.getPreferredSize().x - padding) / 2,
(app.getCamera().getHeight() + noMoneyWarningContainer.getPreferredSize().y+ padding) / 2,
* Creates a semi-transparent overlay background for the dialog.
* Creates the semi-transparent overlay background.
* @return The geometry representing the overlay background.
@ -113,7 +57,7 @@ public class NoMoneyWarning extends Dialog {
Quad quad = new Quad(app.getCamera().getWidth(), app.getCamera().getHeight());
Geometry overlay = new Geometry("Overlay", quad);
Material material = new Material(app.getAssetManager(), "Common/MatDefs/Misc/Unshaded.j3md");
material.setColor("Color", new ColorRGBA(0, 0, 0, 0.5f)); // Halbtransparent
material.setColor("Color", new ColorRGBA(0, 0, 0, 0.5f)); // Semi-transparent black
overlay.setLocalTranslation(0, 0, 0);
@ -121,21 +65,85 @@ public class NoMoneyWarning extends Dialog {
* Closes the menu and removes the GUI elements.
* Creates the background container for the dialog.
* @return A styled container for the dialog background.
public void close() {
app.getGuiNode().detachChild(noMoneyWarningContainer); // Entferne das Menü
app.getGuiNode().detachChild(backgroundContainer); //Entfernt Rand
app.getGuiNode().detachChild(overlayBackground); // Entferne das Overlay
private Container createBackgroundContainer() {
Container container = new Container();
container.setBackground(new QuadBackgroundComponent(new ColorRGBA(0.8657f, 0.8735f, 0.8892f, 1.0f))); // Light gray
return container;
* Handles the escape action to close the dialog.
* Creates the main container for the NoMoneyWarning dialog UI.
* @return The container for the dialog content.
private Container createNoMoneyWarningContainer() {
Container container = new Container();
container.setBackground(new QuadBackgroundComponent(new ColorRGBA(0.8657f, 0.8735f, 0.8892f, 1.0f)));
container.setPreferredSize(new Vector3f(550, 250, 10));
// Title
Label title = container.addChild(new Label("Na, schon wieder Pleite?", new ElementId("warning-title")));
// Warning message
Container textContainer = container.addChild(new Container());
textContainer.addChild(new Label("Du hast nicht genug Geld, um dieses Gebäude zu kaufen", new ElementId("label-Text")));
textContainer.setBackground(new QuadBackgroundComponent(new ColorRGBA(0.4657f, 0.4735f, 0.4892f, 1.0f)));
textContainer.setPreferredSize(container.getPreferredSize().addLocal(-250, -200, 0));
// Confirmation button
Button confirmButton = container.addChild(new Button("Bestätigen", new ElementId("button")));
confirmButton.addClickCommands(source -> ifTopDialog(() -> {
return container;
* Adjusts the padding and centers the dialog on the screen.
private void adjustPaddingAndCenter() {
float padding = 10;
backgroundContainer.setPreferredSize(noMoneyWarningContainer.getPreferredSize().addLocal(padding, padding, 0));
(app.getCamera().getWidth() - noMoneyWarningContainer.getPreferredSize().x) / 2,
(app.getCamera().getHeight() + noMoneyWarningContainer.getPreferredSize().y) / 2,
(app.getCamera().getWidth() - backgroundContainer.getPreferredSize().x) / 2,
(app.getCamera().getHeight() + backgroundContainer.getPreferredSize().y) / 2,
public void show() {
public void close() {
public void escape() {
@ -12,115 +12,95 @@ import com.simsilica.lemur.Label;
import com.simsilica.lemur.component.QuadBackgroundComponent;
import pp.dialog.Dialog;
import pp.dialog.PopupDialog;
import pp.monopoly.client.MonopolyApp;
import pp.monopoly.notification.Sound;
* Rent is a popup that is triggered when a player lands on a property owned by another player
* and needs to pay rent in the Monopoly application.
* <p>
* Displays the rent amount and the recipient player's name, with an option to confirm the payment.
* </p>
* ReceivedRent is a popup that informs a player about rent they have received.
public class ReceivedRent extends Dialog {
public class ReceivedRent extends Dialog implements PopupDialog {
/** Reference to the Monopoly application instance. */
private final MonopolyApp app;
/** Semi-transparent overlay background for the popup. */
private final Geometry overlayBackground;
private Geometry overlayBackground;
/** Main container for the rent information and action. */
private final Container rentContainer;
private Container rentContainer;
/** Background container providing a border for the rent popup. */
private final Container backgroundContainer;
private Container backgroundContainer;
* Constructs the Rent popup displaying the rent amount and recipient player.
* Constructs the ReceivedRent popup displaying the rent amount and payer.
* @param app the Monopoly application instance
* @param playerName the name of the player to whom the rent is owed
* @param amount the amount of rent to be paid
* @param playerName the name of the player who paid the rent
* @param amount the amount of rent received
public ReceivedRent(MonopolyApp app, String playerName, int amount) {
|||| = app;
// Create the overlay
overlayBackground = createOverlayBackground();
// Create and position the background container
backgroundContainer = createBackgroundContainer();
// Create and position the rent container
rentContainer = createRentContainer(playerName, amount);
// Initialize GUI elements
createRentContainer(playerName, amount);
* Creates a semi-transparent overlay background.
* @return the overlay geometry
private Geometry createOverlayBackground() {
private void createOverlayBackground() {
Quad quad = new Quad(app.getCamera().getWidth(), app.getCamera().getHeight());
Geometry overlay = new Geometry("Overlay", quad);
overlayBackground = new Geometry("Overlay", quad);
Material material = new Material(app.getAssetManager(), "Common/MatDefs/Misc/Unshaded.j3md");
material.setColor("Color", new ColorRGBA(0, 0, 0, 0.5f)); // Semi-transparent black
overlay.setLocalTranslation(0, 0, 0);
return overlay;
overlayBackground.setLocalTranslation(0, 0, 0);
* Creates the background container with styling.
* @return the styled background container
private Container createBackgroundContainer() {
Container container = new Container();
container.setBackground(new QuadBackgroundComponent(new ColorRGBA(0.8657f, 0.8735f, 0.8892f, 1.0f))); // Light gray background
return container;
private void createBackgroundContainer() {
backgroundContainer = new Container();
backgroundContainer.setBackground(new QuadBackgroundComponent(new ColorRGBA(0.8657f, 0.8735f, 0.8892f, 1.0f))); // Light gray background
* Creates the main rent container with title, text, and button.
* @param playerName the name of the player to whom the rent is owed
* @param playerName the name of the player who paid the rent
* @param amount the rent amount
* @return the rent container
private Container createRentContainer(String playerName, int amount) {
Container container = new Container();
container.setBackground(new QuadBackgroundComponent(ColorRGBA.Gray));
container.setPreferredSize(new Vector3f(550, 250, 10));
private void createRentContainer(String playerName, int amount) {
rentContainer = new Container();
rentContainer.setBackground(new QuadBackgroundComponent(ColorRGBA.Gray));
rentContainer.setPreferredSize(new Vector3f(550, 250, 10));
// Title
Label title = container.addChild(new Label("Miete!", new ElementId("warning-title")));
Label title = rentContainer.addChild(new Label("Miete!", new ElementId("warning-title")));
// Rent message
Container textContainer = container.addChild(new Container());
textContainer.addChild(new Label(playerName+ " zahlt dir " + amount + " EUR Miete",
Container textContainer = rentContainer.addChild(new Container());
textContainer.addChild(new Label(playerName + " zahlt dir " + amount + " EUR Miete",
new ElementId("label-Text")));
textContainer.setBackground(new QuadBackgroundComponent(new ColorRGBA(0.4657f, 0.4735f, 0.4892f, 1.0f)));
textContainer.setPreferredSize(container.getPreferredSize().addLocal(-250, -200, 0));
textContainer.setPreferredSize(rentContainer.getPreferredSize().addLocal(-250, -200, 0));
// Payment button
Button payButton = container.addChild(new Button("Bestätigen", new ElementId("button")));
payButton.addClickCommands(s -> ifTopDialog( () -> {
// Confirmation button
Button confirmButton = rentContainer.addChild(new Button("Bestätigen", new ElementId("button")));
confirmButton.addClickCommands(s -> ifTopDialog(() -> {
return container;
@ -145,20 +125,22 @@ public class ReceivedRent extends Dialog {
* Closes the popup and removes GUI elements.
public void show() {
public void close() {
* Handles the escape action to close the dialog.
public void escape() {
@ -12,19 +12,16 @@ import com.simsilica.lemur.Label;
import com.simsilica.lemur.component.QuadBackgroundComponent;
import pp.dialog.Dialog;
import pp.dialog.PopupDialog;
import pp.monopoly.client.MonopolyApp;
import pp.monopoly.message.server.TradeReply;
import pp.monopoly.notification.Sound;
* RejectTrade is a popup that appears when a trade proposal is rejected by another player
* in the Monopoly application.
* <p>
* Displays a message indicating that the proposed trade has been declined, along with
* details of the involved players and provides an option to close the popup.
* </p>
* RejectTrade is a popup that appears when a trade proposal is rejected by another player.
* Displays a message indicating the rejection and provides an option to close the popup.
public class RejectTrade extends Dialog {
public class RejectTrade extends Dialog implements PopupDialog {
/** Reference to the Monopoly application instance. */
private final MonopolyApp app;
@ -32,12 +29,11 @@ public class RejectTrade extends Dialog {
private final Geometry overlayBackground;
/** Main container for the rejection message content. */
private final Container noMoneyWarningContainer;
private final Container rejectTradeContainer;
/** Background container providing a border for the popup. */
private final Container backgroundContainer;
* Constructs the RejectTrade popup displaying the rejection of a trade proposal.
@ -48,68 +44,15 @@ public class RejectTrade extends Dialog {
|||| = app;
// Halbtransparentes Overlay hinzufügen
overlayBackground = createOverlayBackground();
backgroundContainer = createBackgroundContainer();
rejectTradeContainer = createRejectTradeContainer(msg);
// Create the background container
backgroundContainer = new Container();
backgroundContainer.setBackground(new QuadBackgroundComponent(new ColorRGBA(0.8657f, 0.8735f, 0.8892f, 1.0f))); // Darker background
// Hauptcontainer für die Warnung
noMoneyWarningContainer = new Container();
noMoneyWarningContainer.setBackground(new QuadBackgroundComponent(new ColorRGBA(0.8657f, 0.8735f, 0.8892f, 1.0f)));
noMoneyWarningContainer.setPreferredSize(new Vector3f(550,250,10));
float padding = 10; // Passt den backgroundContainer an die Größe des bankruptContainers an
backgroundContainer.setPreferredSize(noMoneyWarningContainer.getPreferredSize().addLocal(padding, padding, 0));
// Titel
Label gateFieldTitle = noMoneyWarningContainer.addChild(new Label("Handel abgelehnt!", new ElementId("warning-title")));
// Text, der im Popup steht
Container textContainer = noMoneyWarningContainer.addChild(new Container());
textContainer.addChild(new Label("Du hast Spieler"+ " " + msg.getTradeHandler().getReceiver().getName() + " " + "einen Handel vorgeschlagen", new ElementId("label-Text")));
textContainer.addChild(new Label("", new ElementId("label-Text")));
textContainer.addChild(new Label("Der Handel wurde abgelehnt", new ElementId("label-Text")));
textContainer.setBackground(new QuadBackgroundComponent(new ColorRGBA(0.4657f, 0.4735f, 0.4892f, 1.0f)));
// Passt den textContainer an die Größe des bankruptContainers an
// Beenden-Button
Button quitButton = noMoneyWarningContainer.addChild(new Button("Bestätigen", new ElementId("button")));
quitButton.addClickCommands(source -> ifTopDialog(() -> {
// Zentriere das Popup
(app.getCamera().getWidth() - noMoneyWarningContainer.getPreferredSize().x) / 2,
(app.getCamera().getHeight() + noMoneyWarningContainer.getPreferredSize().y) / 2,
// Zentriere das Popup
(app.getCamera().getWidth() - noMoneyWarningContainer.getPreferredSize().x - padding) / 2,
(app.getCamera().getHeight() + noMoneyWarningContainer.getPreferredSize().y+ padding) / 2,
* Creates a semi-transparent background overlay for the popup.
* Creates the semi-transparent background overlay for the popup.
* @return the geometry of the overlay
@ -117,7 +60,7 @@ public class RejectTrade extends Dialog {
Quad quad = new Quad(app.getCamera().getWidth(), app.getCamera().getHeight());
Geometry overlay = new Geometry("Overlay", quad);
Material material = new Material(app.getAssetManager(), "Common/MatDefs/Misc/Unshaded.j3md");
material.setColor("Color", new ColorRGBA(0, 0, 0, 0.5f)); // Halbtransparent
material.setColor("Color", new ColorRGBA(0, 0, 0, 0.5f)); // Semi-transparent black
overlay.setLocalTranslation(0, 0, 0);
@ -125,21 +68,89 @@ public class RejectTrade extends Dialog {
* Closes the menu and removes the GUI elements.
* Creates the background container for the dialog.
* @return A styled container for the dialog background.
public void close() {
app.getGuiNode().detachChild(noMoneyWarningContainer); // Entferne das Menü
app.getGuiNode().detachChild(backgroundContainer); //Entfernt Rand
app.getGuiNode().detachChild(overlayBackground); // Entferne das Overlay
private Container createBackgroundContainer() {
Container container = new Container();
container.setBackground(new QuadBackgroundComponent(new ColorRGBA(0.8657f, 0.8735f, 0.8892f, 1.0f))); // Light gray background
return container;
* Handles the escape key action by closing the popup.
* Creates the main container for the RejectTrade dialog UI.
* @param msg the trade reply message containing details about the rejected trade
* @return The container for the rejection message and action button
private Container createRejectTradeContainer(TradeReply msg) {
Container container = new Container();
container.setBackground(new QuadBackgroundComponent(new ColorRGBA(0.8657f, 0.8735f, 0.8892f, 1.0f)));
container.setPreferredSize(new Vector3f(550, 250, 10));
// Title
Label title = container.addChild(new Label("Handel abgelehnt!", new ElementId("warning-title")));
// Rejection message
Container textContainer = container.addChild(new Container());
textContainer.addChild(new Label("Du hast " + msg.getTradeHandler().getReceiver().getName()
+ " einen Handel vorgeschlagen.", new ElementId("label-Text")));
textContainer.addChild(new Label("", new ElementId("label-Text")));
textContainer.addChild(new Label("Der Handel wurde abgelehnt.", new ElementId("label-Text")));
textContainer.setBackground(new QuadBackgroundComponent(new ColorRGBA(0.4657f, 0.4735f, 0.4892f, 1.0f)));
textContainer.setPreferredSize(container.getPreferredSize().addLocal(-250, -200, 0));
// Confirmation button
Button confirmButton = container.addChild(new Button("Bestätigen", new ElementId("button")));
confirmButton.addClickCommands(source -> ifTopDialog(() -> {
return container;
* Adjusts the padding and centers the dialog on the screen.
private void adjustPaddingAndCenter() {
float padding = 10;
backgroundContainer.setPreferredSize(rejectTradeContainer.getPreferredSize().addLocal(padding, padding, 0));
(app.getCamera().getWidth() - rejectTradeContainer.getPreferredSize().x) / 2,
(app.getCamera().getHeight() + rejectTradeContainer.getPreferredSize().y) / 2,
(app.getCamera().getWidth() - backgroundContainer.getPreferredSize().x) / 2,
(app.getCamera().getHeight() + backgroundContainer.getPreferredSize().y) / 2,
public void show() {
public void close() {
public void escape() {
@ -12,65 +12,58 @@ import com.simsilica.lemur.Label;
import com.simsilica.lemur.component.QuadBackgroundComponent;
import pp.dialog.Dialog;
import pp.dialog.PopupDialog;
import pp.monopoly.client.MonopolyApp;
import pp.monopoly.notification.Sound;
* Rent is a popup that is triggered when a player lands on a property owned by another player
* and needs to pay rent in the Monopoly application.
* <p>
* Displays the rent amount and the recipient player's name, with an option to confirm the payment.
* </p>
public class Rent extends Dialog {
public class Rent extends Dialog implements PopupDialog {
/** Reference to the Monopoly application instance. */
private final MonopolyApp app;
/** Semi-transparent overlay background for the popup. */
private final Geometry overlayBackground;
/** Main container for the rent information and action. */
private final Container rentContainer;
/** Background container providing a border for the rent popup. */
private final Container backgroundContainer;
* Constructs the Rent popup displaying the rent amount and recipient player.
* Constructs the Rent popup displaying the rent amount and recipient player's name.
* @param app the Monopoly application instance
* @param playerName the name of the player to whom the rent is owed
* @param amount the amount of rent to be paid
* @param playerName the name of the player to pay rent to
* @param amount the amount of rent to pay
public Rent(MonopolyApp app, String playerName, int amount) {
|||| = app;
// Create the overlay
// Create the overlay and containers
overlayBackground = createOverlayBackground();
// Create and position the background container
backgroundContainer = createBackgroundContainer();
// Create and position the rent container
rentContainer = createRentContainer(playerName, amount);
// Center containers (positioning logic only, no GUI attachment)
* Creates a semi-transparent overlay background.
* Creates the semi-transparent overlay background for the popup.
* @return the overlay geometry
* @return the geometry of the overlay
private Geometry createOverlayBackground() {
Quad quad = new Quad(app.getCamera().getWidth(), app.getCamera().getHeight());
Geometry overlay = new Geometry("Overlay", quad);
Material material = new Material(app.getAssetManager(), "Common/MatDefs/Misc/Unshaded.j3md");
material.setColor("Color", new ColorRGBA(0, 0, 0, 0.5f)); // Semi-transparent black
material.setColor("Color", new ColorRGBA(0, 0, 0, 0.5f));
overlay.setLocalTranslation(0, 0, 0);
@ -78,21 +71,21 @@ public class Rent extends Dialog {
* Creates the background container with styling.
* Creates the background container for the rent popup.
* @return the styled background container
* @return the background container
private Container createBackgroundContainer() {
Container container = new Container();
container.setBackground(new QuadBackgroundComponent(new ColorRGBA(0.8657f, 0.8735f, 0.8892f, 1.0f))); // Light gray background
container.setBackground(new QuadBackgroundComponent(new ColorRGBA(0.8657f, 0.8735f, 0.8892f, 1.0f)));
return container;
* Creates the main rent container with title, text, and button.
* Creates the main container for the rent popup.
* @param playerName the name of the player to whom the rent is owed
* @param amount the rent amount
* @param playerName the name of the player to pay rent to
* @param amount the amount of rent to pay
* @return the rent container
private Container createRentContainer(String playerName, int amount) {
@ -100,25 +93,21 @@ public class Rent extends Dialog {
container.setBackground(new QuadBackgroundComponent(ColorRGBA.Gray));
container.setPreferredSize(new Vector3f(550, 250, 10));
// Title
Label title = container.addChild(new Label("Miete!", new ElementId("warning-title")));
// Rent message
Container textContainer = container.addChild(new Container());
textContainer.addChild(new Label("Du musst " + amount + " EUR Miete an " + playerName + " zahlen",
textContainer.addChild(new Label("Du musst " + amount + " EUR Miete an " + playerName + " zahlen",
new ElementId("label-Text")));
textContainer.setBackground(new QuadBackgroundComponent(new ColorRGBA(0.4657f, 0.4735f, 0.4892f, 1.0f)));
textContainer.setPreferredSize(container.getPreferredSize().addLocal(-250, -200, 0));
// Payment button
Button payButton = container.addChild(new Button("Überweisen", new ElementId("button")));
payButton.addClickCommands(s -> ifTopDialog( () -> {
payButton.addClickCommands(s -> ifTopDialog(() -> {
return container;
@ -130,14 +119,12 @@ public class Rent extends Dialog {
private void centerContainers() {
float padding = 10;
// Center rent container
(app.getCamera().getWidth() - rentContainer.getPreferredSize().x) / 2,
(app.getCamera().getHeight() + rentContainer.getPreferredSize().y) / 2,
// Center background container with padding
backgroundContainer.setPreferredSize(rentContainer.getPreferredSize().addLocal(padding, padding, 0));
(app.getCamera().getWidth() - backgroundContainer.getPreferredSize().x) / 2,
@ -146,22 +133,25 @@ public class Rent extends Dialog {
* Closes the popup and removes GUI elements.
public void show() {
// Attach components to GUI only when the dialog is displayed via DialogManager
public void close() {
* Handles the escape action to close the dialog.
public void escape() {
@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ import com.simsilica.lemur.Button;
import com.simsilica.lemur.Container;
import com.simsilica.lemur.Label;
import com.simsilica.lemur.Selector;
import com.simsilica.lemur.TextField;
import com.simsilica.lemur.component.QuadBackgroundComponent;
import com.simsilica.lemur.component.SpringGridLayout;
import com.simsilica.lemur.core.VersionedList;
@ -30,10 +29,10 @@ import;
* RepayMortage is a popup that appears when a player selects the "Repay Mortgage" option
* in the Building Administration Menu.
* <p>
* This popup allows the player to select mortgaged properties and repay their mortgages,
* showing the total cost of the repayment. Includes options to confirm or cancel the repayment.
* </p>
public class RepayMortage extends Dialog {
/** Reference to the Monopoly application instance. */
@ -232,9 +231,6 @@ public class RepayMortage extends Dialog {
* Closes the popup and removes its associated GUI elements.
public void close() {
app.getGuiNode().detachChild(repayMortageContainer); // Entferne das Menü
@ -242,9 +238,6 @@ public class RepayMortage extends Dialog {
* Opens the settings menu when the escape key is pressed.
public void escape() {
new SettingsMenu(app).open();
@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ import com.simsilica.lemur.Button;
import com.simsilica.lemur.Container;
import com.simsilica.lemur.Label;
import com.simsilica.lemur.Selector;
import com.simsilica.lemur.TextField;
import com.simsilica.lemur.component.QuadBackgroundComponent;
import com.simsilica.lemur.component.SpringGridLayout;
import com.simsilica.lemur.core.VersionedList;
@ -30,10 +29,10 @@ import;
* SellHouse is a popup that appears when a player clicks on the "Demolish" button
* in the BuildingAdminMenu.
* <p>
* This dialog allows players to select their properties and demolish houses or hotels
* for a partial refund of their purchase cost.
* </p>
public class SellHouse extends Dialog {
/** Reference to the Monopoly application instance. */
@ -231,9 +230,6 @@ public class SellHouse extends Dialog {
* Closes the dialog and removes GUI elements from the screen.
public void close() {
app.getGuiNode().detachChild(sellhouseContainer); // Entferne das Menü
@ -241,9 +237,6 @@ public class SellHouse extends Dialog {
* Handles the escape action to close the dialog.
public void escape() {
new SettingsMenu(app).open();
@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ import com.simsilica.lemur.Button;
import com.simsilica.lemur.Container;
import com.simsilica.lemur.Label;
import com.simsilica.lemur.Selector;
import com.simsilica.lemur.TextField;
import com.simsilica.lemur.component.QuadBackgroundComponent;
import com.simsilica.lemur.component.SpringGridLayout;
import com.simsilica.lemur.core.VersionedList;
@ -241,9 +240,6 @@ public class TakeMortage extends Dialog {
* Closes the dialog and removes GUI elements from the screen.
public void close() {
app.getGuiNode().detachChild(takeMortageContainer); // Entferne das Menü
@ -251,9 +247,6 @@ public class TakeMortage extends Dialog {
* Handles the escape action to close the dialog.
public void escape() {
new SettingsMenu(app).open();
@ -18,9 +18,9 @@ import pp.monopoly.notification.Sound;
* WinnerPopUp is a dialog displayed when a player wins the Monopoly game.
* <p>
* This popup congratulates the player for their victory and provides an option to quit the game.
* </p>
public class WinnerPopUp extends Dialog {
/** Reference to the Monopoly application instance. */
@ -121,9 +121,6 @@ public class WinnerPopUp extends Dialog {
return overlay;
* Closes the WinnerPopUp dialog and removes its GUI elements.
public void close() {
app.getGuiNode().detachChild(WinnerContainer); // Entferne das Menü
@ -132,9 +129,6 @@ public class WinnerPopUp extends Dialog {
* Handles the escape action to close the dialog.
public void escape() {
After Width: | Height: | Size: 121 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 114 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 304 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 473 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 94 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 136 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 136 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 588 KiB |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 707 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 18 MiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 14 MiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 215 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 60 KiB |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 478 KiB |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 3.2 MiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 3.5 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 518 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 55 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 552 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 100 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 24 MiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 215 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 60 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 66 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 200 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 6.7 MiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 41 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 31 MiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 57 MiB |
@ -69,10 +69,13 @@ public class ClientGameLogic implements ServerInterpreter, GameEventBroker {
/** The current state of the client game logic. */
private ClientState state = new LobbyState(this);
/** The player handler containing information about all players in the game. */
private PlayerHandler playerHandler;
/** The board manager containing information about all fields on the board. */
private BoardManager boardManager = new BoardManager();
/** The trade handler containing information about trades in the game. */
private TradeHandler tradeHandler;
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
import java.lang.System.Logger;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
@ -39,24 +40,35 @@ import pp.monopoly.model.fields.WacheField;
* Class representing a player
public class Player implements FieldVisitor<Void>{
public class Player implements FieldVisitor<Void> {
/** The logger for this class */
private final static Logger LOGGER = System.getLogger(Player.class.getName());
/** The player id */
private final int id;
/** The player name */
private String name;
/** The player account balance */
private int accountBalance = 15000;
/** The player figure */
private String figure;
/** The player properties */
private Set<Integer> properties = new HashSet<>();
/** The number of GetOutOfJailCards owned by the player */
private int getOutOfJailCard;
/** The current field id of the player */
private int fieldID;
/** The result of the last dice roll */
private DiceResult rollResult;
/** The player handler */
private transient final PlayerHandler handler;
/** The current state of the player */
private transient PlayerState state = new WaitForTurnState();
* Default constructor for serialization purposes.
private Player(){
id = 0;
handler = null;
this(0, null);
@ -69,6 +81,7 @@ public class Player implements FieldVisitor<Void>{
|||| = name;
|||| = id;
this.handler = handler;
LOGGER.log(Logger.Level.INFO, "Player created: " + name);
@ -77,8 +90,7 @@ public class Player implements FieldVisitor<Void>{
* @param handler the PlayerHandler this player is a part of
public Player(int id, PlayerHandler handler) {
|||| = id;
this.handler = handler;
this(id, null, handler);
@ -97,6 +109,10 @@ public class Player implements FieldVisitor<Void>{
return figure;
* Returns the color of the player
* @return the color of the player
public static PlayerColor getColor(int id) {
switch ((id%6)+1) {
case 1: return PlayerColor.CYAN;
@ -143,6 +159,10 @@ public class Player implements FieldVisitor<Void>{
return fieldID;
* Sets the state of the player to active
* If the player is in jail, the player will be asked to pay the bail
void setActive() {
System.out.println("State: "+state.getClass().getName());
if(!(state instanceof JailState)) {
@ -153,6 +173,11 @@ public class Player implements FieldVisitor<Void>{
* Finish the turn of the player
* If the player has a negative account balance, the player will be bankrupted
* @return true if the turn was finished successfully, false if the player is bankrupt
boolean finishTurn() {
if(canFinishTurn()) {
if (state instanceof ActiveState) state = new WaitForTurnState();
@ -164,14 +189,26 @@ public class Player implements FieldVisitor<Void>{
* Checks if the player can finish the turn
* @return true if the player can finish the turn, false if the player is bankrupt
boolean canFinishTurn() {
return accountBalance >= 0;
* Returns the current state of the player
* @return the current state of the player
public PlayerState getState() {
return state;
* Sets the state of the player
* @param state the new state of the player
public void setState(PlayerState state) {
this.state = state;
@ -206,7 +243,7 @@ public class Player implements FieldVisitor<Void>{
return fieldID;
* Sets the player to the specified Position on the board
* @param position the position to move to
* @return the new position
@ -297,7 +334,7 @@ public class Player implements FieldVisitor<Void>{
* Return the number of GEtOutOfJailCards owned by this player
* @return
* @return the number of GetOutOfJailCards owned by this player
public int getNumJailCard() {
return getOutOfJailCard;
@ -335,7 +372,11 @@ public class Player implements FieldVisitor<Void>{
private void sendRentNotification(String keyword, Player player, int amount) {
* Sends a notification to the player
* @param keyword the keyword of the notification
private void sendNotification(String keyword, Player player, int amount) {
NotificationMessage msg = new NotificationMessage(keyword);
@ -351,8 +392,8 @@ public class Player implements FieldVisitor<Void>{
int rent = field.calcRent();
sendRentNotification("ReceivedRent", field.getOwner(), rent);
sendRentNotification("rent", this, rent);
sendNotification("ReceivedRent", this, rent);
sendNotification("rent", field.getOwner(), rent);
return null;
@ -369,8 +410,8 @@ public class Player implements FieldVisitor<Void>{
int rent = rollResult.calcTotal()*factor;
sendRentNotification("ReceivedRent", field.getOwner(), rent);
sendRentNotification("rent", this, rent);
sendNotification("ReceivedRent", this, rent);
sendNotification("rent", field.getOwner(), rent);
return null;
@ -384,8 +425,8 @@ public class Player implements FieldVisitor<Void>{
sendRentNotification("ReceivedRent", field.getOwner(), rent);
sendRentNotification("rent", this, rent);
sendNotification("ReceivedRent", this, rent);
sendNotification("rent", field.getOwner(), rent);
return null;
@ -450,6 +491,9 @@ public class Player implements FieldVisitor<Void>{
handler.getLogic().send(this, new JailEvent(true));
* Sends the player to jail by setting position and state.
void jail() {
state = new JailState();
fieldID = 10;
@ -473,6 +517,10 @@ public class Player implements FieldVisitor<Void>{
return count;
* Return the number of Houses owned by the player
* @return the number of houses owned by the player
public int getNumHouses() {
int total = 0;
for (PropertyField field : getPropertyFields()) {
@ -483,6 +531,10 @@ public class Player implements FieldVisitor<Void>{
return total;
* Return the number of Hotels owned by the player
* @return the number of hotels owned by the player
public int getNumHotels() {
int total = 0;
for (PropertyField field : getPropertyFields()) {
@ -526,7 +578,10 @@ public class Player implements FieldVisitor<Void>{
DiceResult rollDice() {
return state.rollDice();
* Bankrupts the player by removing all properties and setting the account balance to 0.
private void bankrupt() {
for (PropertyField field : getPropertyFields()) {
@ -654,6 +709,10 @@ public class Player implements FieldVisitor<Void>{
* A class to represent the WaitForTurn PlayerState
* Set when it is not the players turn
private class WaitForTurnState implements PlayerState {
@ -676,10 +735,18 @@ public class Player implements FieldVisitor<Void>{
return "Player{name=" + name + ", figure=" + figure + "}";
* Adds a property to the player
* @param id the id of the property to be added
public void addProperty(Integer id) {
* Removes a property from the player
* @param id the id of the property to be removed
public void removeProperty(Integer id) {
@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ public class PlayerHandler {
* @param index the index of the queue
* @return the Player at the required index
Player getPlayerAtIndex(int index) {
public Player getPlayerAtIndex(int index) {
return players.get(index);
@ -172,12 +172,20 @@ public class PlayerHandler {
* Sets the starting balance for all players
* @param amount the amount to be set
public void setStartBalance(int amount) {
for (Player player : players) {
* Sets a player to have an extra turn
* @param player the player to have an extra turn
public void extraTurn(Player player) {
if (players.contains(player)) extra = player;
@ -38,15 +38,26 @@ import pp.monopoly.model.fields.PropertyField;
* Manages game states, player interactions, and message handling.
public class ServerGameLogic implements ClientInterpreter {
* The logger for the ServerGameLogic class.
private static final Logger LOGGER = System.getLogger(ServerGameLogic.class.getName());
/** The game configuration. */
private final MonopolyConfig config;
/** The player handler for managing players. */
private final PlayerHandler playerHandler = new PlayerHandler(this);
/** The sender used to send messages to clients. */
private final ServerSender serverSender;
/** The current state of the game. */
private ServerState state = ServerState.LOBBY;
/** The maximum number of players allowed in the game. */
private static final int MAX_PLAYERS = 6;
/** The board manager for managing the game board. */
private BoardManager boardManager = new BoardManager();
/** The deck helper for managing card decks. */
private final DeckHelper deckHelper = new DeckHelper();
/** The amount of money each player starts with. */
private int startMoney;
@ -383,10 +394,21 @@ public class ServerGameLogic implements ClientInterpreter {
return boardManager;
* Retrieves the player handler, which manages player actions and turns.
* @param id the id of the player to retrieve
* @return the PlayerHandler instance managing players
public Player getPlayerById(int id) {
return playerHandler.getPlayerById(id);
* Retrieves the deck helper, which manages decks of cards.
* @return the deck helper
public DeckHelper getDeckHelper() {
return deckHelper;
@ -452,6 +474,9 @@ public class ServerGameLogic implements ClientInterpreter {
* Generates a predefined game state for testing and demo purposes.
private void generatePredefinedGameState() {
if(playerHandler.getPlayerCount() < 2) {
@ -4,14 +4,24 @@ import java.util.Set;
* Sent by the client to the server to alter the properties of a field.
public class AlterProperty extends ClientMessage{
/** The keyword to indicate what action should be performed */
private String keyword;
/** The properties that should be altered */
private Set<Integer> properties;
/** No-Args Construcotr for serilization */
private AlterProperty() {}
* Create a new AlterProperty message.
* @param keyword The keyword to indicate what action should be performed
public AlterProperty(String keyword) {
this.keyword = keyword;
@ -21,14 +31,26 @@ public class AlterProperty extends ClientMessage{
interpreter.received(this, from);
* Returns the keyword to indicate what action should be performed.
* @return keyword The keyword to indicate what action should be performed
public String getKeyword() {
return keyword;
* Sets the properties that should be altered.
* @param properties The properties that should be altered
public void setProperties(Set<Integer> properties) {
|||| = properties;
* Returns the properties that should be altered.
* @return properties The properties that should be altered
public Set<Integer> getProperties() {
return properties;
@ -2,17 +2,30 @@ package pp.monopoly.message.client;
* Sent by the client to answer a notification.
public class NotificationAnswer extends ClientMessage{
/** The keyword to indicate the awnser */
private String keyword;
/** No-Args constructor for serilization */
private NotificationAnswer() {}
* Create a new NotificationAnswer
* @param keyword the keyword to indicate the awnser
public NotificationAnswer(String keyword) {
this.keyword = keyword;
* Get the keyword to indicate the awnser
* @return the keyword to indicate the awnser
public String getKeyword() {
return keyword;
@ -31,18 +31,34 @@ public class PlayerReady extends ClientMessage {
this.startMoney = startMoney;
* Returns the name of the player.
* @return the name of the player
public String getName() {
return name;
* Returns the figure of the player.
* @return the figure of the player
public String getFigure() {
return figure;
* Returns whether the player is ready.
* @return whether the player is ready
public boolean isReady() {
return isReady;
* Returns the initial capital of the game.
* @return the initial capital of the game
public int getStartMoney() {
return startMoney;
@ -25,6 +25,11 @@ public class TradeOffer extends ClientMessage{
this.tradehandler = tradehandler;
* Returns the tradehandler.
* @return the tradehandler
public TradeHandler getTradeHandler() { return tradehandler; }
@ -8,8 +8,10 @@ import;
public class ViewAssetsRequest extends ClientMessage{
public ViewAssetsRequest() {
* Constructor needed for the serialization.
public ViewAssetsRequest() {}
public void accept(ClientInterpreter interpreter, int from) {
@ -2,26 +2,44 @@ package pp.monopoly.message.server;
* Sent from server to client to inform about a build action.
public class BuildInfo extends ServerMessage {
/** Id of the field that was altered */
private final int id;
/** True if a house/hotel was added, false if it was removed */
private final boolean added;
/** No-args constructor required for serialization */
private BuildInfo() {
this(0, false);
* Create a new BuildInfo message.
* @param id Id of the field that was altered
* @param added True if a house/hotel was added, false if it was removed
public BuildInfo(int id, boolean added) {
|||| = id;
this.added = added;
* Get the id of the field that was altered.
* @return Id of the field that was altered
public int getId() {
return id;
* Check if a house/hotel was added.
* @return True if a house/hotel was added, false if it was removed
public boolean isAdded() {
return added;
@ -2,6 +2,9 @@ package pp.monopoly.message.server;
* Sent by the server to the client to request the client to show a buy property popup.
public class BuyPropertyRequest extends ServerMessage{
@ -4,10 +4,15 @@ import java.util.List;
* Sent by the server to the client to inform the client about the result of a dice roll.
public class DiceResult extends ServerMessage{
/** The first value of the DiceRoll */
private final int a;
/** The second value of the DiceRoll */
private final int b;
@ -18,11 +23,20 @@ public class DiceResult extends ServerMessage{
b = 1;
* Creates a new DiceResult with the given values.
* @param a The first value of the DiceRoll
* @param b The second value of the DiceRoll
public DiceResult(int a, int b) {
this.a = a;
this.b = b;
* Returns the values of the DiceRoll.
* @return The values of the DiceRoll
public List<Integer> getRollResult() {
return List.of(a,b);
@ -31,11 +45,19 @@ public class DiceResult extends ServerMessage{
public void accept(ServerInterpreter interpreter) {
* Returns whether the DiceRoll is a doublets.
* @return Whether the DiceRoll is a doublets
public boolean isDoublets() {
return a == b;
* Returns the total value of the DiceRoll.
* @return The total value of the DiceRoll
public int calcTotal() {
return a+b;
@ -2,8 +2,14 @@ package pp.monopoly.message.server;
* Message to inform the player that the game is over and if he won or not.
public class GameOver extends ServerMessage{
public class GameOver extends ServerMessage {
* Whether the player is the winner.
private boolean isWinner;
@ -11,10 +17,20 @@ public class GameOver extends ServerMessage{
private GameOver() { /* empty */ }
* Creates a new GameOver message.
* @param isWinner true if the player is the winner, false otherwise
public GameOver(boolean isWinner) {
this.isWinner = isWinner;
* Returns whether the player is the winner.
* @return true if the player is the winner, false otherwise
public boolean isWinner() {
return isWinner;
@ -7,6 +7,9 @@ import;
public class GameStart extends ServerMessage{
* The PlayerHandler. This is the object that contains all the players and their information.
private PlayerHandler playerHandler;
@ -14,10 +17,20 @@ public class GameStart extends ServerMessage{
private GameStart() { /* empty */ }
* Creates a new GameStart message.
* @param playerHandler the playerHandler
public GameStart(PlayerHandler playerHandler) {
this.playerHandler = playerHandler;
* Returns the PlayerHandler. This is the object that contains all the players and their information.
* @return the playerHandler
public PlayerHandler getPlayerHandler() {
return playerHandler;
@ -2,9 +2,13 @@ package pp.monopoly.message.server;
* Message for the client to inform him that a player is going to jail or leaving jail.
public class JailEvent extends ServerMessage{
/** true if the player is going to jail, false if he is leaving jail */
private boolean goingToJail;
@ -12,10 +16,20 @@ public class JailEvent extends ServerMessage{
private JailEvent() { /* empty */ }
* Creates a new JailEvent.
* @param goingToJail true if the player is going to jail, false if he is leaving jail
public JailEvent(boolean goingToJail) {
this.goingToJail = goingToJail;
* Returns true if the player is going to jail, false if he is leaving jail.
* @return true if the player is going to jail, false if he is leaving jail
public boolean isGoingToJail() {
return goingToJail;