naofireblade e01fb8df28 Bugfixes and changes in periodic refresh
* periodic refresh is now optional (minimum 60s)
* refresh while cleaning is now 30s
* fixed a bug where the robot starts to drive home after some minutes of
2017-05-07 16:31:41 +02:00

24 lines
627 B

## 0.1.0
* Added start and pause cleaning
* Added return to base
* Added enable and disable schedule
* Added enable and disable eco mode
* Added battery info
## 0.2.0
* Added dock info
* Improved logging to use a debug library
## 0.2.1
* Improved the go to dock command
## 0.3.0
* Added periodic refresh of robot state while cleaning
* Added optional periodic refresh of robot state while not cleaning
* Improved go to dock switch to be enabled as soon as possible without manual refresh
* Improved switches to indicate the time an action needs to complete
* Improved eco mode to not be overwritten by robot state update